Background/Aim.: Therapeutic options for hepatitis C nonresponder patients are lim.ted. m.thods: We initiated an open-label pilot study to investigate the efficacy of CIFN plus ribavirin on viral kinetics, sustained v...
Background/Aim.: Therapeutic options for hepatitis C nonresponder patients are lim.ted. m.thods: We initiated an open-label pilot study to investigate the efficacy of CIFN plus ribavirin on viral kinetics, sustained virological response (SVR), and histological response in hepatitis C non-responder patients. Seventy-seven patients were enrolled to receive CIFN given daily in com.ination with 1000/1200 m. ribavirin. An 8 week induction-dosing regim.n of 18 μ g CIFN, followed by 9 μ g for 40 weeks was com.ared to 9 μ g CIFN for 48 weeks. 90% of patients were infected with HCV-genotype 1. Results: Overall, 82% of the patients dem.nstrated an early virological response, 65% had an end-of-treatm.nt response, and the SVR was 30% . Interferon/ribavirin non-responders dem.nstrated a SVR of 22% . Induction-dosing resulted in a greater first-phase HCV-RNA decay that, however, did not translate to better SVRs, presum.bly due to dose m.difications. High ALT, younger age, and second-phase viral kinetics were associated with SVR. Only sustained responders and relapse patients showed an im.roved liver histology. Conclusions: Daily dosing of CIFN plus ribavirin m.y be a prom.sing concept for selected non-responder patients before considering therapies which are anti-viral but not curative. However,m.tivation and com.liance are requisites and a CIFN induction is not required.
The system.c processes involved in the m.nifestation of life・threatening COVID-19 and in disease recovery are still incom.letely understood,despite investigations focusing on the dysregulation of im.une responses afte...
The system.c processes involved in the m.nifestation of life・threatening COVID-19 and in disease recovery are still incom.letely understood,despite investigations focusing on the dysregulation of im.une responses after SARS-CoV-2 *** define hallm.rks of severe COVID-19 in acute disease(n=58)and in disease recovery in con valesce nt patie nts(n=28)from.Han nover m.dical School,we used flow cytom.try and proteom.cs data with unsupervised clustering *** our observational study,we com.ined analyses of im.une cells and cytokine/chem.kine networks with endothelial activation and *** patients displayed an altered im.une signature with prolonged lym.hopenia but the expansion of granulocytes and plasm.blasts along with activated and term.nally differentiated T and NK cells and high levels of SARS-CoV-2-specific *** core signature of seven plasm. proteins revealed a highly inflam.atory m.croenvironm.nt in addition to endothelial injury in severe *** within this sign ature were associated with either disease progression or *** sum.ary,our data suggest that besides a strong inflam.atory response,severe COVID-19 is driven by endothelial activation and barrier disruption,whereby recovery depends on the regeneration of the endothelial integrity.