Obj.ctive. To date, very few studies have been conducted on the neurodevelopmental well-being of children conceived through intracytoplasmic sperm inj.ction (ICSI). The limitations of these studies often include a lac...
Obj.ctive. To date, very few studies have been conducted on the neurodevelopmental well-being of children conceived through intracytoplasmic sperm inj.ction (ICSI). The limitations of these studies often include a lack of comparison with a demographically matched, naturally conceived (NC) group and the investigation of only very young children, with relatively small samples sizes. One study showed that there were no differences in IQ scores among ICSI-conceived, in vitro fertilization (IVF)-conceived, and NC children at 5 years of age. Unfortunately, psychomotor development was not assessed in that study. Because findings regarding these children’s cognitive and motor development are inconclusive, the aim of this study was to shed more light on the cognitive and motor development of 5-year-old ICSI-conceived children. Methods. A total of 511 ICSI-conceived children were compared with 424 IVF-conceived children and 488 NC controls. Children were recruited in 5 European countries, ie, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Participation rates ranged from 45%to 96%in the ICSI and IVF groups and from 34%to 78%in the NC group. Cognitive and motor development was assessed with the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) and McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities (MSCA) Motor Scale, respectively. The WPPSI-R consists of 2 maj.r scales, ie, Verbal and Performance, each including 6 subtests. The 6 Performance Scale subtests are obj.ct assembly, geometric design, block design, mazes, picture completion, and animal pegs. The 6 Verbal Scale subtests are information, comprehension, arithmetic, vocabulary, similarities, and sentences. Scores on the Performance and Verbal Scale subtests are summed to yield the performance IQ (PIQ) and verbal IQ (VIQ), respectively. Scores on both the Performance Scale and the Verbal Scale yield the full scale IQ (FSIQ). IQ scales have a mean score of 100 and a SD of 15. Each subtest has a mean sco
Plant cell walls contain elaborate polysaccharide networks and regulate plant growth, development, mechanics, cell-cell communication and adhesion, and defense. Despite conferring rigidity to support plant structures,...
Plant cell walls contain elaborate polysaccharide networks and regulate plant growth, development, mechanics, cell-cell communication and adhesion, and defense. Despite conferring rigidity to support plant structures, the cell wall is a dynamic extracellular matrix that is modified, reorganized, and degraded to tightly control its properties during growth and development. Far from being a terminal carbon sink, many wall polymers can be degraded and recycled by plant cells, either via direct re-incorporation by trans- glycosylation or via internalization and metabolic salvage of wall-derived sugars to produce new precur- sors for wall synthesis. However, the physiological and metabolic contributions of wall recycling to plant growth and development are largely undefined. In this review, we discuss long-standing and recent evi- dence supporting the occurrence of cell-wall recycling in plants, make predictions regarding the develop- mental processes to which wall recycling might contribute, and identify outstanding questions and emerging experimental tools that might be used to address these questions and enhance our understanding of this poorly characterized aspect of wall dynamics and metabolism.
Ore forming processes involve the redistribution of heat, mass and momentum by a wide range of processes operating at different time and length scales. The fastest process at any given length scale tends to be the dom...
Ore forming processes involve the redistribution of heat, mass and momentum by a wide range of processes operating at different time and length scales. The fastest process at any given length scale tends to be the dominant control. Applying this principle to the array of physical processes that operate within magma flow pathways leads to some key insights into the origins of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits. A high proportion of mineralised systems, including those in the super-giant Noril'sk-Talnakh camp, are formed in small conduit intrusions where assimilation of country rock has played a maj.r role. Evidence of this process is reflected in the common association of sulfides with varitextured contaminated host rocks containing xenoliths in varying stages of assimilation. Direct incorporation of S-bearing country rock xenoliths is likely to be the dominant mechanism for generating sulfide liquids in this setting. However, the processes of melting or dissolving these xenoliths is relatively slow compared with magma flow rates and, depending on xenolith lithology and the composition of the carrier magma, slow compared with settling and accumulation rates. Chemical equilibration between sulfide droplets and silicate magma is slower still, as is the process of dissolving sulfide liquid into initially undersaturated silicate magmas. Much of the transport and deposition of sulfide in the carrier magmas may occur while sulfide is still incorporated in the xenoliths, accounting for the common association of magmatic sulfide-matrix ore breccias and contaminated "taxitic" host rocks. Effective upgrading of so-formed sulfide liquids would require repetitive recycling by processes such as reentrainment, back flow or gravity flow operating over the lifetime of the magma transport system as a whole. In contrast to mafic-hosted systems, komatiite-hosted ores only rarely show an association with externally-derived xenoliths, an observation which is partially due to the pre
An outbreak of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), biotype B occurred in the Imperial Valley, California in 1991. The insects destroyed melon crops and seriously damaged other vegetables, ornamenta...
