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检索条件"作者=Dragomir N. Neshev"
18 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
n.n.in.ar frequen.y con.ersion.in.optical n.n.an.en.as an. metasurfaces:materials evolution.an. fabrication
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Opto-Electron.c Advan.es 2018年 第10期1卷 1-12页
作者: Mohsen.Rahman. Giuseppe Leo Igal Bren.r An.toly V. Zayats Stefan.A. Maier Costan.in. De An.elis Hoe Tan.Valerio Flavio Gili Fouad Karouta Rupert Oulton.Kaushal Vora Mykhaylo Lysevych Isabelle Staude Lei Xu An.rey E. Miroshn.chen.o Chen.upati Jagadish dragomir n. neshev Research School of Physics an. En.in.erin. The Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Matériaux et Phén.n.s Quan.iques Université Paris Diderot-Sorbonne Paris Cité 10 rue A. Domon et L. Duquet 75013 Paris France Cen.er for In.egrated n.n.techn.logies Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque New Mexico 87185 United States Departmen. of Physics King’s College London Strand London WC2R 2LS United Kingdom The Blackett Laboratory Department of Physics Imperial College London London SW7 2AZ United Kingdom Chair in.Hybrid n.n.systems Nano Institute Munich Fakultat für Physik Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München München Germany Deptartmen. of In.ormation.En.in.erin. Universitàdegli Studi di Brescia and INO-CNR Via Branze 38 25123 Brescia Italy In.titute of Applied Physics Abbe Center of Photonics Friedrich Schiller University Jena 07745 Jena Germany School of En.in.erin. an. In.ormation.Techn.logy University of New South Wales Canberra ACT 2600 Australia
n.n.in.ar frequen.y con.ersion.is on. of the most fun.amen.al processes in.n.n.in.ar *** has a wide ran.e of application. in.our daily lives,in.ludin. n.vel light sources,sen.in.,an. in.ormation.*** is usually assumed... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Third-harmon.c gen.ration.an. imagin. with reson.n. Si membran. metasurface
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Opto-Electron.c Advan.es 2023年 第8期6卷 18-27页
作者: Ze Zhen. Lei Xu Lujun.Huan. Daria Smirn.va Khosro Zan.en.h Kamali Arman.Yousefi Fu Den. Rocio Camacho-Morales Cuifen. Yin. An.rey E.Miroshn.chen.o dragomir n.neshev Mohsen.Rahman. Advan.ed Optics an. Photon.cs Laboratory Department of EngineeringSchool of Science&TechnologyNottingham Trent UniversityNottingham NG118NSUK School of En.in.erin. an. In.ormation.Techn.logy University of New South WalesCanberra ACT 2600Australia School of Physics an. Electron.c Scien.e East China Normal UniversityShanghai 200241China ARC Cen.re of Excellen.e for Tran.formative Meta-Optical Systems(TMOS) Research School of PhysicsAustralian National UniversityCanberra ACT 2601Australia Departmen. of Physics Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyKowloonHong Kong SAR 999077China
Dielectric metasurfaces play an.in.reasin.ly importan. role in.en.an.in. optical n.n.in.ar gen.ration. owin. to their ability to support stron. light-matter in.eraction. based on.Mie-type multipolar *** to metasurface... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Multidimen.ion.l syn.hetic chiral-tube lattices via n.n.in.ar frequen.y con.ersion
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Light(Scien.e & Application.) 2020年 第1期9卷 803-812页
作者: Kai Wan. Bryn.A.Bell Alexan.er S.Soln.sev dragomir n.neshev Ben.amin.J.Eggleton.An.rey A.Sukhorukov n.n.in.ar Physics Cen.re Research School of PhysicsThe Australian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia In.titute of Photon.cs an. Optical Scien.e(IPOS) School of PhysicsUniversity of SydneySydneyNSW 2006Australia Departmen. of Physics QOLSImperial College LondonLondon SW72AZUK School of Mathematical an. Physical Scien.es University of Technology SydneyUltimoNSW 2007Australia Gin.ton.Laboratory Stanford UniversityStanfordCA 94305USA
Geometrical dimen.ion.lity plays a fun.amen.ally importan. role in.the topological effects arisin. in.discrete *** direct experimen.s are limited by three spatial dimen.ion.,the research topic of syn.hetic dimen.ion. ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
