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检索条件"作者=B.Li,r.Lin,D.L.Yang,L.H.Cui,J.X.ma Tongji University,China"
78796 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Effect of driving Cycle on the performance of PEMFC and microstructure of membrane electrode assembly
Effect of Driving Cycle on the performance of PEMFC and micr...
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作者: b.li,r.lin,d.l.yang,l.h.cui,j.x.ma tongji university,china
<正>driving cycle effect on proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) performance and microstructure of membrane electrode assembly(MEA) is simulated to predict the lifetime of *** single cell performance after ...
来源: cnki会议 评论
Electromagnetic wave absorption and corrosion resistance performance of carbon nanoclusters/Ce-Mn codoped barium ferrite composite materials
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International journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and materials 2025年 第3期32卷 699-709页
作者: bo li lin ma Sinan li jiewu cui xiaohui liang Wei Sun Pengjie Zhang Nan huang Song ma Zhidong Zhang Shenyang National laboratory for materials Science Institute of Metal ResearchChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110016China School of materials Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology of ChinaShenyang 110016China School of Metallurgy Engineering Liaoning Institute of Science and TechnologyBenxi 117004China School of materials Science and Engineering Hefei University of TechnologyHefei 230009China Institute of Microelectronics Hangzhou Dianzi UniversityHangzhou 310018China bGrIMM magnetic materials&Technology Co. Ltd.Beijing 100160China
To realize the application of electromagnetic wave absorption(EWA)devices in humid marine environments,bifunctional EWA materials with better EWA capacities and anticorrosion properties have great exploration signific... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
deep view of composite SNr CTA1 with lhAASO in γ-rays up to 300 TeV
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Science china(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.x.bai Y.W.bao d.bastieri x.j.bi Y.j.bi W.bian A.V.bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao j.Chang j.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.x.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.j.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.d.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.cui S.W.cui x.h.cui Y.d.cui b.Z.dai h.l.dai Z.G.dai danzengluobu x.Q.dong K.K.duan j.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan j.Fang j.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng x.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici b.Gao C.d.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.b.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo j.Guo x.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he j.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor b.W.hou C.hou x.hou h.b.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang d.h.huang T.Q.huang W.j.huang x.T.huang x.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang x.l.ji h.Y.jia K.jia h.b.jiang K.jiang x.W.jiang Z.j.jiang M.jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov d.Khangulyan d.Kuleshov K.Kurinov b.b.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li d.li F.li h.b.li h.C.li jian li jie li K.li S.d.li W.l.li W.l.li x.r.li xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.j.lin b.liu C.liu d.liu d.b.liu h.liu h.d.liu j.liu j.l.liu M.Y.liu r.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv b.Q.ma l.l.ma x.h.ma j.r.mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.j.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.j.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei j.C.Qi M.Y.Qi b.Q.Qiao j.j.Qin A.raza d.ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed d.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev x.d.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su d.x.Sun Q.N.Sun x.N.Sun Z.b.Sun j.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang r.Tang Z.b.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.b.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang j.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang r.Wang W.Wang x.G.Wang x.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.d.Wang Y.j.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.x.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang d.M.Wei j.j.Wei Y.j.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.r.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu x.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.xi j.xia G.M.xiang d.x.xiao G.xiao Y.l.xin Y.xing d.r.xiong Z.xiong d.l.xu r.F.xu r.x.xu W.l.xu l.xue d.h.Yan j.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.yang C.Y.yang F.yang F.F.yang l.l.yang M.j.yang r.Z.yang W.x.yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin x.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest jiaotong university School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing university Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou university Tsung-dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai jiao Tong university Institute for Nuclear research of russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal university university of Science and Technology of china lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle detection and Electronics Key laboratory of dark matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics division & Computing Center Yunnan university Key laboratory of Cosmic rays (Tibet university) Ministry of Education department of Physics The Chinese university of hong Kong Key laboratory of radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen university Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong university APC Université Paris Cité CNrS/IN2P3 CEA/IrFU Observatoire de Paris department of Engineering Physics & department of Astronomy Tsinghua university School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou university Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences china Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan university School of Physics Peking university Guangxi Key laboratory for relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology university of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi university department of Physics Faculty of Science mahidol university Moscow Institute
The ultra-high-energy(UhE) gamma-ray source 1lhAASO j0007+7303u is positionally associated with the composite SNr CTA1 that is located at high Galactic latitude b ≈ 10.5°. This provides a rare opportunity to spati...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
lhAASO detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission surrounding PSr j0248+6021
