Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest(OHCA)is one of the three leading causes of death in industrialized countries.[1,2]Some studies have described the impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in terms of the number of cas...
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest(OHCA)is one of the three leading causes of death in industrialized countries.[1,2]Some studies have described the impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in terms of the number of cases and OHCA survival rates in various regions,[3-5]but few have addressed the relationship between the successive phases and how they affected OHCA.[6,7]The 14-d cumulative incidence peaked at more than 990 cases,with these rates remaining above 200 for an eight-month period between 15 March 2020 and 15 March 2021 in Madrid,Spain.
Three-dimensional flow velocities were measured using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter at a closely spaced grid over a fixed scoured bed with a submerged spur ***-dimensional flow velocities were measured at 3,484 posi...
Three-dimensional flow velocities were measured using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter at a closely spaced grid over a fixed scoured bed with a submerged spur ***-dimensional flow velocities were measured at 3,484 positions around the trapezoidal shaped submerged model spur *** velocity distributions and detailed near field flow structures were revealed by the *** differences were revealed between flow over fixed flat and scoured *** lateral flows were the dominant cause of the observed local *** stresses were higher for the scoured bed than in the flat bed *** rates of scour as the scour hole developed were attributed to increases in critical shear stress in the scour holes caused by the increase in the length and magnitude of adverse slopes associated with the two main scour holes.
We review the management of Eucalyptus species under a coppice-with-standards (CWS) silvicultural system. CWS management results in product diversification, permitting production of small and large scale timber from...
We review the management of Eucalyptus species under a coppice-with-standards (CWS) silvicultural system. CWS management results in product diversification, permitting production of small and large scale timber from the same stand. Eucalyptus species are suitable candidates for CWS management because: there are large worldwide plantation areas, sprouting capacity is high, and eucalypts are multipur- pose species. We discuss (1) short rotation Eucalyptus coppice manage- ment for energy and pulping and (2) Eucalyptus seedling management for solid wood products. We review the literature and discuss experi- ences with Eucalyptus managed under the CWS system. We also assess projects dealing with Eucalyptus coppice management, stand density regulation, pruning, and stand and wood quality. The growth environ- ment of the standard trees (heavy competition up to the first harvest, free growth afterwards) coupled with long rotations (〉20 years) results in high quality logs for solid wood products. Early pruning should be ap- plied to enhance wood quality. We propose a system for the silvicultural management of Eucalyptus under the CWS system, elaborating on the consequences of initial planting density, site productivity, and standard tree densities as well as timing of basic silvicultural applications.
Carotenoid-based ornaments are often considered reliable(honest)individual condition signals because their expression implies physiological costs unaffordable for low-quality animals(handicap signals).Recently,it has ...
Carotenoid-based ornaments are often considered reliable(honest)individual condition signals because their expression implies physiological costs unaffordable for low-quality animals(handicap signals).Recently,it has been suggested that efficient cell respiration is mandatory for producing red ketocarotenoids from dietary yellow *** implies that red colorations should be entirely unfalsifiable and independent of expression costs(index signals).In a precedent study,male common crossbills,Loxia curvirostra,showing a red plumage reported higher apparent survival than those showing yellowish-orange *** plumage redness in this species is due to ketocarotenoid accumulation in ***,we correlated the male plumage redness(a 4-level visual score:yellow,patchy,orange,and red)and the body morphology in more than 1,ooo adult crossbills captured in 3 Iberian localities to infer the mechanisms responsible for color evolution.A principal component analysis summarized morphometry of 10 variables(beak,wing,tarsus length,etc.).The overall body size(PC1)and the length of flight feathers regarding body size(Pc3)showed significant positive relationships with plumage *** redness was barely correlated with bill shape measures,suggesting no constraint in acquiring carotenoids from pine ***,large body sizes or proportionally long flying feathers could help carotenoid acquisition via social competition or increased foraging *** longer flight feathers might also be associated with a specific cell respiration profile that would simultaneously favor flying capacities and enzymatic transformations needed for ketocarotenoid *** a phenotypic profile would agree with the hypothesis of ketocarotenoid-based colors acting as individual quality index signals.
On hillslopes and agricultural fields, discrete areas of intense, localized soil erosion commonly take place in the form of migrating headcuts. These erosional features significantly increase soil loss and landscape d...
