Ferroelec.ric. possess in.erest.n. surfac. pot.n.ial propert.es an.c.arge emission.c.arac.erist.c., as a result.of polarizat.on.c.an.es respon.in.t. an.ext.rn.l physic.l at.ribut. suc. as elec.ric.field, t.mperat.re...
Ferroelec.ric. possess in.erest.n. surfac. pot.n.ial propert.es an. c.arge emission.c.arac.erist.c., as a result.of polarizat.on.c.an.es respon.in. t. an.ext.rn.l physic.l at.ribut. suc. as elec.ric.field, t.mperat.re an. pressure. In.t.is {12.rk, {12. used t.me-of-flight.sc.t.erin. an. rec.ilin. spec.romet.y (t.F-SARS) t. st.dy t.e pyroelec.ric.effec. on.ion.sc.t.erin. dat. an. assoc.at.d c.arge emission.of a Lit.O (000) c.yst.l. Briefly, t.e sample {12.s plac.d in.t.e ult.ahigh vac.um c.amber of a t.F-SARS syst.m {12.t. it. t.mperat.re
Sn.K1,an.evolut.on.rily c.n.erved het.rot.imeric.kin.se c.mplex t.at.ac.s as a key met.bolic.sen.or in.main.ain.n. en.rgy homeost.sis in.plan.s,is an.import.n. upst.eam ac.ivat.r of aut.phagy t.at.serves as a c.llular...
Sn.K1,an.evolut.on.rily c.n.erved het.rot.imeric.kin.se c.mplex t.at.ac.s as a key met.bolic.sen.or in.main.ain.n. en.rgy homeost.sis in.plan.s,is an.import.n. upst.eam ac.ivat.r of aut.phagy t.at.serves as a c.llular degradat.on.mec.an.sm for t.e healt.y grow.h of ***,w.et.er an. how.t.e aut.phagy pat.w.y is in.olved in.regulat.n. Sn.K1 ac.ivit. remain. *** t.is st.dy,w. iden.ified a c.ade of plan.-spec.fic.an. mit.c.on.ria-loc.lized Fc.-like zin.0}fin.er(FLZ)prot.in. as c.rren.ly un.n.w. At.8-in.erac.in. part.0}rs t.at.ac.ively in.ibit.Sn.K1 sign.lin. by repressin. t.e t.loop phosphorylat.on.of t.e c.t.lyt.c.subun.t. of Sn.K1,t.ereby n.gat.vely modulat.n. aut.phagy an. plan. t.leran.0} t. en.rgy deprivat.on.c.used by lon.-t.rm c.rbon.***,t.ese At.LZs are t.an.c.ipt.on.lly repressed by low.en.rgy st.ess,an. At.LZ prot.in. un.ergo a selec.ive aut.phagy-depen.en. pat.w.y t. be delivered t. t.e vac.ole for degradat.on.t.ereby c.n.t.t.t.n. a posit.ve feedbac. regulat.on.t. relieve t.eir repression.of Sn.K1 *** an.lyses show.t.at.t.e At.8-FLZ-Sn.K1 regulat.ry axis first.appears in.gymn.sperms an. seems t. be highly c.n.erved durin. t.e evolut.on.of seed *** w.t. t.is,deplet.on.of At.8-in.erac.in. ZmFLZ14 c.n.ers en.an.0}d t.leran.0},w.ereas overexpression.of ZmFLZ14 leads t. reduc.d t.leran.0} t. en.rgy deprivat.on.in.***,our st.dy reveals a previously un.n.w. mec.an.sm by w.ic. aut.phagy c.n.ribut.s t. t.e posit.ve feedbac. regulat.on.of Sn.K1 sign.lin.,t.ereby en.blin. plan.s t. bet.er adapt.t. st.essful en.iron.en.s.