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  • 2 册 图书


  • 11 篇 电子文献
  • 0 种 纸本馆藏



  • 5 篇 医学
    • 3 篇 临床医学
    • 1 篇 中西医结合
    • 1 篇 药学(可授医学、理...
    • 1 篇 医学技术(可授医学...
  • 3 篇 理学
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    • 1 篇 地球物理学
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    • 2 篇 应用经济学
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    • 1 篇 软件工程
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    • 1 篇 畜牧学


  • 2 篇 药代动力学
  • 2 篇 治疗药物监测
  • 1 篇 anisotropic flow...
  • 1 篇 共识指南
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  • 1 篇 复合酶制剂
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  • 1 篇 屈光手术
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  • 1 篇 合并用药
  • 1 篇 血药浓度
  • 1 篇 交叉试验
  • 1 篇 生产性能
  • 1 篇 研究生
  • 1 篇 management infor...
  • 1 篇 安慰剂对照
  • 1 篇 给药间隔


  • 2 篇 psychiatric hosp...
  • 2 篇 department of ch...
  • 2 篇 experimental psy...
  • 2 篇 department of la...
  • 2 篇 kitzberg hospita...
  • 2 篇 atlanta va medic...
  • 2 篇 kbo-isar-amper k...
  • 2 篇 psychiatric hosp...
  • 2 篇 medical laborato...
  • 2 篇 institute of cli...
  • 2 篇 psychiatric hosp...
  • 2 篇 medical laborato...
  • 2 篇 department of ch...
  • 2 篇 department of ps...
  • 2 篇 首都医科大学附属...
  • 2 篇 max planck insti...
  • 2 篇 institute of cli...
  • 2 篇 danuviuskliniken...
  • 2 篇 aristo pharma gm...
  • 2 篇 institute of psy...


  • 2 篇 阮灿军
  • 2 篇 鲍爽
  • 2 篇 臧彦楠
  • 2 篇 g.janssen
  • 2 篇 a.conca
  • 2 篇 g.eckermann
  • 2 篇 张玲
  • 2 篇 g.gründer
  • 2 篇 k.egberts
  • 2 篇 s.unterecker
  • 2 篇 m.paulzen
  • 2 篇 e.haen
  • 2 篇 m.gerlach
  • 2 篇 p.baumann
  • 2 篇 果伟
  • 2 篇 j.c.stingl
  • 2 篇 r.helmer
  • 2 篇 m.uhr
  • 2 篇 m.silva gracia
  • 2 篇 h.w.clement


  • 8 篇 中文
  • 3 篇 英文
11 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Measurements of dihadron correlations relative to the event plane in Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=200 GeV
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第4期45卷 198-241页
作者: H.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed A.V.Alakhverdyants I.Alekseev J.Alford b.D.Anderson C.D.Anson D.Arkhipkin G.S.Averichev J.balewski D.R.beavis N.K.behera R.bellwied M.J.betancourt R.R.betts A.bhasin A.K.bhat H.bichsel J.bieleik J.bielcikova b.biritz L.C.bland W.borowski J.bouchet E.braidot A.V.brandin A.bridgeman S.G.brovko E.bruna S.bueltmann I.bunzarov T.P.burton X.Z.Cai H.Caines M.Calderon de la barca Sanchez D.Cebra R.Cendejas M.C.Cervantes Z.Chajecki P.Chaloupka S.Chattopadhyay H.F.Chen J.H.Chen J.Y.Chen L.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney A.Chikanian K.E.Choi W.Christie P.Chung M.J.M.Codrington R.Corliss J.G.Cramer H.J.Crawford S.Dash A.Davila Leyva L.C.De Silvat R.R.Debbe T.G.Dedovich A.A.Derevschikov R.Derradi de Souza L.Didenko P.Djawotho S.M.Dogra X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.E.Draper J.C.Dunlop L.G Efimov M.Elnim J.Engelage G Eppley M.Estienne L.Eun O.Evdokimov R.Fatemi J.Fedorisin A.Feng R.G.Fersch P.Filip E.Finch V.Fine Y.Fisyak C.A.Gagliardi D.R.Gangadharan A.Geromitsos F.Geurts P.Ghosh Y.N.Gorbunov A.Gordon O.Grebenyuk D.Grosnick S.M.Guertin A.Gupta W.Guryn b.haag O.Hajkova A.Hamed L-X.Han J.W.Harris J.P.Hays-Wehle M.Heinz S.Heppelmann A.Hirsch E.Hjort G.W.Hoffmann D.J.Hofiman b.Huang H.Z.Huang T.J.Humanic L.Huo G.Igo P.Jacobs W.W.Jacobs C.Jena F.Jin J.Joseph E.G.Judd S.Kabana K.Kang J.Kapitan K.Kauder H.