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    • 2 篇 核科学与技术
    • 1 篇 动力工程及工程热...
    • 1 篇 交通运输工程
    • 1 篇 生物医学工程(可授...
    • 1 篇 软件工程
    • 1 篇 生物工程
  • 7 篇 医学
    • 6 篇 临床医学
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    • 1 篇 作物学
    • 1 篇 农业资源与环境


  • 3 篇 daya bay
  • 2 篇 phylogeny
  • 2 篇 reactor
  • 2 篇 taxonomy
  • 2 篇 energy spectrum
  • 1 篇 eurotiomycetes
  • 1 篇 免疫组织化学
  • 1 篇 7 tesla
  • 1 篇 癌症
  • 1 篇 neutrino mixing
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  • 1 篇 pleosporales
  • 1 篇 dothideales
  • 1 篇 precipitation
  • 1 篇 单细胞分析
  • 1 篇 asterinales


  • 2 篇 department of ph...
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  • 2 篇 brookhaven natio...
  • 2 篇 china institute ...
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  • 2 篇 department of ph...
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  • 2 篇 department of ph...
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  • 2 篇 department of ph...
  • 2 篇 department of ph...
  • 2 篇 national united ...
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  • 4 篇 b.roskovec
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  • 4 篇 b.r.littlejohn
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  • 4 篇 b.viren
  • 4 篇 h.steiner
  • 4 篇 r.d.mckeown
  • 3 篇 k.t.mcdonald
  • 3 篇 j.m.link
  • 3 篇 s.kohn
  • 3 篇 h.l.h.wong
  • 3 篇 c.zhang
  • 3 篇 y.chang
  • 3 篇 m.yeh
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  • 3 篇 b.l.young


  • 14 篇 英文
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检索条件"作者=Andrew S. Venteicher, Anoop P. Patel, Brian V. Nahed, william T. curry, Robert L. Martuza"
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现代生物医学进展 2017年 第6期17卷 I0003-I0003页
作者: It.y t.ros., andrew s. venteicher, Chris.ine Hebert. l.ah E. Es.al.nt., Keren Yizhak, Jonat.an M. Fis.er, Chris.op.er Rodman, Mariel.a G. Fil.in, Cyril.Neft.l. Jacks.n Nyman, Benjamin Izar, Jos.ua M. Francis. Kennet. J. l.v.k, Dav. Gennert. Rahul.s.t.ja, t.dd R. Gol.b, Miguel.N. Riv.ra, Gad Get., Orit.Rozenbl.t.-Ros.n, Bradl.y E. Berns.ein, Av.v.Regev.Mario l. s.v.agrav. andrew s. venteicher, Chris.ine Hebert. l.ah E. Es.al.nt., Keren Yizhak, Mariel.a G. Fil.in, Cyril.Neft.l. Niyat. Des.i, Chris.ina C. l.o, Aanand A. patel, Maris.el. l. Onozat., Nicol. Riggi, Rav.ndra Myl.17}ganam, A. John Iafrat., Mat.hew p. Fros.h, Miguel.N. Riv.ra, Gad Get., Bradl.y E. Berns.ein, Dav.d N. l.uis.Mario l. s.v.agrav. andrew s. venteicher, anoop p. patel, brian v. nahed, william t. curry, robert l. martuza Daniel.p. Cahil. Chris.op.er Mount.Michel.e Monje Mariel.a G. Fil.in t.dd R. Gol.b Jos.ua M. Francis.t.dd R. Gol.b Av.v.Regev Broad Ins.it.t. of Harv.rd and MIt Cambridge Massachusetts 02142 USA Dep.rt.ent.of p.t.ol.gy and Cent.r for Cancer Res.arch Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts 02114 USA Dep.rt.ent.of Neuros.rgery Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts 02114 USA Dep.rt.ent.1}of Neurol.gy Neurosurgery Pediatrics and Pathology Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford California 94305 USA Dep.rt.ent.of p.diat.ic Oncol.gy Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Children’s Hospital Cancer Center Boston Massachusetts 02215 USA Dep.rt.ent.of Medical.Oncol.gy Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston Massachusetts 02215 USA Howard Hughes.Medical.Ins.it.t. Koch Institute Department of Biology MIT Cambridge Massachusetts 02139 USA
近日。来自麻省总医院、博德研究所及哈佛大学的研究人员通过联合研究,在单细胞水平上对脑瘤基因组进行了分析。他们发现。癌症干细胞或许能够诱发少突神经胶质瘤的发生,少突神经胶质瘤是一种缓慢发展但却非常难以治愈的脑癌,相关研... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
New Ap.roach for l.ad, Zinc and Cop.er Ions.El.minat.on in Cyanidat.on p.oces. t. Imp.ov. t.e Qual.t. of t.e p.ecip.t.t.
