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26448 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Measurements of dihadron correlations relative to the event plane in Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=200 GeV
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第4期45卷 198-241页
作者: H.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed A.V.Alakhverdyants I.Alekseev j.Alford B.d.Anderson C.d.Anson d.Arkhipkin G.S.Averichev j.Balewski d.R.Beavis N.K.Behera R.Bellwied M.j.Betancourt R.R.Betts A.Bhasin A.K.Bhat H.Bichsel j.Bieleik j.Bielcikova B.Biritz L.C.Bland W.Borowski j.Bouchet E.Braidot A.V.Brandin A.Bridgeman S.G.Brovko E.Bruna S.Bueltmann I.Bunzarov T.P.Burton X.Z.Cai H.Caines M.Calderon de la Barca Sanchez d.Cebra R.Cendejas M.C.Cervantes Z.Chajecki P.Chaloupka S.Chattopadhyay H.F.Chen j.H.Chen j.Y.Chen L.Chen j.Cheng M.Cherney A.Chikanian K.E.Choi W.Christie P.Chung M.j.M.Codrington R.Corliss j.G.Cramer H.j.Crawford S.dash A.davila Leyva L.C.de Silvat R.R.debbe T.G.dedovich A.A.derevschikov R.derradi de Souza L.didenko P.djawotho S.M.dogra X.dong j.L.drachenberg j.E.draper j.C.dunlop L.G Efimov M.Elnim j.Engelage G Eppley M.Estienne L.Eun O.Evdokimov R.Fatemi j.Fedorisin A.Feng R.G.Fersch P.Filip E.Finch V.Fine Y.Fisyak C.A.Gagliardi d.R.Gangadharan A.Geromitsos F.Geurts P.Ghosh Y.N.Gorbunov A.Gordon O.Grebenyuk d.Grosnick S.M.Guertin A.Gupta W.Guryn B.Haag O.Hajkova A.Hamed L-X.Han j.W.Harris j.P.Hays-Wehle M.Heinz S.Heppelmann A.Hirsch E.Hjort G.W.Hoffmann d.j.hofiman B.Huang H.Z.Huang T.j.Humanic L.Huo G.Igo P.jacobs W.W.jacobs C.jena F.jin j.joseph E.G.judd S.Kabana K.Kang j.Kapitan K.Kauder H.Ke d.Keane A.Kechechyan d.Kettler d.P.Kikola j.Kiryluk A.Kisiel V.Kizka A.G.Knospe d.d.Koetke T.Kollegger j.Konzer I.Koralt L.Koroleva W.Korsch L.Kotchenda V.Kouchpil P.Kravtsov K.Krueger M.Krus L.Kumar P.Kurnadi M.A.C.Lamont j.M.Landgraf S.LaPointe j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.H.Lee W.Leight M.j.LeVine C.Lil L.Li N.Li W.Li X.Li X.Li Y.Li Z.M.Li M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu j.Liu T.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre W.A.Love Y.Lu E.V.Lukashov X.Luo G.L.Ma Y.G.Mai d.P.Mahapatra R.Majka O.I.Mall L.K.Mangotra R.Manweiler S.Margetis C.Markert H.Masui H.S.Matis Yu.A.Matulenko d.Medonald T.S.McShane A.Meschanin R.Milner N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski A.Mischke M.K.Mitrovski B.Mohanty M.M.Mondal B.Morozov d.A.Morozov M.G.Munhoz M Argonne National Laboratory Argonnellinois 60439USA Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973USA University of Califomia BerkeleyCaliformnia 94720USA University of California DavisCalifornia 95616USA University of Califormnia Los AngelesCalifomia 90095USA Universidade Estadual de Campinas Sao PauloBrazil University of Illinois at Chicago ChicagoIlinois 60607USA Creighton University OmahaNebraska 68178USA Czech Technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague11519Czech Republic Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR 25068 Rez/PragueCzech Republic University of Frankfurt FrankfurtGermany Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar 751005India Indian Institute of Technology MumbaiIndia Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408USA Alikhanov Instiute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics MoscowRussia University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna141980Russia Kent State University KentOhio 44242USA University of Kentucky LexingtonKentucky40506-0055USA Institute of Modern Physics LanzhouChina Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology CambridgeMA 02139-4307USA Mx-Planck-Institut fir Physik MunichGermany Michigan State University East LansingMichigan 48824USA Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Moscow Russia NIKHEF and Utrecht University AmsterdamThe Netherlands Ohio State University ColumbusOhio 43210USA Old dominion University NorfolkVA23529USA Panjab University Chandigarh 160014India PennsyIvania State University University ParkPennsylvania 16802USA Institute of High Energy Physics ProtvinoRussia Purdue University West LafayetteIndiana 47907USA Pusan National University PusanRepublic of Korea University of Rajasthan Jaipur 302004India Rice University HoustonTexas 77251USA Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao PauloBrazil University of Science&Technology of China Hefei 230026.China Shandong University JinanShandong 250100China Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Shanghai 201800Chi
dihadron azimuthal correlations containing a high transverse momentum(pr)trigger particle are sensit-ive to the properties of the nuclear medium created at RHIC through the strong interactions occurring between the tr... 详细信息
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Treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with allogeneic Schwann cell-derived exosomal vesicles: a case report
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第4期20卷 1207-1216页
作者: Pascal j.Goldschmidt-Clermont Aisha Khan George jimsheleishvili Patricia Graham Adriana Brooks Risset Silvera Alexander j.P.Goldschmidt damien d.Pearse W.dalton dietrich Allan d.Levi james d.Guest Miller School of Medicine University of MiamiMiamiFLUSA Stem Cell Institute Miller School of MedicineUniversity of MiamiMiamiFLUSA The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis Miller School of MedicineUniversity of MiamiMiamiFLUSA Alzady International LLC MiamiFLUSA Neurological Surgery Miller School of MedicineUniversity of MiamiMiamiFLUSA
Schwann cells are essential for the maintenance and function of motor neurons,axonal networks,and the neuromuscular *** amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,where motor neuron function is progressively lost,Schwann cell func... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
dietary supplementation of valine,isoleucine,and tryptophan may overcome the negative effects of excess leucine in diets for weanling pigs containing corn fermented protein
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journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2025年 第1期16卷 267-281页
作者: Andrea P.Mallea Charmaine d.Espinosa Su A Lee Minoy A.Cristobal Leidy j.Torrez‑Mendoza Hans H.Stein division of Nutritional Sciences University of IllinoisUrbanaIL 61801USA department of Animal Sciences University of IllinoisUrbanaIL 61801USA Present Address:EnviroFlight RaleighNCUSA.
