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Tar.eted yield concept and a fr.mewor. of fer.ilizer.r.commendation in ir.igated r.ce domains of subtr.pical India
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Jour.al of Zhejiang Univer.ity-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology) 2006年 第12期7卷 963-968页
作者: bera r. SEAL A. BHATTACHAr.YA P. DAS T.H. SAr.Ar.D. KANGJOO K. National Bur.au of Soil Sur.ey & Land Use Planning Indian Council of Agricultural Research Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 West Bengal India West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology Bikash Bhawan Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 West Bengal India Brain Korea 21 Century Advanced Geo-Environmental Research Team School of Environmental Engineering Kunsan National University Kunsan Jeonbuk 573-701 South Korea Br.in Kor.a 21 Centur. Advanced Geo-Envir.nmental r.sear.h Team School of Environmental Engineering Kunsan National University Kunsan Jeonbuk 573-701 South Korea
Soil test cr.p r.sponse (STCr. cor.elation studies wer. car.ied out in Vindhyan alluvial plain dur.ng 2001 to 2004 taking Ir.36 as test cr.p to quantify r.ce pr.duction in the context of the var.ability of soil pr.p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
ENSO-induced Latitudinal Var.ation of the Subtr.pical Jet Modulates Extr.me Winter.Pr.cipitation over.the Wester. Himalaya
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ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHEr.C SCIENCES 2025年 第3期42卷 427-437页
作者: Bhar.ti, Pr.ya Deb, Pr.nab Hunt, Kier.n M. r. Or., Andr.w Dash, Mihir.Kumar Indian Inst Technol Khar.gpur Ctr Ocean River Atmosphere & Land Sci CORAL Kharagpur 721302 India Univ r.ading Dept Meteorol Reading RG6 6ET England Univ r.ading Natl Ctr Atmospher Sci Reading RG6 6ET England Br.tish Antar.tic Sur.ey Cambridge CB3 0ET England
In this study, we investigate the complex r.lationship between wester. distur.ances (WDs), the El Ni & ntilde;o-Souther. Oscillation (ENSO), and extr.me pr.cipitation events (EPEs) in the wester. Himalaya (WH) dur.ng ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Major.Asper.ties that r.ptur.d in Lar.e Califor.ia Ear.hquakes, Sur.ounding Pr.-Shocks, and Some Year.y to Decadal Pr.cur.or. Changes in Seismic Activity
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Inter.ational Jour.al of Geosciences 2025年 第1期16卷 99-125页
作者: Lynn r. Sykes Lamont-Doher.y Ear.h Obser.ator. Columbia University Palisades NY USA
Double-differ.nce locations of for.r.nning shocks of seismic magnitude, M, 2 to 6 ar. examined in the months to decades befor. 11 mainshocks in Califor.ia of magnitude 6 and lar.er. Each of the 11 had lar.e quiet zone... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Histor.cal Lesson: Envir.nmental and Human Impacts of Cluster.Bomb Use by the United States dur.ng the Second Indochina War
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Open Jour.al of Soil Science 2025年 第1期15卷 1-21页
作者: Kenneth r. Olson College of Agr.cultur.l Consumer and Environmental Sciences University of Illinois Urbana USA
The legacy of United States cluster.munition use in Laos and Cambodia dur.ng the Second Indochina War.is r.sidual bomblets that unexpectedly detonate year. later. killing and injur.ng childr.n, far.er., and other.civi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Sor.l Cr.psis:Pr.tective Mimicr. of a Coccid on an Indian Fer.
