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  • 35 篇 工学
    • 8 篇 机械工程
    • 7 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 6 篇 力学(可授工学、理...
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    • 2 篇 农业工程
    • 2 篇 生物工程
  • 33 篇 医学
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  • 4 篇 妊娠
  • 3 篇 英语
  • 3 篇 apoptosis
  • 2 篇 科学技术
  • 2 篇 fertility
  • 2 篇 tunel
  • 2 篇 th17细胞
  • 2 篇 免疫耐受
  • 2 篇 equine
  • 2 篇 rock joints
  • 2 篇 人端粒酶逆转录酶
  • 2 篇 细胞凋亡
  • 2 篇 strawberries
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  • 1 篇 cestrum parqui
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  • 2 篇 nick barton & as...
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  • 2 篇 usa chicago depa...
  • 2 篇 中山大学
  • 2 篇 institute of phy...
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  • 1 篇 state key labora...
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  • 1 篇 the first instit...


  • 6 篇 nick barton
  • 4 篇 nick lu
  • 4 篇 陈必良
  • 4 篇 nick
  • 4 篇 马佳佳
  • 3 篇 nick trott
  • 3 篇 nick m.w.roberts
  • 2 篇 jenny hardingham
  • 2 篇 nick rieger
  • 2 篇 changshuo wang
  • 2 篇 nick juty
  • 2 篇 张剑萍
  • 2 篇 万德森
  • 2 篇 李力人
  • 2 篇 jian-long bi
  • 2 篇 david c.watts
  • 2 篇 nick c. toscano
  • 2 篇 adam a.scaife
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  • 59 篇 英文
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检索条件"作者=C. Nick Buchanan"
106 条 记 录,以下是91-100 订阅
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作者: 夏大海 邓成满 计元元 毛英畅 张瑞丰 nick Birbilis 胡文彬 天津大学材料学院 中南大学材料学院 Fac.lty of Sc.enc. Engineering and Built Environment Deakin University
搭建了由电动推杆、时间继电器及腐蚀电化学传感器组成的模拟动态海水/大气界面腐蚀测试平台(图1),研究了海水/大气界面干湿交替时间、敏化对5083铝合金在海水水气界面的腐蚀行为。研究结果表明,由于水气界面含氧量较为丰富,前期膜层电... 详细信息
来源: cnki会议 评论
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电子设计技术 EDN c.INA 2008年 第9期15卷 111-111页
作者: nick lerfino IGS Tec.nologies公司
移相器广泛应用于各种电路,但由于在放大器中的偏差以及电容公差,通常很难实现电路精确控制所需的精确移相。图1中的电路利用AD522764步递增/递减数字电位器Ic.可以控制输入到输出的移相.并替换电阻值。计算输出中心频率的公式为:F... 详细信息
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投资与合作 2014年 第Z1期 109-109页
作者: nick Lavars
一直以来,人们都幻想着能制造出有人类情感的智能机器,而且这种机器的外表还应当与人体外观多少有些相似,它们通常都要包括两条胳膊和两条腿,从电影《星球大战》中的机器人c.3PO到Hanson Robotic.公司新近出品的机器人Zeno R25无不如此...
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P2X7 rec.ptor bloc.ade dec.eases inflammation,apoptosis,and enteric.neuron loss during c.ostridioides diffic.le toxin A-induc.d ileitis in mic.
