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177361 条 记 录,以下是4971-4980 订阅
The generation and evolution of the Archean continental crust:The granitoid story in southeastern Brazil
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Geoscience Frontiers 2022年 第4期13卷 144-164页
作者: Rodrigo S.Marimon chris j.Hawkesworth Elton L.Dantas Rudolph A.j.Trouw Wilson Teixeira Peter c.Hackspacher Allen Fetter ciro A.Ávila Silvia Volante Atlas V.corrêa Neto Everton M.Bongiolo Rodrigo Vinagre Maurício Simon Depto.de Geologia IGEOUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUFRJRio de JaneiroRJBrazil School of Earth Sciences University of BristolBristolUnited Kingdom Instituto de Geociências Universidade de BrasíliaUnBBrasíliaDFBrazil Instituto de Geociências Universidade de São PauloUSPSão PauloSPBrazil Instituto de Geociências e ciências Exatas Universidade Estadual PaulistaRio ClaroSPBrazil Institute of Geology Mineralogy and GeophysicsRuhr-Universität BochumUniversitätsstraße 15044801 BochumGermany ISOTOPIA Lab School of EarthAtmosphere and EnvironmentMonash UniversityWellington RdClaytonVIC 3800Australia Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências IGUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulUFRGSPorto AlegreRSBrazil
The Archean Eon was a time of geodynamic *** evidence of these transitions come from igneous/metaigneous rocks,which dominate cratonic segments *** data for granitoids from an Archean basement inlier related to the So... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Tuning the crystallite size of monoclinic ZrO_(2) to reveal critical roles of surface defects on m–ZrO_(2) catalyst for direct synthesis of isobutene from syngas
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chinese journal of chemical Engineering 2021年 第7期34卷 211-219页
作者: Xuemei Wu Minghui Tan Bing Xu Shengying Zhao Qingxiang Ma Yingluo He chunyang Zeng Guohui yang Noritatsu Tsubaki Yisheng Tan State Key Laboratory of coal conversion Institute of Coal ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesTaiyuan 030001China University of chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049China State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of coal and Green chemical Engineering Ningxia UniversityYinchuan 750021China Department of Applied chemistry School of EngineeringUniversity of ToyamaGofuku 3190Toyama 930-8555Japan china Petroleum chemical Industry Federation Beijing 100723China
The effects of crystallite size on the physicochemical properties and surface defects of pure monoclinic ZrO_(2) catalysts for isobutene synthesis were *** prepared a series of monoclinic ZrO_(2) catalysts with differ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Integration of a fused silica capillary and in-situ Raman spectroscopy for investigating cO_(2) solubility in n-dodecane at near-critical and supercritical conditions of cO_(2)
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Petroleum Science 2022年 第6期19卷 3124-3133页
作者: jun-Liang Wang Zi-Hao Song Lin-jun Li Li-Li yang Quan-Yuan Wang I-Ming chou Zhi-Yan Pan college of Environment Zhejiang University of TechnologyHangzhouZhejiang310032China Hangzhou Academy of Environmental Protection HangzhouZhejiang310032China Laboratory for Experimental Study Under Deep-sea Extreme conditions Institute of Deep-sea Science and EngineeringChinese Academy of SciencesSanyaHainan572000China
To determine the solubility of cO_(2)in n-dodecane at T=303.15-353.15 K,P≤11.00 MPa,an integrated fused silica capillary and in-situ Raman spectroscopy system was *** Raman peak intensity ratio(I_(cO_(2))/Ic-H)betwee... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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人工晶体学报 1998年 第1期27卷 89-93页
作者: 邢广忠 c.A.Brookes E.j.Brookes 燕山大学材料工程学院
利用软压头技术,研究了摩擦条件下温度对Ⅰb型人造金刚石、Ⅰa型和Ⅱa型天然金刚石表面变形的影响。结果表明,这三种金刚石的脆-塑性转变温度的顺序为:Ⅰb<Ⅰa<Ⅱa。金刚石的塑性变形抗力随温度升高急剧下降。在1400℃... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Search for two-neutrino double-beta decay of^(136)Xe to the 0^(+)_(1)excited state of 136Ba with the complete EXO-200 dataset
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chinese Physics c 2023年 第10期47卷 1-9页
作者: S.Al Kharusi G.Anton I.Badhrees P.S.Barbeau D.Beck V.Belov T.Bhatta M.Breidenbach T.Brunner G.F.cao W.R.cen c.chambers B.cleveland M.coon A.craycraft T.Daniels L.Darroch S.j.Daugherty j.Davis S.Delaquis A.Der Mesrobian-Kabakian R.DeVoe j.Dilling A.Dolgolenko M.j.Dolinski j.Echevers W.Fairbank jr. D.Fairbank j.Farine S.Feyzbakhsh P.Fierlinger Y.S.Fu D.Fudenberg P.Gautam R.Gornea G.Gratta c.Hall E.V.Hansen j.Hoessl P.Hufschmidt M.Hughes A.Iverson A.jamil c.jessiman M.j.jewell A.johnson A.Karelin L.j.Kaufman T.Koffas R.Krücken A.Kuchenkov K.S.Kumar Y.Lan A.Larson B.G.Lenardo D.S.Leonard G.S.Li S.Li Z.Li c.Licciardi Y.H.Lin R.MacLellan T.McElroy T.Michel B.Mong D.c.Moore K.Murray O.Njoya O.Nusair A.Odian I.Ostrovskiy A.Perna A.Piepke A.Pocar F.Retière A.L.Robinson P.c.Rowson j.Runge S.Schmidt D.Sinclair K.Skarpaas A.K.Soma V.Stekhanov M.Tarka S.Thibado j.Todd T.Tolba T.I.Totev R.Tsang B.Veenstra V.Veeraraghavan P.Vogel j.-L.Vuilleumier M.Wagenpfeil j.Watkins M.Weber L.j.Wen U.Wichoski G.Wrede S.X.Wu Q.Xia D.R.Yahne L.yang Y.