En.an.ed secon.-harmon.c gen.ration.from two-dimen.ion.l MoSe_(2) on.a silicon.waveguide
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Light(Scien.e & Application.) 2017年 第1期6卷 505-511页
作者: Haitao Chen.Vin.en. Corboliou Alexan.er S Soln.sev Duk-Yon. Choi Maria A Vin.en.i Domen.co de Ceglia Costan.in. de An.elis Yuerui Lu dragomir n.neshev n.n.in.ar Physics Cen.re Research School of Physics and EngineeringAustralian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia In.titut d’Optique Graduate School UniversitéParis-SudPalaiseau 91127France Laser Physics Cen.re Research School of Physics and EngineeringAustralian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia n.tion.l Research Coun.il Charles M.Bowden LaboratoryRedstone ArsenalValhermoso SpringsAL 35898-5000USA Departmen. of In.ormation.En.in.erin. an. In. Cn. University of BresciaVia Branze 38Brescia 25123Italy Research School of En.in.erin. College of Engineering and Computer ScienceAustralian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia
Two-dimen.ion.l tran.ition.metal dichalcogen.des(TMDCs)with in.rin.ically broken.crystal in.ersion.symmetry an. large secon.order n.n.in.ar respon.es have shown.great promise for future n.n.in.ar light ***,the sub-n.n...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Photon.pair gen.ration.from lithium n.obate metasurface with tun.ble spatial en.an.lemen.[In.ited]
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Chin.se Optics Letters 2023年 第1期21卷 25-31页
作者: 张吉化 马进勇 dragomir n.neshev An.rey A.Sukhorukov Cen.re of Excellen.e for Tran.formative Meta-Optical Systems(TMOS) Department of Electronic Materials Engineering(EME)Research School of PhysicsThe Australian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia
The two-photon.state with spatial en.an.lemen. is an.essen.ial resource for testin. fun.amen.al laws of quan.um mechan.cs an. various quan.um *** creation.typically relies on.spon.an.ous parametric down.on.ersion.in.b... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Tun.n. the secon.-harmon.c gen.ration.in.AlGaAs n.n.dimers via n.n.radiative state optimization.[In.ited]
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Photon.cs Research 2018年 第5期6卷 I0031-I0037页
作者: DAVIDE Rocco VALERIO F.GILI LAVIn.A GHIRARDIn. LUCA CARLETTI IVAn.FAVERO An.REA LOCATELLI GIUSEPPE MARIn. dragomir n.neshev MICHELE CELEBRAn. MARCO FIn.ZZI GIUSEPPE LEO COSTAn.In. DE An.ELIS Departmen. of In.ormation.En.in.erin. University of BresciaVia Branze 3&Brescia 25123Italy Materiaux et Phen.men.s Quan.iques Universite Paris DiderotCNRS UMR 716210 rue A.Domon et L.Duquet75013 ParisFrance Departmen. of Physics Politecnico di MilanoPiazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32Milano 20133Italy n.tion.l In.titute of Optics(In.) Via Branze 45Brescia 25123Italy n.n.in.ar Physics Cen.re Research School of Physics and EngineeringThe Australian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia
Dielectric n.n.cavities are emergin. as a versatile an. powerful tool for the lin.ar an. n.n.in.ar man.pulation.of light at the n.n.scale. In.this work, we exploit the effective couplin. of electric an. toroidal modes... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Broadban. in.rared imagin. govern.d by guidedmode reson.n.e in.dielectric metasurfaces
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Light(Scien.e & Application.) 2024年 第11期13卷 2599-2610页
作者: Ze Zhen. Daria Smirn.va Gabriel San.erson.Yin. Cuifen. Demosthen.s C.Koutsogeorgis Lujun.Huan. Zixi Liu Rupert Oulton.Arman.Yousefi An.rey E.Miroshn.chen.o dragomir n.neshev Mary O’n.ill Mohsen.Rahman. Lei Xu Advan.ed Optics an. Photon.cs Laboratory Department of EngineeringSchool of Science&TechnologyNottingham Trent UniversityNottingham NG118NSUK ARC Cen.re of Excellen.e for Tran.formative Meta-Optical Systems(TMOS) Research School of PhysicsThe Australian National UniversityCanberraACT 2601Australia School of Scien.e&Techn.logy Nottingham Trent UniversityNottingham NG118NSUK School of Physics an. Electron.c Scien.e East China Normal UniversityShanghai 200241China School of Physics Nankai UniversityTianjin 300071China Departmen. of Physics Imperial College LondonLondon SW72BWUK School of En.in.erin. an. Techn.logy University of New South WalesCanberraACT 2600Australia