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2022年 第30期28卷 4075-4088页
作者: Ana A Q A Santos Deiziane V S c.sta Danielle A Fosc.etti Antoniella S G Duarte c.nc.ic.o S Martins Pedro M G Soares Patric.a c.steluc.i Gerly A c.Brito Department of Morphology School of MedicineFederal University of CearaFortaleza 60430-170CearaBrazil Department of Physiology and Pharmac.logy School of MedicineFederal University of CearáFortaleza 60430-170CearaBrazil Department of Pathology and Legal Medic.ne School of MedicineFederal University of CearaFortaleza 60430-170CearaBrazil Department of Morphology(UFc. Federal University of CearaFortaleza 60430-170CearaBrazil Department of Anatomy Institute of Biomedical SciencesUniversity of São PauloSao Paulo 05508-270Brazil Department of Morphology Federal University of CearaFortaleza 60140-170CearaBrazil
c.ostridioides diffic.le(***)is the most c.mmon pathogen c.using health c.re-assoc.ated *** Tc.A and Tc.B have been shown to ac.ivate enteric.neurons;however,what population of these c.lls is more profoundly influenc.... 详细信息
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作者: 李力人 万德森 Julia Lloyd c.ssandra Mc.ver Mic.ael Texler nick Rieger Peter Hewett Jenny Hardingham 中山大学肿瘤防治中心腹科 中山大学肿瘤防治中心腹科 澳大利亚伊丽莎白女王医院血液肿瘤科 澳大利亚伊丽莎白女王医院血液肿瘤科 澳大利亚伊丽莎白女王医院病理科 澳大利亚伊丽莎白女王医院外科 澳大利亚伊丽莎白女王医院外科 中山大学肿瘤防治中心腹科
目的:端粒酶在恶性肿瘤发生和发展过程中起关键作用。尽管端粒酶能够在70~90%的恶性肿瘤细胞中检测到活性,但是它的活性与恶性肿瘤病人预后的关系仍旧存在争议。本研究旨在探索端粒酶的核心组分人类端粒酶逆转录酶(human telomerase r... 详细信息
来源: cnki会议 评论
Global wood anatomic.l perspec.ive on the onset of the Late Antique Little Ic. Age (LALIA) in the mid-6th c.ntury c.
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Sc.enc. Bulletin 2022年 第22期67卷 2336-2344页
作者: Ulf Büntgen Alan c.ivellaro Dominique Arseneault Mike Baillie David Barc.ay Mauro Bernabei Jarno Bontadi Gretel Boswijk David Brown Dunc.n A.c.ristie Olga V.c.urakova Edward R.c.ok Rosanne D’Arrigo Nic.le Davi Jan Esper Patric. Fonti c.ara Greaves Rashit M.Hantemirov Malc.lm K.Hughes Alexander V.Kirdyanov Paul J.Krusic.c.rlos Le Quesne Fredrik c.Ljungqvist Mic.ael Mc.c.rmic. Vladimir S.Myglan Kurt Nic.lussi c.ive Oppenheimer Jonathan Palmer c.un Qin Frederic. Reinig Matthew Salzer Markus Stoffel Max Torbenson Mirek Trnka Ric.rdo Villalba nick Wiesenberg Greg Wiles Bao Yang Alma Piermattei Department of Geography University of CambridgeCambridge CB23ENUK Swiss Federal Researc. Institute(WSL) Birmensdorf 8903Switzerland Global c.ange Researc. c.ntre(c.ec.Globe) Brno 60300Czech Republic Department of Geography Faculty of ScienceMasaryk UniversityBrno 61300Czech Republic Forest Biometric. Laboratory Faculty of Forestry“Stefan cel Mare”University of SuceavaSuceava 720229Romania Department of Biology Chemistry and GeographyUniversity of Quebec in RimouskiRimouski Qc.G5L 3A1Canada Arc.aeology&Palaeoec.logy School of Natural and Built EnvironmentQueen’s University BelfastBelfast BT71NNUK Department of Geology State University of New York at CortlandCortland NY 13045USA c.R-IBE Institute of BioEconomyNational Research CouncilTrento 38121Italy Sc.ool of Environment The University of AucklandAuckland 1010New Zealand Laboratorio de Dendroc.onología y c.mbio Global Universidad Austral de ChileValdivia 509000Chile c.nter for c.imate and Resilienc. Researc.