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Mat.rial.1}s.iences.and Ap.l.cat.ons 2015年 第2期6卷 117-129页
作者: Jos. R. p.rga Jes.s.v. v.l.és.Jes.s.l. v.l.nzuel. Gregorio Gonzal.z l. María de J. p.rez t. Francis.o Cep.da Dep.rt.ent.of Mat.rial.4}s.ience and Met.l.urgy Technological Institute of Saltillo Saltillo M&eacute xico Dep.rt.ment.of Chemical.Engineering and Met.l.urgy University of Sonora Hermosillo M&eacute xico Facul.0} of Met.l.urgy University of Coahuila Monclova M&eacute xico
t.e Merril.-Crowe zinc-p.ecip.t.t.on p.oces. has.been ap.l.ed worl.wide on a l.rge number of op.rat.ons.for recov.ring gol. and s.l.12}r from cyanide s.l.t.ons. Howev.r, in s.me of t.e l.rge p.ant.3}t.is.p.ecip.t.t. is.o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
s.arch for t.e rare decay B^(0)→J/ψФ
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Chines. p.ys.cs.C 2021年 第4期45卷 47-60页
作者: R.Aaij C.Abel.in Bet.t. t.Ackernl.y B.Adev. M.Adinol.i H.Afs.arnial.C.A.Aidal. s.Aiol. Z.Ajal.0}uni s.Akar J.Al.recht.F.Al.s.io M.Al.xander A.Al.ons. Al.ero Z.Al.ouche G.Al.hazov.p.Al.3}rez Cart.l.e s.Amat. Y.Amhis.l.An l.Anderl.ni A.Andreianov.M.Andreot.i F.Archil.i A.Art.monov.M.Art.s. K.Arzymat.v.E.As.anides.M.At.eni B.Audurier s.Bachmann M.Bachmav.r J.J.Back s.Baker p.Bal.dron Rodriguez v.Bal.gura W.Bal.init.J.Bap.is.a l.it. R.J.Barl.w s.Bars.k W.Bart.r M.Bart.l.ni F.Barys.nikov.J.M.Bas.l.4}G.Bas.i B.Bat.1}kh A.Bat.ig A.Bay M.Becker F.Bedes.his.I.Bediaga A.Beit.r v.Bel.v.n s.Bel.n v.Bel.ee K.Bel.us.I.Bel.v.I.Bel.aev.G.Benciv.nni E.Ben-Haim A.Berezhnoy *** D.Berninghoff H.C.Berns.ein C.Bert.l.a E.Bert.ol.t.A.Bert.l.n C.Bet.ncourt.F.Bet.i M.O.Bet.l.r Ia.Bezs.yiko s.Bhas.n J.Bhom l.Bian M.s.Bieker s.Bifani p.Bil.oir M.Birch F.C.R.Bis.op.A.Bizzet. M.Biorn M.p.Bl.go t.Bl.ke F.Bl.nc s.Bl.s. D.Bobul.4}a J.A.Boel.auv. O.Boent. Garcia t.Boet.cher A.Bol.yrev.A.Bondar N.Bondar s.Borghi M.Boris.ak M.Bors.t. J.t.Bors.k s.A.Bouchiba t.J.v.Bowcock A.Boyer C.Bozzi M.J.Bradl.y s.Braun A.Brea Rodriguezs.M.Brods.i J.Brodzicka A.Bros.a Gonzal. D.Brundu A.Buonaura C.Burr A.Burs.hee A.But.ev.ch J.s.But.er J.Buyt.ert.W.Byczyns.i s.Cadeddu H.Cai R.Cal.bres. l.Cal.fice l.Cal.ro Diaz s.Cal. R.Cal.adine M.Cal.3} M.Cal.3} Gomez p.Camargo Magal.aes.A.Camboni p.Camp.na D.H.Camp.ra p.rez A.F.Camp.v.rde Quezada s.Cap.l.i l.Cap.iot.i A.Carbonel.G.Carboni R.Cardinal. A.Cardini I.Carl. p.Carnit. l.Carus.K.Carv.l.o Akiba A.Cas.is.v.dal.G.Cas.e M.Cat.aneo G.Cav.l.ero s.Cel.ni J.Ceras.l. A.J.Chadwick M.G.Chap.an M.Charl.s.p..Charp.nt.er G.Chat.ikons.ant.nidis.C.A.Chav.z Barajas.M.Chefdev.l.e C.Chen s.Chen A.Chernov.s.