-R.Yen O.Ya.Zeldovich T.Ziegler Physics Department McGill UniversityMontrealQuebec H3A 2T8Canada Erlangen centre for Astroparticle Physics(EcAP) Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-NürnbergErlangen 91058Germany Physics Department Carleton UniversityOttawaOntario K1S 5B6Canada Department of Physics Duke Universityand Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory(TUNL)DurhamNorth Carolina 27708USA Physics Department University of IllinoisUrbana-ChampaignIllinois 61801USA Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I.Alikhanov of National Research centre“Kurchatov Institute” Moscow 117218Russia Department of Physics University of South DakotaVermillionSouth Dakota 57069USA SLAc National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo ParkCalifornia 94025USA TRIUMF VancouverBritish Columbia V6T 2A3Canada Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing 100049China Department of Physics Laurentian UniversitySudburyOntario P3E 2C6Canada Physics Department Colorado State UniversityFort CollinsColorado 80523USA Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina at WilmingtonWilmingtonNC 28403USA Physics Department and cEEM Indiana UniversityBloomingtonIndiana 47405USA Physics Department Stanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia 94305USA Department of Physics Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19104USA Amherst center for Fundamental Interactions and Physics Department University of MassachusettsAmherstMA 01003USA Technische Universität München Physikdepartment and Excellence Cluster UniverseGarching 80805Germany Physics Department University of MarylandCollege ParkMaryland 20742USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of AlabamaTuscaloosaAlabama 35487USA Wright Laboratory Department of PhysicsYale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06511USA IBS center for Underground Physics Daejeon 34126Korea Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook UniversitySUNYStony BrookNew York 11794USA Kellogg Lab CaltechPasadenaCalifornia 91125USA LHEP Albert Einstein CenterUniversi
A new search for two-neutrino double-beta(2νββ)decay of^(136)Xe to the 0+1 excited state of 136Ba is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset.A deep learning-based convolutional neural network is used to discriminat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Application of phase-field modeling in solid-state phase transformation of steels
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journal of Iron and Steel Research International 2022年 第6期29卷 867-880页
作者: Shao-jie Lv Shui-ze Wang Gui-lin Wu jun-heng Gao Xu-sheng yang Hong-hui Wu Xin-ping Mao Beijing Advanced Innovation center for Materials Genome Engineering University of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing 100083China yangjiang Branch Guangdong Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology(Yangjiang Advanced Alloys Laboratory)Yangjiang 529500GuangdongChina Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityKowloonHong KongChina
Solid-state phase transformation is usually associated with excellent mechanical properties in steel materials.A deep understanding of the formation and evolution of phase structure is essential to tailor their servic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Allocation patterns of nonstructural carbohydrates in response to cO_(2)elevation and nitrogen deposition in cunninghamia lanceolata saplings
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journal of Forestry Research 2023年 第1期34卷 87-98页
作者: Wenhui Zheng Renshan Li Qingpeng yang Weidong Zhang Ke Huang Xin Guan Longchi chen Xin Yu Qingkui Wang Silong Wang Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Monitoring and Sustainable Management and Utilization Sanming UniversitySanming 365004People’s Republic of China cAS Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management Institute of Applied EcologyHuitong Experimental Station of Forest EcologyShenyang 110016People’s Republic of China Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem HuaihuaHuitong 418307People’s Republic of China Life Science Department Luoyang Normal UniversityLuoyang 471934People’s Republic of China Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of the Development and Utilization of Bamboo Resources Sanming UniversitySanming 365004People’s Republic of China
Stored nonstructural carbohydrates(NSc)indicate a balance between photosynthetic carbon(c)assimilation and growth investment or loss through respiration and root *** play an important role in plant function and whole-... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A comparative Study on the Utilization of corn Pericarp and Peanut Hull in the Production of Ethanol and the Impact on Food Economics
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2016年 第11期7卷 1010-1020页
作者: j. L. Herring V. c. Narayanan Department of Food & Animal Sciences Alabama A&M University Normal AL USA
corn pericarp and peanut hull (lignocellulosic materials) which are food industry by-products were used as substrates in this study. Alkaline hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) pretreatments at 0%, 2.5% and 5% were used for the... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ultrasound-Guided Dorsal Scapular Nerve Blockade in the Diagnosis and Management of Neck Pain
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Pain Studies and Treatment 2023年 第2期11卷 9-14页
作者: Alena Boros Paul j. Ryan Dominic c. Harmon School of Medicine Faculty of Education & Health Services University of Limerick Limerick Ireland Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine University Hospital Limerick Limerick Ireland
Neck pain is common and has multiple sources, but correct diagnosis and matched treatment provide the best outcomes. The first description of ultrasound-guided dorsal scapular nerve blockade using a single-shot local ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Biologically inspired shell-hollow particles for designing efficient passive all-sky radiative cooling
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Progress in Natural Science:Materials International 2024年 第5期34卷 1093-1099页
作者: Shangsheng Zhang Zengzhi Zhang Kai chen Shuman Xu Xunkai Luo yang Liu jian Wang Shijie Han Yulian Li Hongmei Du School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) School of chemical and Environmental Engineering China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Passive radiation cooling(PRc), as the most promising technology to meet future cooling needs, has attracted great interest. However, there are still huge challenges in manufacturing high-efficiency and low-cost rad... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论