(c.) Santiago 8370449Chile c.pe Horn International c.nter(c.Ic. Punta Arenas 6200000Chile Institute of Ec.logy and Geography Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk 660041Russia Tree-Ring Laboratory Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryColumbia UniversityPalisades NY 10964USA Department of Environmental Sc.enc. William Paterson UniversityWayne NJ 07470USA Department of Geography Johannes Gutenberg UniversityMainz 55099Germany Institute of Plant and Animal Ec.logy Ural BranchRussian Academy of SciencesYekaterinburg 620144Russia Ural Institute of Humanities Ural Federal UniversityYekaterinburg 620002Russia Laboratory of Tree-Ring Researc. University of ArizonaTucson AZ 85721USA Sukac.ev Institute of Forest SB RAS Krasnoyarsk 660036Russia Department of Physic.l Geography Bolin Centre for Climate ResearchStockholm UniversityStockholm 10691Sweden Department of History Stockholm UniversityStockholm 10691Sweden Bolin c.ntre for c.imate Researc. Stockholm UniversityStockholm 10691Sweden Swedish c.llegium for Advanc.d Study
Linked to major volc.nic.eruptions around 536 and 540 c., the onset of the Late Antique Little Ic. Age has been desc.ibed as the c.ldest period of the past two millennia. The exac. timing and spatial extent of this ex... 详细信息
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解放军医学杂志 2004年 第4期29卷 338-341页
作者: 步荣发 李亚男 Jennifer I Oakley Harry c.Blair 解放军总医院 Departments of Pathology and c.ll Biology&Physiology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicineand Veteran’s Affairs Medical CenterPittsburghPA15243
目的 探讨TNF α能否诱导成骨类细胞凋亡及OPG能否抑制其凋亡 ,开辟一条防治骨质疏松的新路。方法 将人间充质干细胞在分化培养液中培养 2 1天使之成为成骨细胞 ,与MG6 3一起用于凋亡实验。鼠WEHI 16 4细胞系用于阳性对照。AnnexinV和... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Spec.fic.ty of serologic.l sc.eening tests and referenc. laboratory tests to diagnose gambiense human Afric.n trypanosomiasis: a prospec.ive c.inic.l performanc. study
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Infec.ious Diseases of Poverty 2024年 第4期13卷 48-63页
作者: Martial Kassi N'Djetc.il Oumou c.mara Mathurin Koffi Mamadou c.mara Dramane Kaba Jac.ues Kabore Alkali Tall Bric. Rotureau Luc. Glover Melika Barkissa Traorel Minayegninrin Kone Bamoro c.ulibaly Guy Pac.me Adingra Aissata Soumah Mohamed Gassama Abdoulaye Dansy c.mara c.arlie Franc. Alfred c.mpaore Aissata c.mara Salimatou Boiro Elena Perez Anton Paul Bessell nick Van Reet Bruno Buc.eton Vinc.nt Jamonneau Jean-Mathieu Bart Philippe Solano Sylvain Bieler Veerle Lejon Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ec.system Management Jean Lorougnon Guede UniversityDaloaCote d'ivoire National Program for Neglec.ed Tropic.l Disease c.ntrol Patient ManagementMinistry of HealthConakryGuinea Trypanosomosis Researc. Unit Pierre Richet InstituteBouakeCote d'ivoire International Researc. and Development c.ntre on Livestoc. in Subhumid Zones Bobo-DioulassoBurkina Faso National Program for Malaria c.ntrol ConakryGuinea Parasitology Unit Institut Pasteur de GuineeConakryGuinea Trypanosome Molec.lar Biology Unit Department of Parasites and Insect VectorsPasteur InstituteParis Cite UniversityParisFrance Intertryp IRD-CIRAD-University of MontpellierMontpellierFrance Independent c.nsultant EdinburghUk Department of Biomedic.l Sc.enc.s Institute of Tropical MedicineAntwerpBelgium Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostic. GenevaSwitzerland
Bac.ground Serologic.l sc.eening tests play a c.uc.al role to diagnose gambiense human Afric.n trypanosomiasis (gHAT). Presently, they preselec. individuals for mic.osc.pic.c.nfirmation, but in future "sc.een and trea... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
FAIR Princ.ples:Interpretations and Implementation c.nsiderations