n.n.in.ar metasurfaces have experien.ed rapid growth recen.ly due to their poten.ial in.various application.,in.ludin. in.rared imagin. an. ***,due to the low con.ersion.efficien.ies of metasurfaces,several strategies... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
En.an.ed gen.ration.of n.n.egen.rate photon.pairs in.n.n.in.ar metasurfaces
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Advan.ed Photon.cs 2021年 第5期3卷 22-27页
作者: Matthew Parry An.rea Mazzan.i Alexan.er Poddubn. Giuseppe Della Valle dragomir n.neshev An.rey A.Sukhorukov Australia n.tion.l Un.versity Research School of PhysicsCanberraAustralia ARC Cen.re of Excellen.e for Tran.formative Meta-Optical Systems CanberraAustralia Politecn.co di Milan. Dipartimento di FisicaMilanItaly ITMO Un.versity Department of PhysicsSaint PetersburgRussia Ioffe In.titute Saint PetersburgRussia Con.iglio n.zion.le delle Ricerche Istituto di Fotonica e NanotecnologieMilanItaly
We predict theoretically a regime of photon.pair gen.ration.driven.by the in.erplay of multiple boun. states in.the con.in.um reson.n.es in.n.n.in.ar *** n.n.egen.rate photon.pair gen.ration.is derived from the hyperb... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Gian. ultrafast dichroism an. birefrin.en.e with active n.n.ocal metasurfaces
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Light(Scien.e & Application.) 2024年 第10期13卷 2240-2250页
作者: Giulia Crotti Mert Akturk An.rea Schirato Vin.en. Vin.l An.on.A.Trifon.v Ivan.C.Buchvarov dragomir n.neshev Remo Proietti Zaccaria Paolo Laporta Aristide Lemaître Giuseppe Leo Giulio Cerullo Margherita Maiuri Giuseppe Della Valle Departmen. of Physics Politecnico di Milano20133 MilanoItaly Istituto Italian. di Tecn.logia 16163 GenovaItaly Laboratoire Matériaux et Phén.n.s Quan.iques(MPQ) UniversitéParis Cité&CNRS75013 ParisFrance John.Atan.soff Cen.er for Bio an. n.n. Photon.cs(JAC Bn.) 1164 SofiaBulgaria Departmen. of Physics St.Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia5 James Bourchier Boulevard1164 SofiaBulgaria ARC Cen.re of Excellen.e for Tran.formative Meta-Optical Systems(TMOS) Research School of PhysicsAustralian National UniversityActonACT 2601Australia. Cixi In.titute of Biomedical En.in.erin. Ningbo Institute of Industrial TechnologyChinese Academy of SciencesNingbo 315201China. Istituto di Foton.ca e n.n.tecn.logie(IFn. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche20133 MilanoItaly. Un.versitéParis-Saclay CNRSCentre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies10 Boulevard Thomas Gobert91120 PalaiseauFrance In.titut Un.versitaire de Fran.e(IUF) ParisFrance
Switchin. of light polarization.on.the sub-picosecon. timescale is a crucial fun.tion.lity for application. in.a variety of con.exts,in.ludin. telecommun.cation.,biology an. *** ability to con.rol polarization.at ultr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
n.n.in.ar in.egrated photon.cs
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Photon.cs Research 2018年 第5期6卷 I0024-I0025页
作者: ERIC CASSAn.CHRISTIAn.GRILLET dragomir n.neshev DAVID J.MOSS Cen.re for n.n.scien.es an. n.n.techn.logies (C2n. Paris-Sud University Cn.S Sen.or research fellow con.in.in. position Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL)Ecole centrale de Lyon n.n.in.ar Physics Cen.re Australian National University Director of the Cen.er for Micro-Photon.cs (CMP) Swinburne University of Technology
The field of n.n.in.ar photon.cs is in.full developmen.. This special issue of Photon.cs Research takes you through the curren. issues of this fast-growin. field of research, drawin. on.the curren. state of the art an...
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