An outbreak of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), biotype B occurred in the Imperial Valley, California in 1991. The insects destroyed melon crops and seriously damaged other vegetables, ornamentals and row crops. As a result of the need for sampling technology, we developed a whitefly trap (named the CC trap) that could be left in the field for extended time periods. We used the traps to monitor populations ofB. tabaci adults during year-round samplings from 1996 to 2002 to study variations in the weekly trap catches of the insect. The greatest number ofB. tabaci adults was recorded in 1996, followed by a continuing annual decrease in trap catches each year through 2002. The overall decline of B. tabaci is attributed in part to the adoption of an integrated pest management (IPM) program initiated in 1992 and reduced melon hectares from 1996 to 2002. Other factors may also have contributed to the population reductions. Seasonally, B. tabaci trap catches decreased during the late summer and fall concurrent with decreasing minimum tempera- tares that are suggested to be a significant factor affecting seasonal activity and reproduction.
The Scandinavian Caledonides comprise nappe stacks of far-travelled allochthons that record closure of the Iapetus Ocean and subsequent continental collision of Baltica and *** Seve Nappe Complex(SNC)of the Scandinavi...
The Scandinavian Caledonides comprise nappe stacks of far-travelled allochthons that record closure of the Iapetus Ocean and subsequent continental collision of Baltica and *** Seve Nappe Complex(SNC)of the Scandinavian Caledonides includes relics of the outermost Baltoscandian passive margin that were subducted to mantle *** earliest of the deep subduction events has been dated to ca.500-480 *** of this event has been reported from the northern exposures of the *** south in the central and southern segments of the SNC,(ultra)high-pressure rocks have yielded younger ages in the range of ca.470-440 *** study provides the first record of the early Caledonian event in the southern *** evidence has been obtained by depth profiling of zircon grains that were extracted from the Tv?r?klumparna microdiamond-bearing *** zircon grains preserve eclogite facies overgrowths that crystallized at 482.6±3.8 Ma.A second,chemically-distinct zircon overgrowth records granulite facies metamorphism at 439.3±3.6 Ma,which corroborates previous geochronological evidence for granulite facies metamorphism at this *** on these results,we propose that the entire outer margin of Baltica was subducted in the late Cambrian to early Ordovician,but the record of this event may be almost entirely eradicated in the vast maj.rity of lithologies by pervasive late Ordovician to early Silurian metamorphism.
Dear Editor, Insect Science recently published a meta-analysis that tried to test support for the slow-growth high-mortality (hereafter SG-HM) hypothesis (Chen& Chen, 2018). Meta-analysis is a powerful statistica...
Dear Editor, Insect Science recently published a meta-analysis that tried to test support for the slow-growth high-mortality (hereafter SG-HM) hypothesis (Chen& Chen, 2018). Meta-analysis is a powerful statistical tool used to quantitatively compare and summarize multiple studies (Arnqvist & Wooster, 1995). However, results from a meta-analysis must be carefully interpreted when only limited sample sizes are available. Many conclusions made by Chen and Chen (2018) are based on low sam- rile sizes and/or have small fail-safe numbers,
Dear editor,Calcium channel blocker overdoses are often fatal despite standard treatment. Methylene blue is a novel adj.nct that should be considered in refractory *** accepted therapeutic modalities include intraveno...
Dear editor,Calcium channel blocker overdoses are often fatal despite standard treatment. Methylene blue is a novel adj.nct that should be considered in refractory *** accepted therapeutic modalities include intravenous fluids, calcium, vasopressors and high-dose insulin euglycemic therapy, however shock may
Wu and colleagues’letter discusses the limitations of the use of a single sample per tumor to investigate neutral evolution in human *** evolution describes the situation in which there is no differential clonal sele...
Wu and colleagues’letter discusses the limitations of the use of a single sample per tumor to investigate neutral evolution in human *** evolution describes the situation in which there is no differential clonal selection amongst the population of cells within a cancer:all mutations thataccrue during growth are passengers and all drivers were already present in the