Salmonellosis is a serious medical and veterinary problem worldwide and causes great concern in the food and livestock industries, especially the poultry industry which occupies a prominent position in the provision o...
Salmonellosis is a serious medical and veterinary problem worldwide and causes great concern in the food and livestock industries, especially the poultry industry which occupies a prominent position in the provision of animal protein and accounts for about 25% of local meat production in Nigeria particularly and is identified as a disease of major economic importance causing low performance in poultry production. The study was carried out at the experimental animal farm, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. One hundred (100) five-week old chickens obtained from the Poultry division of National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, were used for the experiment. The birds were randomly assigned to 4 groups of 25 birds per group (A, B, C, D). Each bird in all the groups received 0.5 ml of PBS containing 1 × 108 cfu/ml of Salmonella enterica serovar Zega as follows: Group A was infected with Salmonella Zega intra-nasally (IN). Group B was infected with Salmonella Zega intra-peritonealy (IP). Group C was infected with Salmonella Zega orally (OR). Group D was the Uninfected control (CT). There was a significant change (p 0.05) in the mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in the infected groups compared across the different days post infection. There was significant increase (p Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum that are known to cause pathology in birds Salmonella Zega which is none host specific for birds can also cause pathology in them. This is the first report in the study area to the best of our knowledge.
Background: We characterized baseline laboratory data of patients to identify priority treatment areas, most affected populations, anticipated clinical complications and assessed the potential burden of retention in c...
Background: We characterized baseline laboratory data of patients to identify priority treatment areas, most affected populations, anticipated clinical complications and assessed the potential burden of retention in care in Jos, Plateau State—North Central Nigeria. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional design from January 2004 to December 2005 at Faith Alive Foundation (FAF). All participants were HIV-positive and underwent pre-antiretroviral therapy counseling based on the national antiretroviral therapy (ART) guidelines and baseline laboratory testing. Data were captured on Microsoft Excel, validated on Epi Info and analyzed on SPSS version 21 at P < .05 level of significance. Results: Total of 1499 (463 men and 1036 women) participants were evaluated in this study. The age and sex related distribution of participants showed that majority (80.3% for males and 92.5% for females) were 16 - 45 years old. Amylase and creatinine were significantly higher in males than females (P = .02). Anaemia was the most common baseline abnormality (63% for females and 58% for males), while baseline CD4 count was significantly lower in males than females (P < .02) and at one-third had elevated liver enzymes (AST and ALT). Conclusion: The baseline laboratory profile of most HIV positive patients in Jos and environs of North Central–Nigeria was characterized by anaemia, elevated creatinine, and abnormal liver transaminase levels (AST and ALT). This pre-ART laboratory result suggests that HIV-positive individuals have multiple clinical abnormalities which may require more extensive care than just treating the HIV disease.
Background:Stressful life experiences are associated with neurobehavioral abnormalities,such as anxiogenic-related depression and cognitive ***,adaptogens are well known to modulate stress-related re-sponses and promo...
Background:Stressful life experiences are associated with neurobehavioral abnormalities,such as anxiogenic-related depression and cognitive ***,adaptogens are well known to modulate stress-related re-sponses and promote ***:This study aimed to assess the potential mechanisms and adaptogenic properties of diosgenin(DG),a phytosteroidal sapogenin with neuroendocrine protective effects,in chronic unpredictable mild stress(CUMS)-induced anxiogenic-depression and cognitive deficits in ***:During the 21-day study,mice were divided into five groups,and were daily treated with 5%dimethyl sulfoxide(control and CUMS model),diosgenin(25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg)or fluoxetine(10 mg/kg)orally,re-spectively,followed by 21-item CUMS paradigm exposure,except for the control *** were examined for anxiety,depression and cognitive-like features using relevant neurobehavioral *** of ox-idative stress,nitrite level,pro-inflammatory cytokines(TNF-𝛼,IL-6),acetylcholinesterase(AChE),glutamic acid decarboxylase(GAD),and monoamine oxidase-B(MAOB)were measured in the prefrontal cortex,striatum,and hippocampal regions of the ***,adrenal hypertrophy,serum corticosterone and glucose levels as a mea-sure of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal(HPA)axis involvement were ***:DG ameliorated CUMS-induced behavioral anomaly,as characterized by the increased duration of groom-ing bouts in the sucrose preference test;decreased duration of immobility in the tail suspension and forced swim tests;anxiolytic effects in the elevated-plus maze,hole-board,light/dark compartment tests,as well as cognitive impairments indexed by the Y-maze and object recognition tests were reversed by DG *** remarkably decreased adrenal hypertrophy and elevated serum levels of corticosterone and glucose in CUMS ***:Conclusively,DG exhibits antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like actions with memory enhancement in the CUMS mouse mode