Whi.tler waves and electron temperature ani.otropy play a key role pri.r to and duri.g the process of reconnecti.n. On August 21, 2002, the Cluster spacecraft encountered a quasi.colli.i.nless magneti. reconnecti.n ev...
Whi.tler waves and electron temperature ani.otropy play a key role pri.r to and duri.g the process of reconnecti.n. On August 21, 2002, the Cluster spacecraft encountered a quasi.colli.i.nless magneti. reconnecti.n event when they crossed the magnetotai. plasma sheet. pri.r to the southward turni.g of magnetospheri. magneti. fi.ld and hi.h speed i.n flow, the whi.tler waves and posi.i.e electron temperature ani.otropy are fi.stly observed. Electrons wi.h posi.i.e temperature ani.otropy can exci.e whi.tler mode waves by cyclotron resonances. Accordi.g to the theoreti.al and data observed by spacecrafts the whi.tler growth rate i. about 0.00077 ωge. The rati. of whi.tler growth rate to wave frequency i. about 0.0043. Whi.tler waves can grow qui.kly i. the current sheet. The combi.ed observati.ns of energeti. electrons and waves show that after the southward turni.g of magneti. fi.ld, energeti. electron beams i. the reconnecti.n process are accelerated by the whi.tler waves.
<正> On January 26,2001ClusterⅡ4 satelli.es remai.ed nearthe dusk-si.e hi.h-lati.de magnetopause for more than *** posi.i.n of spacecraft i. the GSE coordi.atesystem was around x~4RE,y~7RE and z~*** to the recon...
<正> On January 26,2001ClusterⅡ4 satelli.es remai.ed nearthe dusk-si.e hi.h-lati.de magnetopause for more than *** posi.i.n of spacecraft i. the GSE coordi.atesystem was around x~4RE,y~7RE and z~*** to the reconnecti.n layers related to multi.le onsetsof X-poi.t magmti. recommeti.n(from10:10 to 11:00UT)and