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Science china(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.x.bai Y.W.bao d.bastieri x.j.bi Y.j.bi W.bian A.V.bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao j.Chang j.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.x.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.j.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.d.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.cui S.W.cui x.h.cui Y.d.cui b.Z.dai h.l.dai Z.G.dai danzengluobu x.Q.dong K.K.duan j.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan j.Fang j.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng x.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici b.Gao C.d.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.b.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo j.Guo x.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he j.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor b.W.hou C.hou x.hou h.b.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang d.h.huang T.Q.huang W.j.huang x.T.huang x.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang x.l.ji h.Y.jia K.jia h.b.jiang K.jiang x.W.jiang Z.j.jiang M.jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov d.Khangulyan d.Kuleshov K.Kurinov b.b.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li d.li F.li h.b.li h.C.li jian li jie li K.li S.d.li W.l.li W.l.li x.r.li xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.j.lin b.liu C.liu d.liu d.b.liu h.liu h.d.liu j.liu j.l.liu M.Y.liu r.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv b.Q.ma l.l.ma x.h.ma j.r.mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.j.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.j.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei j.C.Qi M.Y.Qi b.Q.Qiao j.j.Qin A.raza d.ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed d.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev x.d.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su d.x.Sun Q.N.Sun x.N.Sun Z.b.Sun j.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang r.Tang Z.b.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.b.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang j.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang r.Wang W.Wang x.G.Wang x.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.d.Wang Y.j.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.x.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang d.M.Wei j.j.Wei Y.j.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.r.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu x.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.xi j.xia G.M.xiang d.x.xiao G.xiao Y.l.xin Y.xing d.r.xiong Z.xiong d.l.xu r.F.xu r.x.xu W.l.xu l.xue d.h.Yan j.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.yang C.Y.yang F.yang F.F.yang l.l.yang M.j.yang r.Z.yang W.x.yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin x.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest jiaotong university School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing university Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou university Tsung-dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai jiao Tong university Institute for Nuclear research of russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal university university of Science and Technology of china lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle detection and Electronics Key laboratory of dark matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics division & Computing Center Yunnan university Key laboratory of Cosmic rays (Tibet university) Ministry of Education department of Physics The Chinese university of hong Kong Key laboratory of radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen university Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong university APC Université Paris Cité CNrS/IN2P3 CEA/IrFU Observatoire de Paris department of Engineering Physics & department of Astronomy Tsinghua university School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou university Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences china Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan university School of Physics Peking university Guangxi Key laboratory for relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology university of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi university department of Physics Faculty of Science mahidol university Moscow Institute
We report the detection of an extended very-high-energy(VhE) γ-ray source coincident with the location of middle-aged(62.4 kyr) pulsar PSr j0248+6021, by using the lhAASO-WCdA data of live 796 d and lhAASO-KM2A data ...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Observation of the γ-ray emission from W43 with lhAASO
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Science china(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.x.bai Y.W.bao d.bastieri x.j.bi Y.j.bi W.bian A.V.bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao j.Chang j.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.x.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.j.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.d.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.cui S.W.cui x.h.cui Y.d.cui b.Z.dai h.l.dai Z.G.dai danzengluobu x.Q.dong K.K.duan j.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan j.Fang j.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng x.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici b.Gao C.d.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.b.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo j.Guo x.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he j.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor b.W.hou C.hou x.hou h.b.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang d.h.huang T.Q.huang W.j.huang x.T.huang x.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang x.l.ji h.Y.jia K.jia h.b.jiang K.jiang x.W.jiang Z.j.jiang M.jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov d.Khangulyan d.Kuleshov K.Kurinov b.b.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li d.li F.li h.b.li h.C.li jian li jie li K.li S.d.li W.l.li W.l.li x.r.li xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.j.lin b.liu C.liu d.liu d.b.liu h.liu h.d.liu j.liu j.l.liu M.Y.liu r.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv b.Q.ma l.l.ma x.h.ma j.r.mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.j.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.j.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei j.C.Qi M.Y.Qi b.Q.Qiao j.j.Qin A.raza d.ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed d.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev x.d.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su d.x.Sun Q.N.Sun x.N.Sun Z.b.Sun j.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang r.Tang Z.b.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.b.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang j.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang r.Wang W.Wang x.G.Wang x.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.d.Wang Y.j.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.x.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang d.M.Wei j.j.Wei Y.j.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.r.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu x.