Palaeoskapha sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. of m.nisperm.ceae is describ.d here for the first tim.b.sed on a well preserved fossil fruit. The specim.n was found in the Relu Form.tion of western Sichuan, West China. Th...
Palaeoskapha sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. of m.nisperm.ceae is describ.d here for the first tim. b.sed on a well preserved fossil fruit. The specim.n was found in the Relu Form.tion of western Sichuan, West China. The specim.n, straight, endocarp with large ventral condyle, clearly b.longs to the trib. Tinosporeae. The wide aperture of the doub.e condyle, com.0}ned with a whole shape not deeply invaginated, indicates a genus different from.what was already known to science for this trib.. This fossil widens the distrib.tion of the trib. during Eocene from.North Am.rica and Europe to Asia, where it was form.rly unknown.
To study the effect of the textural properties of rocks on their crushing feature, the distrib.tion of particle size, the texture, grinding and crushing characteristics of the rocks were investigated, and the relation...
To study the effect of the textural properties of rocks on their crushing feature, the distrib.tion of particle size, the texture, grinding and crushing characteristics of the rocks were investigated, and the relations them.were then analyzed using statistical m.thods. The relations b.tween the textural properties and the physical and m.chanical features of rocks were determ.ned.
b.ckground: The effects of radiation therapy can im.act patients’ quality of life, leading to treatm.nt interruptions and therefore sub.optim.l outcom.s. The aim.was to evaluate the prelim.nary effects of Ocoxin...
b.ckground: The effects of radiation therapy can im.act patients’ quality of life, leading to treatm.nt interruptions and therefore sub.optim.l outcom.s. The aim.was to evaluate the prelim.nary effects of Ocoxin cream. in the prevention of radiation therapy. m.thods: Fifty patients were enrolled in an ob.ervational, longitudinal, prospective, single-centre clinical trial in the Departm.nt of Radiation Therapy at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiob.ology in Havana, Cub.. The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) toxicity criteria were used to classify the radiation therapy, and the Derm.tology Life Quality Index (DLQI) instrum.nt was used to assess quality of life. Results: Patients who m.t the inclusion criteria were enrolled consecutively and were treated with teletherapy using a 60Co source with 1.25 m.V energy. 70.0% of the patients were head and neck cancer patients. No grade 3 - 4 radiation therapy was reported, nor were there any interruptions in radiation treatm.nt due to skin toxicity. Radiation therapy was ob.erved in only 14.0% of patients, and of these, only two patients developed grade 2 toxicity. The perception of quality of life b.fore vs. after radiation therapy rem.ined within an average range of “no effect” (at the start of radiation therapy) to “sm.ll effect” (at the end of radiation therapy). Conclusions: This clinical study is the first report of the use of Ocoxin cream. in cancer patients and dem.nstrates that it is ab.e to prevent radiation therapy and reduce the severity of toxicity of treatm.nt with ionising radiation.
Coal and coal-shales tend to undergo spontaneous com.0}stion under favourab.e atm.spheric conditions. Spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index and intrinsic properties of coals and coal-shales varies b.tween ( and ...
Coal and coal-shales tend to undergo spontaneous com.0}stion under favourab.e atm.spheric conditions. Spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index and intrinsic properties of coals and coal-shales varies b.tween ( and b.low) coal seam.. The spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index (ob.ained from.the Wits-Ehac Index) and intrinsic properties (ob.ained from.proxim.te, ultim.te, and petrographic analysis) of fourteen sam.les representative of in situ coal (b.tum.nous) and fourteen coal-shales ob.ained in Witb.nk coalfield, South Africa were experim.ntally studied. Com.arative analysis of the relationships b.tween the spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index and intrinsic properties of coals and coalshales were estab.ished to evaluate their effects on self-heating potential. The intrinsic properties show linear relationship with spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity and therefore, identifies the factors affecting spontaneous com.0}stion of these m.terials. The influence of coal-shales intrinsic properties towards spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity shows higher correlation coefficients than the coals. coals and coal-shales show inertinite m.ceral as m.jor constituents than the vitrinite and liptinite m.cerals, hence the reactivity of inertinite m.cerals m.y show greater influence on spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity. A definite positive or negative trends exists b.tween the intrinsic properties and spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index. This research is part of a larger project which is considering the influence of intrinsic properties of coals and coal-shales on spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity.
This paper presents predictive m.dels to spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity of carb.naceous m.terials (coals and coal-shales) using statistical analysis. The intrinsic properties and spontaneous com.0}stion l...
This paper presents predictive m.dels to spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity of carb.naceous m.terials (coals and coal-shales) using statistical analysis. The intrinsic properties and spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index were determ.ned b. testing 14 coals and 14 coal-shales from.Witb.nk coalfields, South Africa. The relationship b.tween these intrinsic properties (ob.ained from.proxim.te, ultim.te and petrographic analysis) and spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity indices (the Wits-Ehac Index and Wits-CT Index) were estab.ished. The influence of the intrinsic properties of coal-shales in relation to coal properties affecting spontaneous com.0}stion has b.en estab.ished using a statistical m.thod. The linear regression analysis indicates b.tter linear relationships b.tween som. of the selected intrinsic properties and spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity index and thus, identifies the m.jor intrinsic factors affecting their liab.lity toward spontaneous com.0}stion. It was found that a definite positive or negative correlation coefficient exists b.tween the intrinsic factors and spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity. A set of m.dels to predict the spontaneous com.0}stion liab.lity was derived. The significant correlation along with the appropriate m.del as indicated b. R-squared values, the coefficient of corre- lations and standard error was used to predict the incident of spontaneous com.0}stion.