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan D.Kettler D.P.Kikola J.Kiryluk A.Kisiel V.Kizka A.G.Knospe D.D.Koetke T.Kollegger J.Konzer I.Koralt L.Koroleva W.Korsch L.Kotchenda V.Kouchpil P.Kravtsov K.Krueger M.Krus L.Kumar P.Kurnadi M.A.C.Lamont J.M.Landgraf S.LaPointe J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee W.Leight M.J.LeVine C.Lil L.Li N.Li W.Li X.Li X.Li Y.Li Z.M.Li M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu J.Liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre W.A.Love Y.Lu E.V.Lukashov X.Luo G.L.Ma Y.G.Mai D.P.Mahapatra R.Majka O.I.Mall L.K.Mangotra R.Manweiler S.Margetis C.Markert H.Masui H.S.Matis Yu.A.Matulenko D.MeDonald T.S.McShane A.Meschanin R.Milner N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski A.Mischke M.K.Mitrovski b.Mohanty M.M.Mondal b.Morozov D.A.Morozov M.G.Munhoz M Argonne National Laboratory Argonnellinois 60439USA brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973USA University of Califomia BerkeleyCaliformnia 94720USA University of California DavisCalifornia 95616USA University of Califormnia Los AngelesCalifomia 90095USA Universidade Estadual de Campinas Sao PauloBrazil University of Illinois at Chicago ChicagoIlinois 60607USA Creighton University OmahaNebraska 68178USA Czech Technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague11519Czech Republic Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR 25068 Rez/PragueCzech Republic University of Frankfurt FrankfurtGermany Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar 751005India Indian Institute of Technology MumbaiIndia Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408USA Alikhanov Instiute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics MoscowRussia University of Jammu Jammu 180001India Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna141980Russia Kent State University KentOhio 44242USA University of Kentucky LexingtonKentucky40506-0055USA Institute of Modern Physics LanzhouChina Lawrence berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology CambridgeMA 02139-4307USA Mx-Planck-Institut fir Physik MunichGermany Michigan State University East LansingMichigan 48824USA Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Moscow Russia NIKHEF and Utrecht University AmsterdamThe Netherlands Ohio State University ColumbusOhio 43210USA Old Dominion University NorfolkVA23529USA Panjab University Chandigarh 160014India PennsyIvania State University University ParkPennsylvania 16802USA Institute of High Energy Physics ProtvinoRussia Purdue University West LafayetteIndiana 47907USA Pusan National University PusanRepublic of Korea University of Rajasthan Jaipur 302004India Rice University HoustonTexas 77251USA Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao PauloBrazil University of Science&Technology of China Hefei 230026.China Shandong University JinanShandong 250100China Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Shanghai 201800Chi
Dihadron azimuthal correlations containing a high transverse momentum(pr)trigger particle are sensit-ive to the properties of the nuclear medium created at RHIC through the strong interactions occurring between the tr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
An open compute and data federation as an alternative to monolithic infrastructures for big Earth data analytics
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big Earth Data 2023年 第3期7卷 812-830页
作者: björn backeberg ZdeněkŠustr Enol Fernández Gennadii Donchyts Arjen haag J.b.Raymond Oonk Gerben Venekamp benjamin Schumacher Stefan Reimond Charis Chatzikyriakou Deltares DelftThe Netherlands Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center BergenNorway CESNET PragueCzech Republic EGI Foundation AmsterdamThe Netherlands SURF/SURFsara AmsterdamThe Netherlands Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring GmbH ViennaAustria
An adequate compute and storage infrastructure supporting the full exploitation of Copernicus and Earth Observation datasets is currently not available in *** paper presents the cross-disciplinary open-source technolo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Management Information Systems for the Information Age /  6th edition.
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丛书名: 高等学校经济管理英文版教材
作者: by Stephen haag...[et. al.] =信息时代的管理信息系统 /斯蒂芬·哈格..
