This paper is a c.ntribution to the development of real time simulators for energy c.nversion researc. with respec.s to the "hardware in the loop simulation" The foc.s is on the study of marine c.rrent kine...
This paper is a c.ntribution to the development of real time simulators for energy c.nversion researc. with respec.s to the "hardware in the loop simulation" The foc.s is on the study of marine c.rrent kinetic. energy c.nversion from into elec.ric.l energy using a marine c.rrent turbine simulator, developed in three stages. In the first stage the marine c.rrent turbine is emulated with the help of an induc.ion drive who reproduc.s at its shaft the c.arac.eristic. of a real turbine. It is c.nnec.ed with a load break used to forc. the emulator to respec. on its shaft the c.arac.eristic. of the real turbine. In the sec.nd stage, the induc.ion drive is c.nnec.ed on the shaft with a doubly feed induc.ion generator, for the study of energy c.nversion. The emulator respec.s the working regime, developed in the previous step, of a real turbine due to the c.ntrol of the drive. In the third stage the induc.ion mac.ine emulating the turbine is interc.nnec.ed with the generator and the load break. This assembly is used for the of the marine c.rrent turbine. The break is used to c.eate extra loads on the shaft and a variable inertial moment.
This paper deals with c.ntrol method related to a wind system operating in stand-alone applic.tions. The stand-alone wind system is c.mposed of three energy transfer subsystems: wind generator subsystem (wind turbin...
This paper deals with c.ntrol method related to a wind system operating in stand-alone applic.tions. The stand-alone wind system is c.mposed of three energy transfer subsystems: wind generator subsystem (wind turbine and elec.ric.l generator), energy storage subsystem, respec.ively, spec.fic.loc.l network subsystem (c.ntrolled loads). This wind power system performs in the same time the maximization of wind energy c.nversion and the power balanc. between produc.d and required power. Three struc.ures of the energy storage subsystem, based on buffer battery operation and/or c.pac.tor voltage c.ntrol, are disc.ssed. The simulation results show that the proposed stand-alone wind power system ensures a good management of the loc.l energy request. The design of the struc.ures is analyzed in Matlab/Simulink environment, using PowerSim toolbox.
The slippery slope framework explains tax c.mplianc. along two main dimensions,trust in authorities and power of authorities,whic. influenc. taxpayers’c.mplianc. *** frequentist and Bayesian analyses,we investigated ...
The slippery slope framework explains tax c.mplianc. along two main dimensions,trust in authorities and power of authorities,whic. influenc. taxpayers’c.mplianc. *** frequentist and Bayesian analyses,we investigated the framework’s assumptions on a sample of 2786 self-employed taxpayers from eleven post-c.mmunist and non-post-c.mmunist c.untries doing business in five ec.nomic.*** using sc.narios that experimentally manipulated trust and power,our results c.nfirmed the framework’s assumptions regarding the attitudes of the self-employed taxpayers;trust and power fostered intended tax c.mplianc. and diminished tax evasion,trust boosted voluntary tax c.mplianc.,whereas power inc.eased enforc.d tax ***,self-employed taxpayers from post-c.mmunist c.untries reported higher intended tax c.mplianc. and lower tax evasion than those from non-post-c.mmunist *** results offer tax authorities insights into how trust and power may c.ntribute to obtaining and maintaining high tax c.mplianc. levels amid global ec.nomic.c.allenges,downturns,and inc.easing tax c.mplianc. c.sts.