Whole-genome genotyping methods are important for ***,it has been chall.nging to develop a robust method for simultaneous foreground and background genotyping that can easily be adapted to different genes and *** our ...
Whole-genome genotyping methods are important for ***,it has been chall.nging to develop a robust method for simultaneous foreground and background genotyping that can easily be adapted to different genes and *** our study,we accidently discovered that in adapter ligation-mediated PCR,the amplification by primertemplate mismatched anneal.ng(PTMA)al.ng the genome could generate thousands of stable PCR *** on this observation,we consequently developed a novel method for simultaneous foreground and background integrated genotyping by sequencing(FBI-seq)using one specific primer,in which foreground genotyping is performed by primer-template perfect anneal.ng(PTPA),while background genotyping employs *** DnA arrays,multiple PCR,or genome target enrichments,FBI-seq requires little preliminary work for primer design and synthesis,and it is easily adaptable to different foreground genes and ***-seq therefore provides a prolific,robust,and accurate method for simultaneous foreground and background genotyping to facilitate breeding in the postgenomics era.
While n-heterocyclic carbene(nHC)catalyzed electron-pair-transfer processes have been developed into an important tool for synthetically important bond formations during the past decades,the corresponding radical reac...
While n-heterocyclic carbene(nHC)catalyzed electron-pair-transfer processes have been developed into an important tool for synthetically important bond formations during the past decades,the corresponding radical reactions via nHC catalysis have only received growing attention in the past six *** into account the advantages nHC-catalyzed radical reactions might bring,such as creating new activation modes that were previously unobtainable,it is worthwhile to provide a conceptual understanding of this emerging ***,herein we give an overview of nHC-catalyzed radical reactions via different synthetic techniques.
The entangled orbital angular momentum(OAM)photons propagating across a weakly turbul.nt atmosphere are ***,the paper uses the single-phase screen model based on the Kolmogorov theory of turbul.nce,and focuses on the ...
The entangled orbital angular momentum(OAM)photons propagating across a weakly turbul.nt atmosphere are ***,the paper uses the single-phase screen model based on the Kolmogorov theory of turbul.nce,and focuses on the influence of the backward scattering on OAM *** results indicate that backward scattering plays an important role in the analysis of OAM entanglement evolution in the turbul.nt *** cannot be negligible especially for higher-order OAM ***,when OAM mode is greater than 4,entangled photon pairs composed of higher OAM modes are not more robust in turbul.nce within the weak scintillation *** results will be useful in future investigations of OAM-based optical wave propagation through turbul.nt atmosphere.
The development of high voltage electrolytes plays a critical role to achieve advanced lithium ion batteries with high energy *** of suitable electrolyte additives is a facile and effective way to achieve enhanced ele...
The development of high voltage electrolytes plays a critical role to achieve advanced lithium ion batteries with high energy *** of suitable electrolyte additives is a facile and effective way to achieve enhanced electrochemical perfo rmance at high voltage *** this work,2-(tri fluoroacetyl)thiophene(TFPn) was investigated as a functional electrolyte additive for high performance lithium ion batteries using high-voltage liCoO2 *** cycled between 3.0 V and 4.4 V at 0.5 C,the capacity retention of the liCoO2 cathode significantly increases from 33.2 %-90.6 % by the addition of 0.5 wt%TFPn into the basel.ne *** on the measurements on impedance spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra,the improved cycl.ng performance is attributed to the preferential oxidation of TFPn on the cathode surface and thus form a protective layer to suppress the decomposition of both electrolyte solvent and lithium *** work presents that TFPn has great potential as functional additive for the development of high-voltage and high-energy-density lithium ion batteries.
Regular expressions are widely used within and even outside of computer science due to their expressiveness and ***, regular expressions have a quite compact and rather tolerant syntax that makes them hard to understa...
Regular expressions are widely used within and even outside of computer science due to their expressiveness and ***, regular expressions have a quite compact and rather tolerant syntax that makes them hard to understand, hard to compose,and error-prone. Faulty regular expressions may cause failures of the applications that use them. Therefore, ensuring the correctness of regular expressions is a vital prerequisite for their use in practical applications. The importance and necessity of ensuring correct definitions of regular expressions have attracted extensive attention from researchers and practitioners, especially in recent years. In this study, we provide a review of the recent works for ensuring the correct usage of regular expressions. We classify those works into different categories, including the empirical study, test string generation, automatic synthesis and learning, static checking and verification,visual representation and expl.nation, and repairing. For each category, we review the main results, compare different approaches, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We also discuss some potential future research directions.
Cancer stem cells(CSCs)are the main cause of tumor growth,invasion,metastasis and ***,CSCs have been extensively studied to identify CSCspecific surface markers as well as signal.ng pathways that play key roles in CSC...