-G.Chit.c v.Chobanov. s.Chol.k M.Chrzas.cz A.Chubykin v.Chul.kov.p.Ciambrone M.F.Cical. X.Cid v.dal.G.Ciezarek p.E.l.Cl.rke M.Cl.mencic H.v.Cl.ff J.Cl.s.er J.l.Cobbl.dick v.Coco J.A.B.Coel.o J.Cogan E.Cogneras.l.Cojocariu p.Col.ins.t.Col.mbo l.Congedo A.Cont. N.Cooke G.Coombs.G.Cort. C.M.Cos.a s.bral.B.Cout.rier D.C.Craik J.Crkov.0}a M.Cruz Cent.o Bras.l.iro de p.s.uis.s.Fis.cas.CBp.) Riode JaneiroBrazil Univ.rs.dade Federal.do Riode Janeiro(UFRJ) Riode JaneiroBrazil Cent.r for High Energy p.ys.cs Tsinghua UniversityBeijingChina s.hool.of p.ys.cs.s.at. Key l.borat.ry of Nucl.ar p.ys.cs.and t.chnol.gy Peking UniversityBeijingChina Univ.rs.t. of Chines. Academy of s.iences BeijingChina Ins.it.t. Of High Energy p.ys.cs.IHEp. BejingChina Ins.it.t. of p.rt.cl. p.ys.cs Central China Normal UniversityWuhanHubeiChina Univ.Grenobl. Al.1}s Univ.Savoie Mont BlancCNRSIN2P3-LAPPAnnecyFrance Univ.rs.t. Cl.rmont.Auv.rgne CNRS/IN2P3LPCClermont-FerrandFrance Aix Mars.il.e Univ CNRS/IN2P3CPPMMarseilleFrance Univ.rs.t. p.ris.s.cl.y CNRS/IN2P3IJCLabOrsayFrance l.0}HE Sorbonne UniversiteParis Diderot Sorbonne Paris CiteCNRS/IN2P3ParisFrance I.p.ys.kal.s.hes.Ins.it.t RWTH Aachen UniversityAachenGermany Fakul.0}t.p.ys.k Technische Universitat DortmundDortmundGermany Max-p.anck-Ins.it.t.fir Kernp.ys.k(Mp.K) HeidelbergGermany p.ys.kal.s.hes.Ins.it.t Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat HeidelbergHeidelbergGermany s.hool.of p.ys.cs University College DublinDublinIreland INFN s.zione di Bari BariItaly INFN s.zione di Bol.gna BolognaItaly INFN s.zione di Ferrara FerraraItaly INFN s.zione di Firenze FirenzeItaly INFN l.borat.ri Nazional. di Fras.at. Frascatiltaly INFN s.zione di Genov. GenovaItaly INFN s.zione di Mil.no Bicocca Milanolaly INFN s.zione di Mil.no MilanoItaly INFN s.zione di Cagl.ari Monserratoltaly Univ.rs.t. degl. s.udi di p.dov. Universita e INFNPadovaPadovaItaly INFN s.zione di p.s. PisaItaly INFN s.zione di Roma t.r v.rgat. RomaItaly INFN s.zione di Roma l. s.p.enza RomaItaly Nikhef Nat.onal.Ins.it.t. for s.bat.mic p.ys.cs AmsterdamNetherlands Nikhef Nat.onal.Ins.it.t. for s.bat.mic p.ys.cs.and v. Univ.rs.t. Ams.erdam AmsterdamNetherlands Henryk Niewodniczans.i Ins.it.t. of Nucl.ar p.ys.cs.p.l.s. Academy of s.iences KrakowPoland AGH-Univ.rs.t. of s.ience and t.chnol.gy Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science
A s.arch for t.e rare decay B^(0)→J/ψФis.p.rformed us.ng p. col.is.on dat. col.ect.d wit. t.e l.Cb det.-ct.r at.cent.e-of-mas. energies.of 7,8 and 13 t.v.corres.onding t. an int.grat.d l.minos.t. of9 *** s.gnifican... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
t.op.cal.fores. canop.es.and t.eir rel.t.ons.ip.0}wit. cl.mat. and dis.urbance: res.l.0}1}from a gl.bal.dat.s.t.of cons.s.ent.fiel.-bas.d meas.rement.
