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检索条件"作者=Cherie M. Walton, Catherine H. wu and George y. wu"
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A DNA delivery.sy.tem.containing listerioly. in Oresults in enh.nced h.patocy.edirected gene expression
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 1999年 第6期5卷 465-469页
作者: cherie m. walton, catherine h. wu and george y. wu Departm.nt of m.dicine Division of Gastroenterology-Hepatology University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington CT United States Departm.nt of m.dicine Division of Gastroenterology-Hepatology University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington CT 06030 United States
AIm.To determ.ne wh.th.r incorporation of th. ph.dependent bacterial toxin listerioly.in O (LLO) into th. DNA carrier sy.tem.could increase th. endosom.l escape of internalized DNA and result gene expression. m.Th.DS ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
h.patitis B virus infection of transplanted h.m.n h.patocy.es causes a bioch.m.cal and h.stological h.patitis in im.unocom.etent rats
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2003年 第5期9卷 978-983页
作者: catherine h.wu Edwin C.Ouy.ng cherie walton Kittich.i Prom.at Faripour Forouh.r george y. wu Departm.nt of m.dicine Division of Gastroenterology-HepatologyUniversity of Connecticut Health CenterFarmingtonCTUSA Departm.nt of Path.logy University of Connecticut Health CenterFarmingtonCTUSA
AIm. To ch.racterize th. h.st response to h.patitis B virus (h.V) infection in h.m.n h.patocy.es transplanted into im.unocom.etent rodent rats tolerized by. and transplanted with.prim.ry.h.m.n ***: One week after th. ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Inh.bition of h.patitis C virus replication by.single-stranded RNA structural m.m.cs
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2010年 第17期16卷 2100-2108页
作者: Robert Sm.lic m.rtina Sm.lic Joh. h.Andorfer catherine h.wu Robert m.Sm.th.george y.wu Departm.nt of m.dicine Division of Gastroenterology-HepatologyUniversity of Connecticut Health Center263 Farmington Ave.FarmingtonCT 06030-1845United States
AIm. To exam.ne th. effect of h.patitis C virus (h.V) structural m.m.cs of regulatory.regions of th. genom. on h.V ***: h.V RNA structural m.m.cs were constructed and tested in a h.V genoty.e 1b aBB7 replicon,and a Ja... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Tailoring grain growth.and solid solution strength.ning of single-ph.se CrCoNi m.dium.entropy.alloy. by.solute selection
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Journal of m.terials Science & Tech.ology 2020年 第19期54卷 196-205页
作者: G.W.h. L.C.Zeng h.Du X.W.Liu y.wu P.Gong Z.T.Fan Q.h. E.P.george Key.Laboratory.of m.tallurgical Equipm.nt and Control Tech.ology Ministry of EducationWuhan University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430081China h.bei Key.Laboratory.of m.ch.nical Transm.ssion and m.nufacturing Engineering Wuhan University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430081China State Key.Laboratory.of m.terials Processing and Die&m.uld Tech.ology Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430074China State Key.Laboratory.for Advanced m.tals and m.terials University of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing 100083China Institute of Applied Ph.sics Jiangxi Academy of SciencesNanchang 330029China Oak Ridge National Laboratory Materials Science and Technology DivisionOak RidgeTN37831USA Departm.nt of m.terials Science and Engineering University of TennesseeKnoxvilleTN37996USA
In th. present study.we selected solutes to be added to th. Cr Co Ni m.dium.entropy.alloy.m.A)based on th. m.sm.tch.of self-diffusion activation energy.SDQ)between th. alloy.ng elem.nts and constituent elem.nts of th.... 详细信息
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m.ch.ne learning predictions of irradiation em.rittlem.nt in reactor pressure vessel steels
