Cell-type specific d.fferences in the kinetics of inhibitory postsynaptic cond.ctances(IPSCs)impact upon network d.namics throughout the *** attention has been focused.on how GABAA receptor alpha and.beta subunit d....
Cell-type specific d.fferences in the kinetics of inhibitory postsynaptic cond.ctances(IPSCs)impact upon network d.namics throughout the *** attention has been focused.on how GABAA receptor alpha and.beta subunit d.versity can influence IPSC kinetics,but little is known about the influence of d.fferent gamma *** have examined.whether GABAA receptor gamma subunit heterogeneity influences IPSC properties in the *** gamma2 subunit gene was d.leted.from GABAA receptors selectively in the d.rsal lateral geniculate nucleus(d.LGN)and.whole-cell record.ng was then combined.with imaging to enable a functional and.morphological classification of relay neuron *** removal of the gamma2 subunit from the d.LGN red.ced.the overall s IPSC frequency across all relay cells and.prod.ced.an absence of IPSCs in a subset of Y-type relay *** remaining slower IPSCs associated.with X-type relay neurons were both insensitive to d.azepam and.zinc ind.cating the absence of the gamma2 *** these slower IPSCs were potentiated.by beta-carbolines,we propose these IPSCs involve gamma1 subunit-containing GABAA receptor ***,gamma subunit heterogeneity appears to influence the kinetics of GABAA receptor-med.ated.synaptic transmission in the visual thalamus in a cell-type and.synapse-selective *** suggest that d.LGN GABAergic interneurons generate the slower IPSCs following activation of gamma1 subunit-containing GABAA receptors within X-type relay *** reticular GABAergic input that generates the faster IPSCs involves activation of gamma2 subunit-containing GABAA receptors that d.minate Y-type relay neurons.