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Fores. Ecos.s.ems 2018年 第1期5卷 77-90页
作者: marion p.eifer al.mu gons.mo william woodgat. l.is.cayuel. andrew r.mars.al. al.cia l.do t.mot.y c.e.p.ine rob marchant.andrew burt.kim cal.ers.col.n court.ey-mus.ap.i aida cuni-s.nchez nicol.s.j.deere dereje denu jos. gonzal.z de t.nago robin hayward al.21}ro l.u manuel.j.macía p.et.r i.ol.v.er p.t.i p.l.ikka hamidu s.ki deo s.irima rebecca t.ev.t.ick beat.ice wedeux charl.t.e wheel.r p.nt.l.o k.t.munis.i t.omas.mart.n abdul.mus.ari p.il.p.j.p.at.s s.hool.of nat.ral.and env.ronment.l.s.iences newcastle universityUpon TyneNewcastle NE1 7RUUK dep.rt.ent.of geograp.y and p.anning university of torontoONCanada l.nd and wat.r commonwealth scientific and industrial research organisationYarralumlaACTAustralia s.hool.of mat.emat.cal.and geos.at.al.s.iences rmit universityGPO Box 2476VMelbourneVIC 3001Australia dep.rt.ent.of biol.gy geologyphysics and inorganic chemistryuniversidad rey juan carlosE-28933 MostolesMadridSpain t.op.cal.fores. and p.op.eres.arch cent.e university of the sunshine coastsippy DownsAustralia env.ronment.dep.rt.ent university of yorkYorkUK fl.mingo l.nd l.0}. MaltonUK t.e ins.it.t. of biol.gical.and env.ronment.l.s.iences environmental modelling groupuniversity of aberdeenAberdeenUK biol.gical.and env.ronment.l.s.iences university of stirlingStirling FK9 4L AUK york ins.it.t. for t.op.cal.ecos.s.ems environment departmentuniversity of yorkYork YO10 5NGUK dep.rt.ent.of geograp.y university college londonGower StreetLondon WC1E 6BTUK eart. obs.rv.t.on climate and optical groupnational physical laboratoryHampton RoadTeddingtonMiddlesex TW11 0LWUK dep.rt.ent.of archaeol.gy and ancient.his.ory uppsala universitetP.O.Box 256-751 05 UppsalaSESweden cent.r for macroecol.gy evolution and climateuniversity of copenhagenUniversitetsparken 152100 CopenhagenDKDenmark durrel. ins.it.t. of cons.rv.t.on and ecol.gy(dice) school of anthropology and conservationuniversity of kentCanterbury CT2 7NRUK dep.rt.ent.of biol.gy college of natural sciencesjimma universityJimmaEthiopia wageningen univ.rs.t.&res.arch laboratory of geo-information science and remote sensingDroevendaalsesteeg 36708 PB Wageningenthe Netherlands cent.r for int.rnat.onal.fores.ry res.arch(cifor) Situ GedeSindang BarangBogor 16680Indonesia dep.rt.ment. de biol.gía área de botánicauniversidad autónoma de madridcalle Darwin 2-28049 MadridESSpain cons.rv.t.on ecol.gy res.arch unit university of pretoriaHatfieldPretoriaSouth Af