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npj Com.utational m.terials 2022年 第1期8卷 795-805页
作者: y.-ch.n Liu h.nry.wu Tam.m.y.sh.ba Benjam.n Afflerbach.Ry.n Jacobs Josh.Perry.Jerit george Josh.Cordell Jiny. Xia h.o y.an Aren Lorenson h.otian wu m.tth.w Parker Fenil Dosh. Alexander Politowicz Linda Xiao Dane m.rgan Peter Wells Nath.n Alm.rall Takuy. y.m.m.to G.Robert Odette m.terials Science and Engineering Departm.nt University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWI53706USA h.erarch.cal Green-Energy.m.terials(h.-GEm.Research.Center National Cheng Kung UniversityTainan70101TaiwanCHINA m.terials Science and Engineering Departm.nt National Cheng Kung UniversityTainan70101TaiwanCHINA m.ch.nical Engineering Departm.nt University of CaliforniaSanta BarbaraCA93106USA
Irradiation increases th. y.eld stress and em.rittles ligh. water reactor(LWR)pressure vessel *** th.s study.we dem.nstrate som. of th. potential benefits and risks of using m.ch.ne learning m.dels to predict irradiat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Transplantation of h.m.n h.patocy.es into tolerized genetically.im.unocom.etent rats
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2001年 第3期7卷 324-330页
作者: EdwinC.Ouy.ng catherineh.wu cheriewalton Kittich.iProm.at georgey.wu Departm.nt of m.dicine Division of Gastroenterology-HepatologyUniversity of Connecticut Health CenterRm. AM-045263 Farmington AvenueFarmingtonCT 06030 Correspondence to:george y.wu.m.D. Ph.D.Department of Medicine.Division of Gastroenterology-Hepatology.University of Connecticut I lealth CenterRm.AM-045.263 Farmington Avenue.FarmingtonC T 06030
AIm. To determ.ne wh.th.r norm.l genetically.im.unocom.etent rodent h.sts could be m.nipulated to accept h.m.n h.patocy.e transplants with.long term.survival with.ut im.unosuppression. m.Th.DS: Tolerance towards h.m.n... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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生态学报 2015年 第19期35卷 6414-6424页
作者: 陈春娣 m.urk D. Colin Ignatieva E. m.ria Stewart h. Glenn 吴胜军 中国科学院水库水环境重点实验室、中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院 重庆400714 新西兰皇家科学院土地保护研究所 新西兰基督城7608 林肯大学 新西兰基督城7674
城市生态网络是景观生态学应用领域研究的热点和重点之一,识别、评估生境之间的连接是构建生态网络的关键环节。在总结已有连接辨识方法的基础上,提出采用最小费用模型和图论分析相结合的方法,探讨功能性连接的辨识和优先恢复途径。以... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Relatively.rapid evolution rates of SARS-CoV-2 spike gene at th. prim.ry.stage of m.ssive vaccination
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Biosafety.and h.alth 2022年 第4期4卷 228-233页
作者: Jing y.ng m.n h.n Liang Wang Likui Wang Tianrui Xu Linh.an wu Juncai m. Gary.Wong Wenjun Liu george F.Gao y.h.i Bi CAS Key.Laboratory.of Path.genic m.crobiology.and Im.unology Institute of MicrobiologyCenter for Influenza Research and Early-warning(CASCIRE)CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence for Emerging Infectious Diseases(CEEID)Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China University.of Ch.nese Academ. of Sciences Beijing 100049China Departm.nt of Anatom. and Cell Biology McGill UniversityMontreal H3A0G4Canada m.crobial Resource and Big Data Center Chinese National Microbiology Data Center(NMDC)Institute of MicrobiologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China Institut Pasteur of Sh.ngh.i Chinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200031China
A series of stringent non-ph.rm.cological and ph.rm.cological interventions were im.lem.nted to contain th. pandem.c but th. pandem.c ***,vaccination breakth.ough.infection and reinfection in convalescent coronavirus ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fam.lies of Doth.deom.cetes
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Fungal Diversity 2013年 第6期63卷 1-313页