本书从管理和决策的角度阐述了当今信息技术发展的前沿领域和最新的系统开发方法, 包括Internet和电子商务、多媒体技术、数据仓库与数据挖掘、专家系统与人工智能、CASE开发工具以及面向对象的技术等。
来源: 畅想之星图书光盘版(南... 评论
信息时代的管理信息系统 第6版  原书第6版
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丛书名: MbA教材精品译丛
作者: (美)哈格(haag S.)等 严建援等译
信息时代,知识成为世界经济发展的动力。本书从管理和决策的角度阐述了当今信息技术发展的前沿领域和最新的系统开发方法,包括Internet和电子商务、多媒体技术、数据仓库与数据挖掘、专家系统与人工智能、CASE开发工具以及面向对象的... 详细信息
来源: 畅想之星图书光盘版(南... 评论
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普外基础与临床杂志 1995年 第4期2卷 229-230页
作者: K.haag S.Lu 卢实春 Dept.ofMedicine.UniversityofFreiburgGermany Dept.ofSurgery UniversityHospitalofWestChinaUniversityofMedicalSciencesChengduChina 不详
彩色超声多普勒在肝硬变和门脉高压症疹治中的应用近二十年来,腹部超声在胃肠道疾病和肝脏疾病的诊断方面显示出重要作用。随着超声多普勒在神经病学、血管病学、心脏病学以及妇产科学中的成功应用,正越来越多地被用于腹部血管疾病的... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Endovascular treatment in anterior circulation stroke beyond 6.5 hours after onset or time last seen well:results from the MR CLEAN Registry
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Stroke & Vascular Neurology 2021年 第4期6卷 572-580,I0037-I0048页
作者: Luuk Dekker Esmee Venema F Anne V Pirson Charles b L M Majoie bart J Emmer Ivo G H Jansen Maxim J H L Mulder Robin Lemmens Robert-Jan b Goldhoorn Marieke J H Wermer Jelis boiten Geert J LycklamaàNijeholt Yvo b W E M Roos Adriaan C G M van Es Hester F Lingsma Diederik W J Dippel Wim H van Zwam Robert J van Oostenbrugge Ido R van den Wijngaard on behalf of the MR CLEAN Registry investigators Neurology Leiden University Medical CentreLeidenThe Netherlands Neurology Erasmus MCRotterdamThe Netherlands Public Health Erasmus MCRotterdamThe Netherlands Neurology Maastricht University Medical Centre+MaastrichtThe Netherlands Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Amsterdam University Medical CentreLocation AMCAmsterdamThe Netherlands Neurology University Hospitals LeuvenLeuvenBelgium Neurosciences Experimental Neurology and Leuven Brain InstituteUniversity of LeuvenLeuvenBelgium VIb Center for Brain&Disease ResearchLaboratory of NeurobiologyLeuvenBelgium Neurology Haaglanden Medical CentreDen HaagThe Netherlands Radiology Haaglanden Medical CentreDen HaagThe Netherlands Neurology Amsterdam University Medical CentreLocation AMCAmsterdamThe Netherlands Radiology Leiden University Medical CentreLeidenThe Netherlands Radiology Maastricht University Medical Centre+MaastrichtThe Netherlands
background Randomised controlled trials with perfusion selection have shown benefit of endovascular treatment(EVT)for ischaemic stroke between 6 and 24 hours after symptom onset or time last seen ***,outcomes after EV... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) 2005年 第1期1卷 10-10页
作者: Holtmann G. Kutscher S.-U. haag S. 郝筱倩 University of Essen Department of Internal MedicineDiv. of Gastroenterol. and Hepatol.Hufelandstr.55 45122 Essen Germany
The role of psychological factors or symptom pattern for the response to treatment in patients with unexplained (functional)dyspepsia is unknown. We hypothesized that patients with reflux-and ulcerlike symptoms would ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册) 2006年 第10期2卷 37-37页
作者: Meinhardt b. Stachs O. Stave J. 刘瑛 Faculty of Medicine Eye ClinicUniversity of RostockDoberaner Strasse 14018055 RostockGermany
Purpose:High-resolution biometry of the anterior ocular segment is now becoming more and more important against a background of refractive surgery and the evaluation of potentially accommodative lens replacement *** a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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实用药物与临床 2022年 第1期25卷 1-20页
作者: C.Hiemke N.bergemann H.W.Clement A.Conca J.Deckert K.Domschke G.Eckermann K.Egberts M.Gerlach C.Greiner G.Gründer E.Haen U.Havemann-Reinecke G.Hefner R.Helmer G.Janssen E.Jaquenoud G.Laux T.Messer R.M ssner M.J.Müller M.Paulzen b.Pfuhlmann P.Riederer A.Saria b.Schoppek G.Schoretsanitis M.Schwarz M.Silva Gracia b.Stegmann W.Steimer J.C.Stingl M.Uhr S.Ulrich S.Unterecker R.Waschgler G.Zernig G.Zurek P.baumann 李文标(主译) 果伟(译) 贺静(译) 鲍爽(译) 路钊(译) 牛梦溪(译) 阮灿军(译) 臧彦楠(译) 王勇(译) 张玲(译) 刘辰庚(译) 李洁(译) 汤宜朗(审校) 王传跃(审校) 王刚(审校) Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University Medical Center of MainzMainzGermany Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine University Medical Center of MainzMainzGermany Kitzberg Hospitals Center for Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyBad MergentheimGermany Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University of FreiburgFreiburgGermany Servizio Psichiatrico del Comprensorio Sanitario di bolzano BolzanoItaly Department of