“Plasmas” up to a kilome.e. in size.and be.aving similarly to multice.lular organisms have.be.n filme. on 10 se.arate.NASA space.shuttle.missions, ove. 200 mile. above.e.rth within the.the.mosphe.e. The.e.se.f-illum...
“Plasmas” up to a kilome.e. in size.and be.aving similarly to multice.lular organisms have.be.n filme. on 10 se.arate.NASA space.shuttle.missions, ove. 200 mile. above.e.rth within the.the.mosphe.e. The.e.se.f-illuminate. “plasmas” are.attracte. to and may “fe.d on” e.e.tromagne.ic radiation. The. have.diffe.e.t morphologie.: 1) cone. 2) cloud, 3) donut, 4) sphe.ical-cylindrical;and have.be.n filme. flying towards and de.ce.ding from the.the.mosphe.e.into thunde.storms;congre.ating by the.hundre.s and inte.acting with sate.lite. ge.e.ating e.e.tromagne.ic activity;approaching the.Space.Shuttle.. Compute.ize. analysis of flight path traje.torie. docume.ts the.e.plasmas trave. at diffe.e.t ve.ocitie. from diffe.e.t dire.tions and change.the.r angle.of traje.tory making 45°, 90°, and 180° shifts and follow e.ch othe.. The.’ve.be.n filme. acce.e.ating, slowing down, stopping, congre.ating, e.gaging in “hunte.-pre.atory” be.avior and inte.se.ting plasmas le.ving a plasma dust trail in the.r wake. Similar life.like.be.aviors have.be.n de.onstrate. by plasmas cre.te. e.pe.ime.tally. “Plasmas” may have.be.n photographe. in the.1940s by WWII pilots (ide.tifie. as “Foo fighte.s”);re.e.te.ly obse.ve. and filme. by astronauts and military pilots and classifie. as Unide.tifie. Ae.ial—Anomalous Phe.ome.on. Plasmas are.not biological but may re.re.e.t a form of pre.life.that via the.incorporation of e.e.e.ts common in space. could re.ult in the.synthe.is of RNA. Plasmas constitute.a fourth state.of matte., are.attracte. to e.e.tromagne.ic activity, and whe. obse.ve. in the.lowe. atmosphe.e.like.y account for many of the.UFO-UAP sightings ove. the.ce.turie..