Introduc.ion: c.gA and Vac. are the most important and well-studied virulenc. fac.ors found in pylori. The aim of this work was to identify genes c.rresponding to H. pylori pathogenic.ty fac.ors in Brazza...
Introduc.ion: c.gA and Vac. are the most important and well-studied virulenc. fac.ors found in pylori. The aim of this work was to identify genes c.rresponding to H. pylori pathogenic.ty fac.ors in Brazzaville, Material & Methods: A c.oss-sec.ional study was c.rried out from Oc.ober 2013 to Dec.mber 2016. Biopsy spec.mens were obtained from patients sc.eduled for upper gastrointestinal in Brazzaville, and were sent to the Frenc. National Referenc. c.nter for c.mpylobac.ers and Helic.bac.ers in Bordeaux, Franc.. H. pylori detec.ion was c.nduc.ed by real-time Pc. using a resonanc. energy transfer-melting c.rve analysis protoc.l. The identific.tion of the genes enc.ding pathogenic.ty fac.ors was c.rried out by c.nventional Pc. using the appropriate primers for determination of c.gA phosphorylation motifs 1, 2, 3;and vac.s, I and m regions: vac.i1, vac.i2, vac.s1a, vac.s1b. Results: A high prevalenc. of H. pylori infec.ion was reported (108/143;75.5%). In 92.2% (n = 71/77), the presenc. of P1, P2 and P3 c.gA phosphorylation motifs was noted. vac., vac.s1m1 was observed in 82% of the strains (n = 59/72). vac.i1 was present in all strains (n = 76). With regard to the distribution ac.ording to the vac.s1 subtype, the majority of the strains (59/71;83%) were vac.s1b positive, as c.mpared to vac.s1c.(17/34, 33%). The vac.s1a gene was absent in all of these patients. The presenc. of genes assoc.ated with severe gastric.diseases indic.tes the importanc. of H. pylori eradic.tion in the prevention of these diseases in
Introduc.ion: c.nventional metabolite analyses often require manual sample preparation, generating variability of measurements. This study desc.ibes a new method to quantify radiometabolites in blood, c.mbining ultra ...
Introduc.ion: c.nventional metabolite analyses often require manual sample preparation, generating variability of measurements. This study desc.ibes a new method to quantify radiometabolites in blood, c.mbining ultra high performanc. liquid c.romatography (UHPLc. and turbulent flow c.romatography, an alternative fully automated allowing analyte’s extrac.ion. Methods: A new radiotrac.r for dopamine transporter imaging, namely LBT-999, was used to demonstrate the method’s robustness. Matrix effec., Turboflow c.lumn loading, linearity, spec.fic.ty and prec.sion were evaluated with in vitro samples of LBT-999 in human plasma. Radiodetec.or sensitivity and preliminary evaluation were respec.ively determined by analysis of c.librated samples of [18F]LBT-999 and blood samples from 4 healthy subjec.s injec.ed with [18F]LBT-999, withdrawn at 5, 15, 30 and 45 min pi. Results: With three sequential loadings (3 × 100 μL) of the Turboflow c.lumn, mean c.effic.ents of variation were 1%, below 2%, 2% and 30.9% for matrix effec., spec.fic.ty, repeatability and intermediate prec.sion, respec.ively. c.rrelation c.effic.ents for linearity were superior to 0.97. Limits of detec.ion and quantific.tion of the radiodetec.or were fixed at 3 and 9 c.s. Retention times for [18F]LBT-999 and the two radiometabolites detec.ed by radio-UHPLc.were 6.5, 4.8 and 9.6 min. Forty-five min after the injec.ion, parent frac.ion was still predominant with 57.8% ± 25% of the total radioac.ivity. An innovative approac., allying UHPLc.and Turboflow c.lumn, was developed and its sensitivity, linearity, spec.fic.ty and repeatability validated. Preliminary results of the c.inic.l trial are in ac.ordanc. with literature data, demonstrating its effic.enc. in radiometabolites quantific.tion.