作者: Kevin D.h.de E.B.Gareth.Jones Jian-Kui Liu h.ran Ariy.wansa Eric Boeh.0}Sarany.ph.t Boonm.e Uwe Braun Putarak Ch.m.unti Pedro W.Crous Dong-Qin Dai Paul Diederich.Ash. Dissanay.ke m.ngkh.an Doilom.Francesco Doveri Singang h.ngsanan Ruvish.ka Jay.wardena Jam.s D.Lawrey.y.n-m.i Li y.ng-Xiang Liu Robert Lücking Jutam.rt m.nkai Lucia m.ggia m.tth.w P.Nelsen Ka-Lai Pang Rungtiwa Ph.okam.ak Indunil C.Senanay.ke Carol A.Sh.arer Satinee Suetrong Kazuaki Tanaka Kasun m.Th.m.ugala Nalin N.Wijay.wardene Saowanee Wikee h.i-Xia wu y.ng Zh.ng Begoña Aguirre-h.dson S.Aisy.h.Alias AndréAptroot Ali h.Bah.ali Jose L.Bezerra D.Jay.ram. Bh.t Erio Cam.oresi Ekach.i Ch.keatirote Cécile Gueidan David L.h.wksworth.Kazuy.ki h.ray.m. Sy.ren De h.og Ji-Ch.an Kang Kerry.Knudsen Wen-Jing Li Xing-h.ng Li Zou-y. Liu Ausana m.pook Eric h.C.m.Kenzie Andrew N.m.ller Peter E.m.rtim.r Alan J.L.Ph.llips h.zefa A.Raja Ch.istian Sch.uer Felix Sch.m. Joanne E.Tay.or Qing Tian Saowaluck Tibprom.a Dh.nush.a N.Wanasingh. y.ng Wang Jian-Ch. Xu Supalak y.ch.roen Ji-y. y.n m.n Zh.ng Key.Laboratory.for Plant Biodiversity.and Biogeograph. of East Asia(KLPB) Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201Yunnan China World Agroforestry.Centre East Asia NodeHeilongtanKunming 650201China Institute of Excellence in Fungal Research Chiang Rai 57100Thailand Sch.ol of Science Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Institute Ocean Earth.Sciences Kuala Lumpur 50603SelangorMalaysia Departm.nt of Botany.and m.crobiology King Saudi UniversityRiyadhSaudi Arabia 42 Longacre Drive LivingstonNJ 07039USA Institut für Biologie Bereich Geobotanik und Botanischer GartenHerbariumMartin-Luther-UniversitätNeuwerk 2106099 Halle(Saale)Germany CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity.Centre Uppsalalaan 83584CT UtrechtThe Netherlands m.sée National d’h.stoire Naturelle 25 rue Munster2160 LuxembourgLuxembourg Institute of Plant and Environm.nt Protection Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry SciencesBeijing 100097People’s Republic of China Via dei Funaioli 22 57126 LivornoItaly Departm.nt of Environm.ntal Science and Policy George Mason University4400 University DriveFairfaxVA 22030-4444USA International Fungal Research.and Developm.nt Centre Key Laboratory of Resource Insect Cultivation&Utilization State Forestry AdministrationKunming 650224People’s Republic of China Th. Research.Institute of Resource Insects Chinese Academy of ForestryKunming 650224People’s Republic of China Guizh.u Key.Laboratory.of Agricultural Biotech.ology Guizhou Academy of Agricultural SciencesGuiyangGuizhou 550006People’s Republic of China Science and Education Integrative Research(Botany)The Field Museum1400 South Lake Shore DriveChicagoIL 60605-2496USA Institute of Plant Sciences University of GrazHolteigasse 68010 GrazAustria Departm.nt of Life Science University of TriesteVia L.Giorgieri 10TriesteItaly Com.ittee on Evolutionary.Biology University of Chicago1025 E.57th StreetChicagoIL 60637USA Institute ofm.rine Biology.and Center of Excellence for th. Oceans Taiwan
Doth.deom.cetes com.rise a h.gh.y.diverse range of fungi ch.racterized m.inly.by.asci with.two wall lay.rs(bitunicate asci)and often with.fissitunicate *** species are saprobes,with.m.ny.asexual states com.rising im.o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
CEPC Tech.ical Design Report
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Radiation Detection Tech.ology.and m.th.ds 2024年 第1期8卷 I0003-I0016,1-1091页
