t.e Circular Elect.on Posit.on Collider(CEPC)is a large scient.fic project.init.at.d and host.d by China,fost.red t.rough ext.nsive collaborat.on wit. int.rnat.onal *** complex comprises four accelerat.rs:a 30 GeV Lin...
t.e Circular Elect.on Posit.on Collider(CEPC)is a large scient.fic project.init.at.d and host.d by China,fost.red t.rough ext.nsive collaborat.on wit. int.rnat.onal *** complex comprises four accelerat.rs:a 30 GeV Linac,a 1.1 GeV Damping Ring,a Boost.r capable of achieving energies up t. 180 GeV,and a Collider operat.ng at.varying energy modes(Z,W,H,and t.).t.e Linac and Damping Ring are sit.at.d on t.e surface,while t.e subt.rranean Boost.r and Collider are housed in a 100 km circumference underground t.nnel,st.at.gically accommodat.ng fut.re expansion wit. provisions for a pot.nt.al Super Prot.n Prot.n Collider(SPPC).t.e CEPC primarily serves as a Higgs *** it. baseline design wit. synchrot.on radiat.on(SR)power of 30 MW per beam,it.can achieve a luminosit. of 5×10^(34)cm^(-2)s^(-1)per int.ract.on point.IP),result.ng in an int.grat.d luminosit. of 13 ab^(-1)for t.o IPs over a decade,producing 2.6 million Higgs *** t.e SR power t. 50 MW per beam expands t.e CEPC's capabilit. t. generat. 4.3 million Higgs bosons,facilit.t.ng precise measurement. of Higgs coupling at.sub-percent.levels,exceeding t.e precision expect.d from t.e HL-LHC by an order of *** t.chnical Design Report.t.R)follows t.e Preliminary Concept.al Design Report.Pre-CDR,2015)and t.e Concept.al Design Report.CDR,2018),comprehensively det.iling t.e machine's layout.performance met.ics,physical design and analysis,t.chnical syst.ms design,R&D and prot.t.ping effort.,and associat.d civil engineering ***,it.includes a cost.est.mat. and a preliminary const.uct.on t.meline,est.blishing a framework for fort.coming engineering design phase and sit. select.on *** is ant.cipat.d t. begin around 2027-2028,pending government.approval,wit. an est.mat.d durat.on of 8 *** commencement.of experiment. and dat. collect.on could pot.nt.ally be init.at.d in t.e mid-2030s.