On hillslopes and agricultural fields, discrete areas of intense, localized soil erosion commonly take place in the form of migrating headcuts. These erosional features significantly increase soil loss and landscape degradation, yet the unsteady, transient, and migratory habits of headcuts complicate their phenomenological and erosional characterization. Here a unique experimental facility was constructed to examine actively migrating headcuts typical of upland concentrated flows. Essential components of the facility include a deep soil cavity with external drainage, rainfall simulator, capacity for overland flow, and a video recording technique for data collection. Results from these experiments show that: (1) after a short period of adjustment, headcut migration attained a steady-state condition, where the rate of migration, scour hole geometry, and sediment discharge remain constant with time; (2) boundary conditions of higher rates of overland flow, steeper bed slopes, and larger initial headcut heights produced systematically larger scour holes with higher rates of soil erosion; and (3) during migration, the turbulent flow structure within the scour hole remained unchanged, consisting of an overfall nappe at the brink transitioning into a reattached wall jet with two recirculation eddies within the plunge pool. The systematic behavior of headcut development and migration enabled the application of modified jet impingement theory to predict with good success the characteristics of the impinging jet, the depth of maximum scour, the rate of headcut migration, and the rate of sediment erosion. These laboratory data and the analytical formulation can be used in conjunction with soil erosion prediction technology to improve the management of agricultural areas impacted by headcut development and ephemeral gully erosion.
In this paper, we introduce several centralizer constructions in a monoidal context and establish a monoidal equivalence with the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over a weak braided Hopf monoid. We apply the gener...
In this paper, we introduce several centralizer constructions in a monoidal context and establish a monoidal equivalence with the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over a weak braided Hopf monoid. We apply the general result to the calculus of the center in module categories.
Elderly population constitutes an increasingly larger proportion of patients admitted for acute coronary syndromes(ACS).The optimal management of ACS in these patients is still a challenge due to their clinical peculi...
Elderly population constitutes an increasingly larger proportion of patients admitted for acute coronary syndromes(ACS).The optimal management of ACS in these patients is still a challenge due to their clinical peculiarities and the paucity of specific data,and they have been traditionally managed more conservatively mainly based on subjective *** ST^segment elevation acute myocardial infarction urgent reperfusion is the standard of care and there is no upper age *** non-ST segment elevation acute myocardial infarction evidence is controversial,incomplete and mainly focused on chronological *** a strict conservative strategy should be avoided,routine invasive strategy may reduce the occurrence of myocardial infarction and need for revascularization at follow-up with no established benefit in terms of *** characteristics associated with aging,such as comorbidities and frailty,further discriminate patient's risk beyond *** is scarce,but it suggests that these features may modulate the benefit of invasive strategy in this *** trials should clarify the optimal management of ACS based on these parameters.
In many medical researches,it is needed to determine the optimal sample size allocation in a heterogeneous *** paper proposes the algorithm for optimal sample size *** consider the optimal allocation problem as an opt...
In many medical researches,it is needed to determine the optimal sample size allocation in a heterogeneous *** paper proposes the algorithm for optimal sample size *** consider the optimal allocation problem as an optimization problem and the solution is obtained by using Bisection,Secant,Regula-Falsi and other numerical *** performance of the algorithm for different numerical methods are analyzed and evaluated in terms of computing time,number of iterations and gain in accuracy using *** efficacy of algorithm is evaluated for the response in terms of body mass index(BMI)to the dietetic supplement with diabetes mellitus,HIV/AIDS and cancer post-operatory recovery patients.
In this paper we study the projections of weak braided Hopf algebras using the notion of Yetter-Drinfeld module associated with a weak braided Hopf algebra. As a consequence, we complete the study ofthe structure of w...
In this paper we study the projections of weak braided Hopf algebras using the notion of Yetter-Drinfeld module associated with a weak braided Hopf algebra. As a consequence, we complete the study ofthe structure of weak Hopf algebras with a projection in a braiding setting obtaining a categorical equivalencebetween the category of weak Hopf algebra projections associated with a weak Hopf algebra H living in abraided monoidal category and the category of Hopf algebras in the non-strict braided monoidal category ofleft-left Yetter-Drinfeld modules over H.
Retinal and optic nerve diseases are degenerative ocular pathologies which lead to irreversible visual loss. Since the advanced therapies availability, cell-based therapies offer a new all-encompassing approach. Advan...
Retinal and optic nerve diseases are degenerative ocular pathologies which lead to irreversible visual loss. Since the advanced therapies availability, cell-based therapies offer a new all-encompassing approach. Advances in the knowledge of neuroprotection, immunomodulation and regenerative properties of mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) have been obtained by several preclinical studies of various neurodegenerative diseases. It has provided the opportunity to perform the translation of this knowledge to prospective treatment approaches for clinical practice. Since 2008, several first steps projecting new treatment approaches, have been taken regarding the use of cell therapy in patients with neurodegenerative pathologies of optic nerve and retina. Most of the clinical trials using MSCs are in Ⅰ/Ⅱ phase, recruiting patients or ongoing, and they have as main objective the safety assessment of MSCs using various routes of administration. However, it is important to recognize that, there is still a long way to go to reach clinical trials phase Ⅲ-Ⅳ. Hence, it is necessary to continue preclinical and clinical studies to improve this new therapeutic tool. This paper reviews the latest progress of MSCs in human clinical trials for retinal and optic nerve diseases.