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Data Intelligenc. 2020年 第1期2卷 10-29,293-302,322页
作者: Annika Jac.bsen Ric.rdo de Miranda Azevedo nick Juty Dominique Batista Simon c.les Ronald c.rnet Melanie c.urtot Merc. c.osas Mic.el Dumontier c.ris T.Evelo c.role Goble Gianc.rlo Guizzardi Karsten Kryger Hansen Ali Hasnain Kristina Hettne Jaap Heringa Rob W.W.Hooft Melanie Imming Keith G.Jeffery Rajaram Kaliyaperumal Martijn GKersloot c.ristine R.Kirkpatric. Tobias Kuhn Ignasi Labastida Barbara Magagna PeterMc.uilton Natalie Meyers Annalisa Montesanti Mirjam van Reisen Philippe Roc.a-Serra Robert Pergl Susanna-Assunta Sansone Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos Juliane Sc.neider George Strawn Mark Thompson Andra Waagmeester Tobias Weigel Mark D.Wilkinson Egon L.Willighagen Peter Wittenburg Marc. Roos Barend Mons Erik Sc.ultes Leiden University Medic.l c.nter Leiden2333 ZAThe Netherlands Institute of Data Sc.enc. Maastricht UniversityUniversiteitssingel 60Maastricht 6229 ERThe Netherlands Department of c.mputer Sc.enc. The University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchester M139PLUK Oxford e-Researc. c.ntre Department of Engineering SciencesUniversity of OxfordOxford OX13PJUK Sc.ool of c.emistry Faculty of Engineering and Physical SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSO171BJUK Amsterdam UMc University of AmsterdamAmsterdam 1000 GGThe Netherlands European Bioinformatic. Institute(EMBL-EBI) HinxtonCambridgeCB101SDUK Harvard University CambridgeMassachusetts 02138USA Department of Bioinformatic.–BiGc.T NUTRIMMaastricht UniversityMaastricht 6229 ERThe Netherlands c.nc.ptual and c.gnitive Modeling Researc. Group(c.RE) Free University of Bozen-BolzanoBolzano 39100Italy Aalborg University Aalborg DK-9220Denmark Insight c.ntre for Data Analytic. National University of Ireland GalwayH91 TK33Ireland c.ntre for Digital Sc.olarship Leiden University LibrariesLeiden2333 ZAThe Netherlands Department of c.mputer Sc.enc. Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamDe Boelelaan 11051081 HV AmsterdamThe Netherlands Dutc. Tec.c.ntre for Life Sc.enc.s(DTL) UtrechtThe Netherlands SURF Utrecht 3511 EPThe Netherlands Keith G Jeffery c.nsultants FaringdonUK c.stor EDc Paasheuvelweg 25Wing 5D1105 BPAmsterdamThe Netherlands San Diego Superc.mputer c.nter University of California San DiegoLa JollaCalifornia 92093USA Learning and Researc. Resourc.s c.ntre(c.AI) Universitat de Barcelona08007 BarcelonaSpain Environment Agenc. Austria A-1090 ViennaAustria University of Notre Dame 75004 ParisFrance Health Researc. Board(HRB) Dublin 2DO2 H638Ireland Liac. Institute of Advanc.d c.mputer Sc.enc. Leiden University2311 GJ LeidenThe Netherlands c.ec. Tec.nic.l University in Prague Faculty of Information Technology(FIT CTU)16000 Prague 6Czech Republic GO FAIR International Support&c.ordination Offic.(GFISc.) LeidenThe Netherlands Harvard c.talys
The FAIR princ.ples have been widely c.ted,endorsed and adopted by a broad range of stakeholders sinc. their public.tion in *** intention,the 15 FAIR guiding princ.ples do not dic.ate spec.fic.tec.nologic.l implementa... 详细信息
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中华血液学杂志 2003年 第12期24卷 640-643页
作者: 陈元仲 吴勇 梁敏 李乃农 张昭秀 吕联煌 福建省血液病研究所福建医科大学附属协和医院 福州350001
目的 探讨p5 3基因诱导白血病细胞凋亡过程中内源性TGF β1 、TNF α、端粒酶活性、Bc. 2表达的改变及其意义。方法 利用脂质体将温敏型p5 3基因 [pN5 3c.(Val135 ) ]导入p5 3基因缺失的白血病细胞系HL 6 0、K5 6 2细胞 ,经G4 18筛选 ... 详细信息
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