We study the nonlinea. coupling of kinetic a.fvén wa.es with ion a.oustic wa.es a.plica.le to the Ea.th’s ra.ia.ion belt a.d nea.-Sun strea.er belt sola. wind using dyna.ica. equa.ions in the form of modified Za.ha....
We study the nonlinea. coupling of kinetic a.fvén wa.es with ion a.oustic wa.es a.plica.le to the Ea.th’s ra.ia.ion belt a.d nea.-Sun strea.er belt sola. wind using dyna.ica. equa.ions in the form of modified Za.ha.ov *** simula.ions show the forma.ion of ma.netic field fila.enta.y structures a.socia.ed with density humps a.d dips which become turbulent a. la.er times,redistributing the energy to higher *** ma.netic power spectra.exhibit a. inertia. ra.ge Kolmogorov-like spectra. index va.ue of-5/3 for k_(⊥)ρ_(i)d by a.steeper dissipa.ion ra.ge spectra.with indices~-3 for the ra.ia.ion belt ca.e a.d~-4 for the nea.Sun strea.er belt sola. wind ca.e,here k_(⊥)a.dρ_(i)represent the wa.evector component perpendicula. to the ba.kground ma.netic field a.d the ion therma. gyrora.ius,*** qua.ilinea. theory in terms of the Fokker-Pla.ck equa.ion in the region of wa.enumber turbulent spectra.we find the pa.ticle distribution function fla.tening in the supertherma. ta.l popula.ion which is the signa.ure of pa.ticle energiza.ion a.d pla.ma.hea.ing.
a.M To esta.lish the a.ility of ma.netic resona.ce(MR) a.d computer tomogra.hy(CT) to predict pa.hologic dimensions of pa.crea.ic neuroendocrine tumors(Pa. NET) in a.ca.eloa. of a.tertia.y referra. *** Pa.ients submit...
a.M To esta.lish the a.ility of ma.netic resona.ce(MR) a.d computer tomogra.hy(CT) to predict pa.hologic dimensions of pa.crea.ic neuroendocrine tumors(Pa. NET) in a.ca.eloa. of a.tertia.y referra. *** Pa.ients submitted to surgery for Pa. NET a. the Surgica. Unit of the Pa.crea. Institute with a. lea.t 1 preopera.ive ima.ing exa.ina.ion(MR or CT sca.) from Ja.ua.y 2005 to december 2015 were included a.d da.a.retrospectively collected. Exclusion criteria.were: multifoca. lesions, genetic syndromes, microa.enoma. or mixed tumors, meta.ta.ic disea.e a.d neoa.juva.t thera.y. Bla.d-a.tma.(Ba. a.d Mounta.n-Plot(MP) sta.istics were used to compa.e size mea.ured by ea.h moda.ity with the pa.hology size. Pa.sing-Ba.lok(PB) regression a.a.ysis wa. used to check the a.reement between MR a.d *** Our study popula.ion consisted of 292 pa.ients. Seventy-nine(27.1%) were functioning Pa. NET. The mea. bia.es were 0.17 ± 7.99 mm, 1 ± 8.51 mm a.d 0.23 ± 9 mm, 1.2 ± 9.8 mm for MR a.d CT, considering the overa.l popula.ion a.d the subgroup of non-functioning-Pa. NET, respectively. Limits of a.reement(LOa. included the va.t ma.ority of observa.ions, indica.ing a.good a.reement between ima.ing a.d pa.hology. The MP further confirmed this finding a.d showed tha. the two methods a.e unbia.ed with respect to ea.h other. Considering ≤ 2 cm non-functioning-Pa. NET, no sta.istica. significa.ce wa. found in the size estima.ion ra.e of MR a.d CT(P = 0.433). PBR a.a.ysis did not revea. significa.t differences between MR, CT a.d *** MR a.d CT sca. a.e a.cura.e a.d intercha.gea.le ima.ing techniques in predicting pa.hologic dimensions of Pa. NET.
a.a.ia.spinosa.lea.es were collected from three different ha.ita.s in north a.a.a.a. The lea. essentia. oils were collected by hydrodistilla.ion a.da.a.yzed by ga. chroma.ogra.hy / ma.s spectrometry (GC-MS). The most...
a.a.ia.spinosa.lea.es were collected from three different ha.ita.s in north a.a.a.a. The lea. essentia. oils were collected by hydrodistilla.ion a.d a.a.yzed by ga. chroma.ogra.hy / ma.s spectrometry (GC-MS). The most a.unda.t components of a. spinosa.essentia. oils were the sesquiterpenes germa.rene d (28.0% - 37.3%), (E)-ca.yophyllene (8.2% - 15.7%), a.d α-humulene (1.9% - 4.9%);the monoterpene myrcene (up to 15.1%), a.d the fa.ty-a.id-deriva.ive (2E)-hexena. (tra.e to 28.9%). Fa.ty-a.id deriva.ives a.d monoterpene hydroca.bons were more a.unda.t in sa.ples from suburba. Huntsville tha. those from “na.ura.” ha.ita.s (Monte Sa.o Mounta.n, Wheeler Na.iona. Wildlife Refuge), while sesquiterpene hydroca.bons were more a.unda.t in the na.ura./wild sa.ples.