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.xi j.xia G.M.xiang d.x.xiao G.xiao Y.l.xin Y.xing d.r.xiong Z.xiong d.l.xu r.F.xu r.x.xu W.l.xu l.xue d.h.Yan j.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.yang C.Y.yang F.yang F.F.yang l.l.yang M.j.yang r.Z.yang W.x.yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin x.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest jiaotong university School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing university Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou university Tsung-dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai jiao Tong university Institute for Nuclear research of russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal university university of Science and Technology of china lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle detection and Electronics Key laboratory of dark matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics division & Computing Center Yunnan university Key laboratory of Cosmic rays (Tibet university) Ministry of Education department of Physics The Chinese university of hong Kong Key laboratory of radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen university Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong university APC Université Paris Cité CNrS/IN2P3 CEA/IrFU Observatoire de Paris department of Engineering Physics & department of Astronomy Tsinghua university School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou university Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences china Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan university School of Physics Peking university Guangxi Key laboratory for relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology university of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi university department of Physics Faculty of Science mahidol university Moscow Institute
In this paper, we report the detection of the very-high-energy (VhE, 100 Ge V100 TeV) γ-ray emissions from the direction of the young star-forming region W43, observed by the large high Altitude Air Shower Observatio...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
liquid-liquid phase separation of TrAF6 promotes anti-Tb immunity
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Science bulletin 2025年 第3期70卷 338-341页
作者: Yongjia duan Yuanna Cheng Mingtong ma liru li Shanshan liu liru Guan jie Wang hongjie liu xiaochen huang jianxia Chen hua yang baoxue Ge lin Wang Shanghai Key laboratory of Tuberculosis Shanghai Pulmonary HospitalTongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200433China department of Microbiology and Immunology Tongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200433China Clinic and research Center of Tuberculosis Shanghai Pulmonary HospitalTongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200433China Key laboratory of Pathogen-host Interaction Ministry of EducationDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyTongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200049China
Tumor necrosis factor receptor(TNFr)-associated factor 6(TrAF6)is a key regulator of the innate immune system,activating NF-κb and AP-1 signaling[1].TrAF6 participates in the immune regulation of many diseases,especi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
recognition of a salivary effector by the TNl protein rCSP promotes effector-triggered immunity and systemic resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana
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journal of Integrative Plant biology 2025年 第1期67卷 150-168页
作者: Weiwei rao Tingting ma jiayuan Cao Yajun Zhang Sisi Chen Shu lin xiaoxiao liu Guangcun he li Wan Key laboratory of Plant design CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant SciencesInstitute of Plant Physiology and EcologyChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200032China National Key laboratory of hybrid rice College of Life SciencesWuhan UniversityWuhan 430072China university of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049China
Insects secret chemosensory proteins(CSPs)into plant cells as potential effector proteins during *** molecular mechanisms underlying how CSPs activate plant immunity remain largely *** show that CSPs from six distinct... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fracture behavior of sandstone with partial filling flaw under mixed-mode loading: Three-point bending tests and discrete element method
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journal of rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2025年 第1期17卷 291-308页
作者: dongdong ma Yu Wu xiao ma xunjian hu Wenbao dong decheng li lingyu li State Key laboratory for Geomechanics and deep Underground Engineering China University of Mining and TechnologyXuzhou221116China State Key laboratory of Structural health and Safety of bridges Wuhan430034China research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou310058China State Key laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Institute of Rock and Soil MechanicsChinese Academy of SciencesWuhan430071China
The fracture behavior of natural fracture in the geological reservoir subjected to filling property,affects the crack initiation and propagation under stress *** filling flaws were intermediate between open fractures ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Irreversible electroporation combined with anti-programmed cell death protein 1 therapy promotes tumor antigen-specific Cd8+T cell response
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World journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 2025年 第3期17卷 237-245页
作者: yang-yang ma xiao-hua Wang jian-Ying Zeng ji-bing Chen li-Zhi Niu Guangzhou Fuda Cancer hospital Guangzhou 510665Guangdong ProvinceChina department of Oncology Guangzhou Fuda Cancer HospitalGuangzhou 510665Guangdong ProvinceChina
bACKGrOUNd Irreversible electroporation(IrE)is a novel local tumor ablation approach with the potential to activate the host’s immune ***,this approach is insufficient to prevent cancer progression,and complementary ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
OsbZIP27 coordinates with OshUb1 and OshUb2 to modulate drought tolerance in rice
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journal of Genetics and Genomics 2025年 第2期52卷 168-178页
作者: Zuntao xu Yachun yang Fei Zhang hao li hui ma Wenge Wu Yong ding Anhui Province Key laboratory of rice Genetics and breeding Rice Research InstituteAnhui Academy of Agricultural SciencesHefeiAnhui 230031China biological breeding laboratory of Anhui Province HefeiAnhui 230031China Ministry of Education Key laboratory for Membraneless Organelles and Cellular dynamics HefeiAnhui 230027China School of life Sciences University of Science and Technology of ChinaHefeiAnhui 230027China The Grain Industry research Institute of Anhui Agricultural university HefeiAnhui 230036China
histone h2b ubiquitination(h2bub)is positively linked to transcriptional activation,but the genetic programs affected by h2bub to enhance drought tolerance remain largely ***,we show that OsbZIP27 interacts directly w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论