Psychiatry Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsUniversity Hospital of WürzburgGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Medical Center-University of FreiburgFaculty of MedicineUniversity of FreiburgFreiburgGermany Psychiatric Hospital KaufbeurenGermany Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychosomatics and PsychotherapyCenter of Mental HealthUniversity Hospital of WürzburgGermany Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices(bfArM) BonnGermany Department of Psychiatry Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsRWTH Aachen UniversityAachenand JARA–Translational Brain MedicineAachenGermany Clinical Pharmacology Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyUniversity of RegensburgRegensburgGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics University of G ttingenG ttingenGermany Psychiatric Hospital Vitos KlinikEichbergEltvilleGermany Center of Epilepsy BielefeldGermany Medical Laboratory Stein Limbach GroupM nchengladbachGermany Psychiatric Hospital K nigsfeldenBruggAargauSwitzerland Institute of Psychological Medicine Haag in OberbayernGermany Danuviuskliniken Psychiatric HospitalPfaffenhofenGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University of TübingenTübingenGermany Psychiatric Hospitals Oberberggruppe BerlinGermany Psychiatric Hospital Weisser Hirsch DresdenGermany Experimental Psychiatry Unit Department of Psychiatry1Medical University of InnsbruckInnsbruckAustria kbo-Isar-Amper Klinikum München-Ost Psychiatric HospitalMunich-HaarGermany Department of
治疗药物监测(Therapeutic Drug Monitoring,TDM)通过定量测定和解释血药浓度以优化药物治疗。TDM着眼于药代动力学的个体差异,使个体化药物治疗成为可能。在精神病学和神经病学领域中,有可能明显获益于TDM的主要患者群体包括少年儿童... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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实用药物与临床 2022年 第2期25卷 97-118页
作者: C.Hiemke N.bergemann H.W.Clement A.Conca J.Deckert K.Domschke G.Eckermann K.Egberts M.Gerlach C.Greiner G.Gründer E.Haen U.Havemann-Reinecke G.Hefner R.Helmer G.Janssen E.Jaquenoud G.Laux T.Messer R.M ssner M.JMüller M.Paulzen b.Pfuhlmann P.Riederer A.Saria b.Schoppek G.Schoretsanitis M.Schwarz M.Silva Gracia b.Stegmann W.Steimer J.C.Stingl M.Uhr S.Ulrich S.Unterecker R.Waschgler G.Zernig G.Zurek P.baumann 李文标(译) 果伟(译) 贺静(译) 鲍爽(译) 路钊(译) 牛梦溪(译) 阮灿军(译) 臧彦楠(译) 王勇(译) 张玲(译) 刘辰庚(译) 李洁(译) 汤宜朗(译) 王传跃(译) 王刚(译) Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University Medical Center of MainzMainzGermany Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine University Medical Center of MainzMainzGermany Kitzberg Hospitals Center for Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyBad MergentheimGermany Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University of FreiburgFreiburgGermany Servizio Psichiatrico del Comprensorio Sanitario di bolzano BolzanoItaly Department of Psychiatry Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsUniversity Hospital of WürzburgGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Medical Center-University of FreiburgFaculty of MedicineUniversity of FreiburgFreiburgGermany Psychiatric Hospital KaufbeurenGermany Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychosomatics and PsychotherapyCenter of Mental HealthUniversity Hospital of WürzburgGermany Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices(bfArM) BonnGermany Department of Psychiatry Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsRWTH Aachen UniversityAachenand JARA–Translational Brain MedicineAachenGermany Clinical Pharmacology Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyUniversity of RegensburgRegensburgGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics University of G ttingenG ttingenGermany Psychiatric Hospital Vitos KlinikEichbergEltvilleGermany Center of Epilepsy BielefeldGermany Medical Laboratory Stein Limbach GroupM nchengladbachGermany Psychiatric Hospital K nigsfeldenBruggAargauSwitzerland Institute of Psychological Medicine Haag in OberbayernGermany Danuviuskliniken Psychiatric HospitalPfaffenhofenGermany Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University of TübingenTübingenGermany Psychiatric Hospitals Oberberggruppe BerlinGermany Psychiatric Hospital Weisser Hirsch DresdenGermany Experimental Psychiatry Unit Department of Psychiatry1Medical University of InnsbruckInnsbruckAustria kbo-Isar-Amper Klinikum München-Ost Psychiatric HospitalMunich-HaarGermany Department of
2.2剂量相关参考浓度范围对于TDM结果的解释,除了治疗参考浓度范围外还有另一个浓度范围,即所谓的剂量相关参考浓度范围。治疗参考浓度范围的应用是药效动力学问题,而剂量相关参考浓度范围的运用是药代动力学问题。后者比较的是测得的... 详细信息
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