CD4^(+)T cells,particularly IL-17-secreting helper CD4^(+)T cells,play a central role in the inflammatory processes underlying autoimmune *** Elongation Factor 2 Kinase(eEF2K)is pivotal in CD8^(+)T cells and has impor...
CD4^(+)T cells,particularly IL-17-secreting helper CD4^(+)T cells,play a central role in the inflammatory processes underlying autoimmune *** Elongation Factor 2 Kinase(eEF2K)is pivotal in CD8^(+)T cells and has important implications in vascular dysfunction and inflammation-related diseases such as ***,its specific immunological role in CD4^(+)T cell activities and related inflammatory diseases remains *** investigation has uncovered that the deficiency of eEF2K disrupts the survival and proliferation of CD4^(+)T cells,impairs their ability to secrete ***,this dysregulation leads to heightened production of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17,fosters a pro-inflammatory microenvironment in the absence of eEF2K in CD4^(+)T ***,the absence of eEF2K in CD4^(+)T cells is linked to increased metabolic activity and mitochondrial *** have shown that eEF2K regulates mitochondrial function and CD4^(+)T cell activity through the upregulation of the transcription factor,signal transducer and activator of transcription 3(STAT3).Crucially,the deficiency of eEF2K exacerbates the severity of inflammation-related diseases,including rheumatoid arthritis,multiple sclerosis,and ulcerative ***,the use of C188-9,a small molecule targeting STAT3,mitigates colitis in a murine immunodeficiency model receiving eEF2K knockout(KO)CD4^(+)T *** findings emphasize the pivotal role of eEF2K in controlling the function and metabolism of CD4^(+)T cells and its indispensable involvement in inflammation-related *** eEF2K represents a promising avenue for novel therapeutic approaches in the treatment of inflammation-related disorders.
Inheritance patterns in twins and multiplex families led us to hypothesize that two loci were segregating in subjects with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (jME), one predisposing to generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS...
Inheritance patterns in twins and multiplex families led us to hypothesize that two loci were segregating in subjects with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (jME), one predisposing to generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) and a second to myoclonic seizures. We tested this hypothesis by performing genomewide scan of a large family (Family 01) and used the results to guide analyses of additional families. A locus was identified in Family 01 that was linked to GTCS (10q25-q26). Model-based multipoint analysis of the 10q25-q26 locus showed a logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 2.85; similar results were obtained with model-free analyses (maximum nonparametric linkage NPL of 2.71; p = 0.0019). Analyses of the 10q25-q26 locus in 10 additional families assuming heterogeneity revealed evidence for linkage in four families; model-based and model-free analyses showed a heterogeneity LOD (HLOD) of 2.01 (α= 0.41) and maximum NPL of 2.56 (p = 0.0027), respectively, when all subjects with GTCS were designated to be affected. Combined analyses of all 11 families showed an HLOD of 4.04 (α= 0.51) and maximum NPL score of 4.20 (p = 0.000065). Fine mapping of the locus defined an interval of 4.45Mb. These findings identify a novel locus for GTCS on 10q25-q26 and support the idea that distinct loci underlie distinct seizure types within an epilepsy syndrome such as jME.