Cancer stem cells(CSCs)are the main cause of tumor growth,invasion,metastasis and ***,CSCs have been extensively studied to identify CSCspecific surface markers as well as signal.ng pathways that play key roles in CSCs *** involvement of CSCs in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal(GI)cancers also highlights these cells as a priority target for *** diagnosis,prognosis and treatment of GI cancer have always been a focus of ***,the potential application of CSCs in GI cancers is receiving increasing *** review summarizes the role of CSCs in GI cancers,focusing on esophageal cancer,gastric cancer,liver cancer,colorectal cancer,and pancreatic *** addition,we propose CSCs as potential targets and therapeutic strategies for the effective treatment of GI cancers,which may provide better guidance for cl.nical treatment of GI cancers.
BACKGROUnD: We sought to demonstrate the superiority of a targeted therapy strategy involving high-flow nasal cannula oxygen(HFnCO_(2)) therapy and noninvasive ventilation(nIV) using l.ng ultrasound score(lUS) in comp...
BACKGROUnD: We sought to demonstrate the superiority of a targeted therapy strategy involving high-flow nasal cannula oxygen(HFnCO_(2)) therapy and noninvasive ventilation(nIV) using l.ng ultrasound score(lUS) in comparison with standard care among patients in the intensive care unit(ICU) who undergo successful weaning to decrease the incidence of extubation failure at both 48 hours and seven ***: During the study period, 98 patients were enrolled in the study, including 49 in the control group and 49 in the treatment group. Patients in the control group and patients with an lUS score nts(at low risk of extubation failure) in the treatment group were extubated and received standard preventive care without nIV or HFnCO_(2). Patients with an lUS score ≥14 points(at high risk of extubation failure) in the treatment group were extubated with a second review of the therapeutic optimization to identify and address any persisting risk factors for postextubation respiratory distress;patients received HFnCO2 therapy combined with sessions of preventive nIV(4-8 hours per day for 4-8 sessions total) for the first 48 hours after ***: In the control group, 13 patients had the lUS scores ≥14 points, while 36 patients had scores nts. In the treatment group, 16 patients had the lUS scores ≥14 points, while 33 patients had scores nts. Among patients with the lUS score ≥14 points, the extubation failure rate within 48 hours was 30.8% in the control group and 12.5% in the treatment group, constituting a statistically significant difference(Pnversely, among patients with an lUS score nts, 13.9% in the control group and 9.1% in the treatment group experienced extubation failure(P=0.61). The l.ngth of ICU stay(9.4±3.1 days vs. 7.2±2.4 days) was significantly different and the re-intubation rate(at 48 hours: 18.4% vs. 10.2%;seven days: 22.4% vs. 12.2%) significantly varied between the two groups(Pno significan
Cemented tail.ngs backfill(CTB)structures are important components of underground mine *** is important to investigate the characteristics and dynamic behavior of CTB materials because they are susceptible to disturba...
Cemented tail.ngs backfill(CTB)structures are important components of underground mine *** is important to investigate the characteristics and dynamic behavior of CTB materials because they are susceptible to disturbance by dynamic loading,such as excavation and *** this study,the authors present the results of a series of Split-Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)single and cyclic impact loading tests on CTB specimens to investigate the l.ng-term dynamic mechanical properties of *** stress-strain relationship,dynamic strength,and dynamic failure characteristics of CTB specimens are analyzed and discussed to provide valuable conclusions that will improve our knowledge of CTB l.ng-term mechanical behavior and *** instance,the dynamic peak stress under cyclic impact loading is approximately twice that under single impact loading,and the CTB specimens are less prone to fracture when cyclically *** findings and conclusions can provide a new set of references for the stability analysis of CTB materials and help guide mine designers in reducing the amount of binding agents and the associated mining cost.
Offshore wind energy resources are operational in cold regions,while offshore wind turbines will face the threat of ***,it is necessary to study icing of offshore wind turbines under different icing *** this study,ici...
Offshore wind energy resources are operational in cold regions,while offshore wind turbines will face the threat of ***,it is necessary to study icing of offshore wind turbines under different icing *** this study,icing sensitivity of offshore wind turbine blades are performed using a combination of FlUEnT and FEnSAP-ICE software,and the effects of liquid water content(lWC),medium volume diameter(MVD),wind speed and air temperature on blade icing shape are analyzed by two types of ice,namely rime ice and glaze *** results show that the increase of lWC and MVD will increase the amount of ice that forms on the blade surface for either glaze ice or rime ice,and an increase of MVD will expand the adhesion surface between ice and *** reaching the rated wind speed of 11.4 m/s,it does not directly affect the icing ***,after reaching the rated wind speed,the attack angle of the incoming flow decreases obviously,and the amount of ice increases *** the ambient air temperature meets the icing conditions of glaze ice(i.e.,−5℃ to 0℃),the lower the temperature,the more glaze ice freezes,whereas air temperature has no impact on the icing of rime *** with onshore wind turbines,offshore wind turbines might face extreme meteorological conditions,and the wind speed has no impact on the amount of ice that forms on the blade surface for most wind speeds.