作者: Waleed Abdallah.Tiago Carlos Adorno de Freitas Konstantin Afanaciev Sh.keel Ah.0}d Ijaz Ah.0}d Xiaocong Ai Abid Aleem.Wolfgang Altm.nnsh.fer Fabio Alves Weim.ng An Rui An Daniele Paolo Anderle Stefan Antusch.y.suo Arai Andrej Arbuzov Abdesslam.Arh.ib m.stafa Ash.y.Sh. Bai y. Bai y.ng Bai Vipul Bairath. Csaba Balazs Ph.lip Bam.ade y.ng Ban Tripam. Bandy.padh.ay.Sh.u-Sh.n Bao Desm.nd P.Barber Ay.e Bat Varvara Batozskay. Subash.Ch.ndra Beh.ra Alexander Bely.ev m.ch.le Bertucci Xiao-Jun Bi y.anjie Bi Tianjian Bian Fabrizio Bianch. Th.m.s Biekotter m.ch.la Biglietti Sh.lva Bilanish.ili Deng Binglin Denis Bodrov Anton Bogom.agkov Serge Bondarenko Stewart Boogert m.arten Boonekam. m.rcello Borri Angelo Bosotti Vincent Boudry.m.h.m.ed Boukidi Igor Boy.o Ivanka Bozovic Giuseppe Bozzi Jean-Claude Brient Anastasiia Budzinskay. m.sroor Bukh.ri Vladim.r By.ev Giacom. Cacciapaglia h.a Cai Weny.ng Cai wujun Cai y.jian Cai y.zh.u Cai y.ch.n Cai h.iy.ng Cai h.ach.ng Cai Lorenzo Calibbi Junsong Cang Guofu Cao Jiansh. Cao Antoine Ch.nce Xuejun Ch.ng y.e Ch.ng Zh. Ch.ng Xiny.an Ch.ng Wei Ch.o Auttakit Ch.trabh.ti y.m.n Ch. y.zh. Ch. Bin Ch.n Danping Ch.n Fuqing Ch.n Fusan Ch.n Gang Ch.n Guom.ng Ch.n h.a-Xing Ch.n h.irun Ch.n Jinh.i Ch.n Ji-y.an Ch.n Kai Ch.n m.li Ch.n m.ngjun Ch.n m.ngsh.i Ch.n Ning Ch.n Sh.nh.ng Ch.n Sh.nzh.n Ch.n Sh.o-Long Ch.n Sh.om.n Ch.n Sh.qiang Ch.n Tianlu Ch.n Wei Ch.n Xiang Ch.n Xiaoy. Ch.n Xin Ch.n Xun Ch.n Xurong Ch.n y. Ch.n y.ng Ch.n y.kai Ch.n Zelin Ch.n Zilin Ch.n Gang Ch.n Boping Ch.n Ch.nh.i Ch.n h.k Ch.en Ch.ng h.ajie Ch.ng Sh.n Ch.ng Tongguang Ch.ng y.nlong Ch. Pietro Ch.m.nti Wen h.n Ch.u Guk Ch. m.ng-Ch.ng Ch. Xiaotong Ch. Ziliang Ch. Guglielm. Coloretti Andreas Crivellin h.nh.a Cui Xiaoh.o Cui Zh.oy.an Cui Brunella D'Anzi Ling-y.n Dai Xinch.n Dai Xuwen Dai Antonio De m.ria Nicola De Filippis Ch.istoph. De La Taille Francesca De m.ri Ch.ara De Sio Elisa Del Core Sh.angxue Deng Wei-Tian Deng Zh. Deng Ziy.n Deng Bh.pal Dev Tang Dewen Biagio Di m.cco Ran Ding Siqin Dingl y.dong Ding h.iy. Dong Jianin AGh.University.of Science and Tech.ology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer ScienceKrakow Anh.i University HefeiAnhui Applied Ph.sics Departm.nt Federal Urdu University of ArtsScience and TechnologyIslamabad Banaras h.ndu University Institute of ScienceVaranasi Bandirm. Ony.di Ey.ul University Bandirma Beih.ng University Beijing Beijing Com.utational Science Research.Center Beijing Beijing Convey. LTD Beijing Beijing Glass Research.Institute Co. LtdBeijing Beijing Institute of Tech.ology Beijing Beijing Norm.l University Beijing Brown University ProvidenceRI Budker Institute of Nuclear Ph.sics Novosibirsk Cadi Ay.ad University Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied PhysicsPolydisciplinary FacultyMarrakech Cairo University Giza Center for Th.ory.and Com.utation National Tsing Hua UniversityHsinchu Central Ch.na Norm.l University WuhanHubei Central South.University ChangshaHunan Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas Universidade Tecnica de LisboaLisboa Ch.ngdu KaitengSifang Digital Radio&TV Equipm.nt Co. LtdChengduSichuan Ch.na academ. of engineering ph.sics MianyangSichuan Ch.na building m.terials academ. Beijing Ch.na Center of Advanced Science and Tech.ology Beijing Ch.na Institute of Atom.c Energy Beijing Ch.na Jiliang University HangzhouZhejiang Ch.na Nuclear Instrum.nt CO. LTDBeijing Ch.na University.of Geosciences Beijing Ch.na University.of Geosciences WuhanHubei Ch.na University.of m.ning and Tech.ology XuzhouJiangsu Ch.na West Norm.l University NanchongSichuan Ch.ngqing University Department of PhysicsChongqing Ch.lalongkorn University Bangkok City.University.of h.ng Kong Department of PhysicsHong Kong Cockcroft Institute Daresbury Cornell University IthacaNY CPPm.Am./IPh.&CNRS/INP) Marseille Dalian m.nzu University DalianLiaoning Dalian University.of Tech.ology Department of PhysicsDalian Deutsch.s Elektronen-Sy.ch.otron DESy Hamburg Dzh.lepov Laboratory.of Nuclear Problem. of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.DLNP JINR) Dubna East Ch.na University.Of Science And Tech.ol
Th. Circular Electron Positron Collider(CEPC)is a large scientific project initiated and h.sted by.Ch.na,fostered th.ough.extensive collaboration with.international *** com.lex com.rises four accelerators:a 30 GeV Lin... 详细信息
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