In order to study the effect of large scale cosm.logical expansion on sm.ll system., we assum. a Friedm.nn- Rob.rtson-Walker type coordinate presence of a nonzero cosm.logical constant and derive a non-stati...
In order to study the effect of large scale cosm.logical expansion on sm.ll system., we assum. a Friedm.nn- Rob.rtson-Walker type coordinate presence of a nonzero cosm.logical constant and derive a non-static Reissner-Nrdstr6m.m.tric. It is an analytic function of r for all values except at r = O, which is singular. b. determ.ning the equation of m.tion in this m.tric we can estim.te how expansion of the universe m.y affect Pioneer's m.tion. b.cause the m.tric does not have any event horizon and so high potential regions are accessib.e, this m.y help us in b.tter understanding AGN phenom.non.
Com.lexes of La(Ⅲ), Ce(Ⅲ), Pr(Ⅲ), Nd(Ⅲ), Sm.Ⅲ), Eu(Ⅲ), Gd(Ⅲ), Dy(Ⅲ), Yb.Ⅲ), and Lu0ID with 2-(N-o- hydroxyacetophenone),5,6,7-tetrahydrob.nzo[b.thiophene (HAAT) for...
Com.lexes of La(Ⅲ), Ce(Ⅲ), Pr(Ⅲ), Nd(Ⅲ), Sm.Ⅲ), Eu(Ⅲ), Gd(Ⅲ), Dy(Ⅲ), Yb.Ⅲ), and Lu0ID with 2-(N-o- hydroxyacetophenone),5,6,7-tetrahydrob.nzo[b.thiophene (HAAT) form.d b. the condensation of o-hydroxyacetophenone and,5,6,7-tetrahydrob.nzo[b.thiophene were synthesized and characterized on the b.sis of elem.ntal analyses, m.lar conductance m.asurem.nts, m.gnetic susceptib.lity data, UV-Visib.e, IR, and Nm. spectral studies. The spectral data revealed that the ligand acted as a neutral tridentate coordinating to the m.tal ion through ONO donor sequence. A coordination num.0}r nine was proposed for the com.lexes. Therm.l decom.osition studies of the ligand and lanthanum.Ⅲ) com.lex were carried out and kinetic param.ters were calculated using Coats-Redfem.equation. The decom.osition reactions followed random.nucleation m.chanism.with one nucleus on each particle.
Com.lete fusion of two selected ceils allows for the creation of novel cells with inherited genetic properties original cells. Alternatively, via fusion of a selected cell with a selected vesicle, che...
Com.lete fusion of two selected ceils allows for the creation of novel cells with inherited genetic properties original cells. Alternatively, via fusion of a selected cell with a selected vesicle, chem.cals or genes can b. directly delivered into the cell of interest, to control cellular reactions or gene expression. Here, we dem.nstrate how to optically controlled fusion of two selected cells or of one cell and one vesicle. Fusion is m.diated b. laser irradiating plasm.nic gold nanoparticles optically trapped b.tween two cells (or a vesicle and a cell) of interest. This hot-particle-m.diated fusion causes total m.xing of the two cytoplasm. and the two cell m.m.0}anes resulting in form.tion of a new cell with an intact cell m.m.0}ane and enzym.tic activity following fusion. Sim.larly, fusion b.tween a vesicle and a cell results in delivery of the vesicle cargo to the cytoplasm. and after fusion, the cell shows signs of viab.lity. The m.thod is an im.lem.ntation of targeted drug delivery at the single-cell level and has a great potential for cellular control and design.
In this paper, we consider an application of hyperstructure theory in b.ological inher- itance in which we deal with n-ary hyperstructures associated to the genotypes of the second generation F2 for n : 2, 3, 4. Firs...
In this paper, we consider an application of hyperstructure theory in b.ological inher- itance in which we deal with n-ary hyperstructures associated to the genotypes of the second generation F2 for n : 2, 3, 4. First, we define a hyperoperation × (m.ting) on F2 and prove that it is a cyclic under the defined hyperoperation. Then we define a ternary hyperstructure f associated to the genotypes of F2 and prove that (F2, f) is a ternary Finally, we define a 4-ary hyperstructure g associated to the genotypes of F2 and prove that (F2, g) is a 4-ary
The evolution of a m.lecular system.excited its ionization threshold depends on a num.0}r of param.ters that include the nature of the excited states and their couplings to the various continua. The general natur...
The evolution of a m.lecular system.excited its ionization threshold depends on a num.0}r of param.ters that include the nature of the excited states and their couplings to the various continua. The general nature of the processes governing this evolution depends also essentially on the com.lexity of the m.lecule, precisely on its size, density of states, and strength of the couplings the various internal degrees of freedom. In this paper we address the question of the transition b.tween autoionization that prevails in sm.ll m.lecules, and delayed ionization occurring in larger m.lecules or clusters. This transition is illustrated b. autoionization of Na2 Rydb.rg states on one hand, delayed ionization in fullerene C60, and delayed detachm.nt in sm.ll cluster anions on the other hand. All processes are studied in the case of nanosecond laser excitation, corresponding to a rather slow deposition of the internal energy.