Background diets with high inclusion of corn co-products such as corn fermented protein(CFP)may contain excess Leu,which has a negative impact on feed intake and growth performance of pigs due to increased catabolism ... 详细信息
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Tailored design of novel Co0-Coδ+dual phase nanoparticles for selective CO2 hydrogenation to ethanol
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journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第3期149卷 598-615页
作者: Subhasis das Ganapati d.Yadav department of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical TechnologyNathalal Parekh MargMatunga 400019MumbaiIndia
Catalytic hydrogenation of CO_(2)to ethanol is a promising solution to address the greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions,but many current catalysts face efficiency and cost *** based catalysts are frequently examined due to th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Apples to oranges:environmentally derived,dynamic regulation of serotonin neuron subpopulations in adulthood?
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第9期20卷 2596-2597页
作者: Christopher j.O’Connell Matthew j.Robson department of Genetics College of MedicineHarvard UniversityBostonMAUSA james L.Winkle College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA Neuroscience Graduate Program College of MedicineUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA
Traumatic brain injury(TBI)is a public health problem with an undue economic burden that impacts nearly every age,ethnic,and gender group across the globe(Capizzi et al.,2020).TBIs are often sustained during a dynamic... 详细信息
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Finding the balance: Modifying the cholesterol and steroidal glycoalkaloid synthesis pathway in tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.) for human health, fruit flavor, and plant defense
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Horticultural Plant journal 2025年 第1期11卷 42-56页
作者: Vincenzo Averello IV Adrian d.Hegeman Changbin Chen department of Horticultural Science University of Minnesota1970 Folwell AvenueSt.PaulMN 55108USA School of Life Sciences Arizona State University427 E Tyler MalTempeAZ 85287USA
Unlike most plants, members of the genus Solanum produce cholesterol and use this as a precursor for steroidal glycoalkaloids. The production of the compounds begins as a branch from brassinosteroid biosynthesis, whic... 详细信息
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Effect of 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Bonded with OBA-MCP
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Open journal of Orthopedics 2025年 第1期15卷 1-14页
作者: Nhi Le Hoda Rahimi Richard d. Bloomstein Thomas j. Cangialosi Western dental and Orthodontics San Jose USA Orthodontic department Rutgers School of Dental Medicine Newark USA
Introduction: Bracket debonding is a frequent issue that clinicians encounter, leading to increased chair time, lost revenue, and material usage. In addition to patient compliance with their diet recommendations, the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Temporal dynamics of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy injuries on magnetic resonance imaging
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第11期20卷 3144-3150页
作者: Holly Flyger Samantha j.Holdsworth Alistair j.Gunn Laura Bennet Hamid Abbasi Mātai Medical Research Institute Tairāwhiti GisborneNew Zealand department of Anatomy&Medical Imaging Faculty of Medical and Health SciencesThe University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand Center for Brain Research The University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand Auckland Bioengineering Institute The University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand
Moderate to severe perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy occurs in~1 to 3/1000 live births in high-income countries and is associated with a significant risk of death or neurodevelopmental *** assessment is import... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Cyclic loading of marble:Correlating the attenuation of the electric and acoustic activities and highlighting criticality indices in terms of natural time
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International journal of Mining Science and Technology 2025年 第2期35卷 159-174页
作者: dimos Triantis Ilias Stavrakas Ermioni d.Pasiou Stavros K.Kourkoulis University of West Attica Department of Electrical&Electronics EngineeringElectronic Devices and Materials LaboratoryAncient Olive Grove CampusAthens 12244Greece National Technical University of Athens School of Applied Mathematical and Physical SciencesDepartment of MechanicsLaboratory for Testing and MaterialsAthens 15773Greece
The attenuation of the acoustic activity in marble specimens under uniaxial compressive loadingunloading loops is quantified in juxtaposition to that of the electric *** parallel,the existence of"pre-failure indiceso"... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy:perspectives on the possibility of optimizing SMN1 delivery to correct all neurological and systemic perturbations
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第7期20卷 2011-2012页
作者: Sharon j.Brown Rafael j.Yáñez-Muñoz Heidi R.Fuller School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering Keele UniversityKeeleUK Wolfson Center for Inherited Neuromuscular disease TORCH BuildingRJAH Orthopaedic HospitalOswestryUK *** Center of Gene and Cell TherapyDepartment of Biological SciencesSchool of Life Sciences and the EnvironmentRoyal Holloway University of LondonEghamUK
Spinal muscular atrophy(SMA)is a genetic condition that results in selective lower motor neuron loss with concomitant muscle weakness and *** genetic cause of SMA was understood in 1995 when loss or impairment of the ... 详细信息
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