Trapelioid fungi constitute a widespread group of mostly crust-forming lichen mycobionts that are key to understanding the early evolutionary splits in the Ostropomycetidae,the second-most species-rich subclass of lic...
Trapelioid fungi constitute a widespread group of mostly crust-forming lichen mycobionts that are key to understanding the early evolutionary splits in the Ostropomycetidae,the second-most species-rich subclass of lichenized *** uncertain phylogenetic resolution of the approximately 170 species referred to this group contributes to a poorly resolved backbone for the entire *** on a data set including 657 newly generated sequences from four ribosomal and four protein-coding gene loci,we tested a series of a priori and new evolutionary hypotheses regarding the relationships of trapelioid clades within *** found strong support for a monophyletic group of nine core trapelioid genera but no statistical support to reject the long-standing hypothesis that trapelioid genera are sister to Baeomycetaceae or ***,we can reject a sister group relationship to Ostropales with high *** data also shed light on several longstanding questions,recovering Anamylopsoraceae nested within Baeomycetaceae,elucidating two major monophyletic groups within trapelioids(recognized here as Trapeliaceae and Xylographaceae),and rejecting the monophyly of the genus *** transfer eleven species of the latter genus to Lambiella and describe the genus Parainoa to accommodate a previously misunderstood species of *** phylogenetic studies in Ostropomycetidae have invoked Bdivergence order^for drawing taxonomic conclusions on higher level *** data show that if backbone support is lacking,contrasting solutions may be recovered with different or added *** accordingly urge caution in concluding evolutionary relationships from unresolved phylogenies.
Abstract The phylogenetic relationship of lecanoroid lichens is studied using two data sets:1)a 2-locus data set including 251 OTUs representing 150 species,and 2)a 6-locus data set with 82 OTUs representing 53 *** ge...
Abstract The phylogenetic relationship of lecanoroid lichens is studied using two data sets:1)a 2-locus data set including 251 OTUs representing 150 species,and 2)a 6-locus data set with 82 OTUs representing 53 *** genus Lecanora as currently circumscribed is shown to be highly polyphyletic and several genera,including Adelolecia,Arctopeltis,Bryonora,Carbonea,Frutidella,Lecidella,Miriquidica,Palicella,Protoparmeliopsis,Pyrrhospora,and Rhizoplaca are nested within Lecanora sensu lato.A core group of Lecanora is supported as monophyletic and includes species of the ***,***,and *** groups,and a core group of the *** *** monophyletic clades that are well supported in our analyses and well characterized by phenotypical characters are accepted here:1)Myriolecis to accommodate the Lecanora dispersa group and Arctopeltis;2)Protoparmeliopsis for the *** group;and 3)Rhizoplaca is emended to include three placodioid taxa previously classified in Lecanora(***,***),whereas *** and *** are excluded from *** latter is transferred into *** is strongly supported as a monophyletic *** studies indicate the presence of additional clades of species currently placed in Lecanora sensu lato that warrant taxonomic recognition but additional data will be necessary before the circumscription of these entities is fully understood.37 new combinations are proposed into the genera Myriolecis(30),Protoparmeliopsis(2),and Rhizoplaca(5).