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49788 条 记 录,以下是91-100 订阅
Effect of periodic heat transfer on the transient thermal behavior of a convective-radiative fully wet porous moving trapezoidal fin
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Applied mathematics and mechanics(English Edition) 2023年 第4期44卷 653-668页
作者: b.J.GIREESHA m.L.KEERTHI Department of PG Studies and Research in mathematics Kuvempu UniversityShankaraghatta 577451India
A moving trapezoidal profiled convective-radiative porous longitudinal fin wetted in a single-phase fluid is considered in the current *** periodic variation in the fin base temperature is taken into account along wit... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
microstructural Evolution during Partial Remelting of Al—Si Alloys Containing Different Amounts of magnesium
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Journal of materials Science & Technology 2013年 第10期29卷 971-978页
作者: A.Abedi m.Shahmiri b.Amir Esgandari b.Nami Department of mechanical Engineering Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU) School of metallurgy and materials Science Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
The effect of magnesium on the microstructures of A356 aluminum alloy in as-cast and semi-solid conditions was investigated. The result showed that magnesium refined the size of primary α(Al) phase and eutectic sil... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
burden,stress and depression in caregivers of cirrhosis patients before and after liver transplantation
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World Journal of Transplantation 2025年 第2期15卷 276-287页
作者: Adriano Virches mariana b Claudino maria C miyazaki Eliane T miyazaki Renato F Silva Rita C Silva Heitor b Farias Neide A Domingos Randolfo Santos Jr Patricia S Fucuta Department of Psychology School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto(FAMERP/Faculdade de Medicina de São Josédo Rio Preto)São Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of Surgery and Study Group of Liver Tumors-GETF and Liver and Small Intestine Transplantation Unit School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto and Base HospitalSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of Gastroenterology and Liver and Small Intestine Transplantation Unit School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto and Base HospitalSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology Pontifical Catholic University of Minas GeraisBelo Horizonte 32604-115Minas GeraisBrazil Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology and Health School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio PretoSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of medicine Faceres Medical SchoolSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-305São PauloBrazil
bACKGROUND Family caregivers of cirrhosis patients(CPs)often experience burden,stress,and *** whether these conditions improve following the patient undergoing liver transplantation(LT)is crucial,as it would elucidate... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Analysis of the Interaction of Pulsed Laser with Nanoporous Activated Carbon Cloth
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Journal of materials Science & Technology 2011年 第11期27卷 979-984页
作者: b.V. Kaludjerovi m.S. Trtica b.b. Radak J.m. Stai S.S. Krsti muovi V.m. Dodevski Laboratory of material Science Vina Institute for Nuclear Sciences University of BelgradeP.O. Box 522 11001 Serbia Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Vina Institute for Nuclear Sciences University of BelgradeP.O. Box 522 11001 Serbia
Interaction of pulsed transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) CO2-1aser radiation at 10.6 μm with nanoporous activated carbon cloth was investigated. Activated carbon cloth of different adsorption characteristics wa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Effect of Al_(2)O_(3)on the mechanical Properties of(b_(4)C+Al_(2)O_(3))/Al Neutron Absorbing materials
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Acta metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 2024年 第8期37卷 1411-1420页
作者: J.X.Cai b.m.Shi N.Li Y.Liu Z.G.Zhang Y.N.Zan Q.Z.Wang b.L.Xiao Z.Y.ma Shi‑Changxu Innovation Center for Advanced materials Institute of Metal ResearchChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110016China Key Laboratory of Nuclear materials and Safety Assessment Institute of Metal ResearchChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110016China Nuclear Equipment Division Beijing Institute of Nuclear EngineeringChina Nuclear Power Engineering Co.Ltd.Beijing 100840China Department of materials Science School of Mechanical EngineeringShenyang UniversityShenyang 110044China
b_(4)C/Al composites are widely utilized as neutron absorbing materials for the storage and transportation of spent nuclear *** order to improve the high-temperature mechanical properties of b_(4)C/Al composites,in-si... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
New Soliton Wave Solutions to a Nonlinear Equation Arising in Plasma Physics
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Computer modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023年 第10期137卷 827-841页
作者: m.b.Almatrafi Abdulghani Alharbi Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceTaibah UniversitySaudi Arabia
The extraction of traveling wave solutions for nonlinear evolution equations is a challenge in various mathematics,physics,and engineering *** article intends to analyze several traveling wave solutions for themodifie... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Opaque mineralogy as a Tracer of magmatic History of Volcanic Rocks: an Example from the Neogene-Quaternary Harrat Rahat Intercontinental Volcanic Field, North Western Saudi Arabia
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Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) 2013年 第5期87卷 1281-1305页
作者: A.A.SUROUR A.m.b.mOUFTI Department of mineral Resources and Rocks Faculty of Earth SciencesKing Abdul Aziz University
The Neogene-Quaternary Harrat Rahat volcanic field is part of the major intercontinental Harrat fields in western Saudi Arabia. It comprises lava flows of olivine basalt and hawaiite, in addition to mugearite, benmori... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A Search on Dirac Equation
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Chinese Physics Letters 2007年 第11期24卷 3024-3027页
作者: m. Kocak, b. Gonül Department of Engineering Physics Faculty of Engineering University of Gaziantep 27310 Gaziantep Turkey
The solutions, in terms of orthogonal polynomials, of Dirac equation with analytically solvable potentials are investigated within a novel formalism by transforming the relativistic equation into a Schrodinger-like on... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Effects of Chemical (isotropic) and Anisotropic Etching Processes on the Roughening of Nanocomposite Substrates
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Plasma Science and Technology 2010年 第6期12卷 673-676页
作者: m.RADmILOVI-RADJENOVI b.RADJENOVI Institute of Physics
Simulation results of roughening of nanocomposite materials during both isotropic and anisotropic etching processes based on the level set method are presented. It is clearly shown that the presence of two phases with... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Exploring malnutrition Risk among Infants under Five Years in Guéra Province, Chad: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2025年 第1期16卷 95-119页
作者: Nassaradine macki minawir Donatien Serge mbaga mahamat béchir bernard Sodio Alpha Seydou Yaro cole Doctorale des Sciences et des Technologies du mali Universit des Sciences des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB) Bamako Mali cole Suprieure des Sciences de la Sant Siantou Institut Universitaire Siantou Yaound Cameroon Facult des Sciences de la Sant Humaine Universit de N'Djamna N'Djamna Chad Laboratoire dEntomologie-Parasitologie Facult des Sciences et Techniques (FST) Universit des Sciences des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB) Bamako Mali malaria Research and Training Center Point G Facult de Mdecine et dOdontostomatologie (FMOS) Universit des Sciences des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB) Bamako Mali
background: malnutrition, a serious public health concern, is influenced by various factors. Objective: The study aims to explore malnutrition issues among infants under five years old in Guéra Province. methods: The... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论