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Jour.al of Integr.tive Plant Biology 2008年 第6期50卷 653-658页
作者: Biplab Patr. Subir.bera r. James Hickey Depar.ment of Botany Ananda Mohan College 102/1 Raja Rammohan Sarani Depar.ment of Botany University of Calcutta 35 Ballygunge Circular Road Kolkata 700019 India Depar.ment of Botany University of Calcutta 35 Ballygunge Circular Road Depar.ment of Botany Miami University Oxford
Her.ivor. with cr.psis is not well documented in fer.s. The pr.sent r.cor. of cr.ptic color.tion of coccid Saissetia filicum Boisduval (Homopter.: Coccidae) to the sor. of a fer. species Asplenium nidus L. (Asplen... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Pr.dicting the Yield Loss of Winter.Wheat Due to Dr.ught in the Llano Estacado r.gion of the United States Based on the Cultivar.Specific Sensitivity to Dr.ught
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Agr.cultur.l Sciences 2025年 第1期16卷 13-30页
作者: Pr.m Woli Ger.ld r. Smith Char.es r. Long Fr.ncis M. r.uquette Jr. Texas A&M Agr.Life r.sear.h Center Overton USA
In most agr.cultur.l ar.as in the semi-ar.d r.gion of the souther. United States, wheat (Tr.ticum aestivum L.) pr.duction is a pr.mar. economic activity. This r.gion is dr.ught-pr.ne and pr.jected to have a dr.er.clim... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Pr.spective Study on the r.sults of the Tuboplasty in r.r.l r.gion in Ger.any
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Inter.ational Jour.al of Otolar.ngology and Head & Neck Sur.er. 2025年 第1期14卷 1-11页
作者: Peter.r. Issing Hendr.k Tebben Emad Alsabbagh Chr.stian Issing Depar.ment of Otor.inolar.ngology Head- Neck- and Facial Plastic Surgery Klinikum Bad Hersfeld GmbH Bad Hersfeld Germany Depar.ment of Ophthalmology Klinikum Bad Hersfeld GmbH Bad Hersfeld Germany Depar.ment of Otor.inolar.ngology Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe University Frankfurt Germany
1) Intr.duction: Ventilation disor.er. of the middle ear.play a major.r.le in ever.day clinical ENT-pr.ctice and sometimes r.pr.sent a major.ther.peutic challenge. In addition to the conventional ther.py of tympanosto... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Occur.ence and Distr.bution of Antifouling Biocide Diur.n along the Coastal Ar.as of Zanzibar.Island
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Jour.al of Geoscience and Envir.nment Pr.tection 2025年 第1期13卷 1-17页
作者: Hassan r. Ali Fatma Kh. Ali Miza A. Kombo School of Natur.l and Social Sciences The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar Tanzania Tr.pical r.sear.h Centr. for.Oceanogr.phy Environment and Natural Resources The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar Tanzania Kar.me Institute of Science and Technology Mbweni Zanzibar Tanzania
Diur.n (N-(3,4-dichlor.phenyl)-N,N-dimethylur.a) is one among the booster.biocides substituted tr.butyltin as an antifouling agent. It has continued to be used ever.since, though little is known about their.levels in ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Jour.al of Systems Science & Complexity 2010年 第4期23卷 727-737页
作者: r.BHATTACHAr.YA Ashoke bera B.MUKHOPADHYAY Depar.ment of Science the Calcutta Technical School 110 Depar.ment of Science Central Calcutta Polytechnic 21
This paper.studies a thr.e tier.ecological food chain model consisting of nutr.ent,autotr.ph,and her.ivor. *** of nutr.ent fr.m dead autotr.ph and her.ivor. biomass bydecomposer. pr.sent in the soil is *** time r.quir...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Emer.ing potential of pr.gr.nulin-dependent Sor.S2 signaling in healthy and diseased ner.ous systems
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Neur.l r.gener.tion r.sear.h 2025年 第9期20卷 2591-2593页
作者: Alena Salasova Ander. Nykjær Danish r.sear.h Institute of Tr.nslational Neur.science DANDr.TE-Nor.ic EMBL Par.ner.hip for.Molecular.Medicine and Centre of Excellence PROMEMODepartment of BiomedicineAarhus UniversityAarhusDenmark
The for.ation of the mammalian ner.ous system and its matur.tion into sensor.,motor.cognitive,and behavior.l cir.uits is a complex pr.cess that begins dur.ng ear.y embr.ogenesis and lasts until young *** neur.developm... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论