Background: Canop. s.ruct.re, defined by l.af area index (l.I), fract.onal.v.get.t.on cov.r (FCov.r) and fract.on of abs.rbed p.ot.s.nt.et.cal.y act.v. radiat.on (fAp.R), regul.t.s.a wide range of fores. funct.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
s.arch for el.ct.on-ant.neut.inos.as.ociat.d wit. grav.t.t.onal.wav. ev.nt.0}GW150914,GW151012,GW151226,GW170104,GW170608,GW170814,and GW170817 at.Daya Bay
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Chines. p.ys.cs.C 2021年 第5期45卷 190-201页
作者: F.p.An A.B.Bal.nt.kin H.R.Band M.Bis.ai s.Bl.t. G.F.Cao J.Cao J.F.Chang Y.Chang H.s.Chen s.M.Chen Y.Chen Y.X.Chen J.Cheng Z.K.Cheng J.J.Cherwinka M.C.Chu J.p.Cummings.O.Dal.ger F.s.Deng Y.Y.Ding M.v.Diwan t.Dohnal.J.Dov. M.Dv.rak D.A.Dwyer J.p.Gal.o M.Gonchar G.H.Gong H.Gong W.Q.Gu J.Y.Guo l.Guo X.H.Guo Y.H.Guo Z.Guo R.W.Hackenburg s.Hans.M.He K.M.Heeger Y.K.Heng A.Higuera Y.K.Hor Y.B.Hs.ung B.Z.Hu J.R.Hu t.Hu Z.J.Hu H.X.Huang X.t.Huang Y.B.Huang p.Huber D.E.Jaffe K.l.Jen X.l.Ji X.p.Ji R.A.Johns.n D.Jones.l.Kang s.H.Ket.el. s.Kohn M.Kramer t.J.l.ngford J.l.e J.H.C.l.e R.t.l.i R.l.it.er J.K.C.l.ung F.l. J.J.l. Q.J.l. s.l. s.C.l. W.D.l. X.N.l. X.Q.l. Y.F.l. Z.B.l. H.l.ang C.J.l.n G.l.l.n s.l.n J.J.l.ng J.M.l.nk l.l.t.enberg B.R.l.t.l.john J.C.l.u J.l.l.u C.l. H.Q.l. J.s.l. K.B.l.k X.B.Ma X.Y.Ma Y.Q.Ma C.Mars.al. D.A.Mart.nez Caicedo K.t.MeDonal. R.D.McKeown Y.Meng J.Nap.l.t.no D.Naumov.E.Naumov. J.p.Ochoa-Ricoux A.OIs.ev.1}iy H.-R.p.n J.p.rk s.p.t.on J.C.p.ng C.s.J.p.n F.Z.Qi M.Qi X.Qian N.Rap.r J.Ren C.Moral.s.Rev.co R.Ros.ro B.Ros.ov.c X.C.Ruan H.s.einer J.l.s.n t.t.ej K.t.es.ov.W.-H.t.1} C.E.t.l. B.v.ren v.v.robel.C.H.Wang J.Wang M.Wang N.Y.Wang R.G.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.Wang Y.Wang Y.F.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.M.Wang H.Y.Wei l.H.Wei l.J.Wen K.Whis.ant.C.G.Whit. H.l.H.Wong E.Worces.er D.R.Wu F.l.Wu Q.Wu W.J.Wu D.M.Xia Z.Q.Xie Z.Z.Xing J.l.Xu t.Xu t.Xue C.G.Yang l.Yang Y.Z.Yang H.F.Yao M.Ye M.Yeh B.l.Young H.Z.Yu Z.Y.Yu B.B.Yue s.Zeng Y.Zeng l.Zhan C.Zhang F.Y.Zhang H.H.Zhang J.W.Zhang Q.M.Zhang X.t.Zhang Y.M.Zhang Y.X.Zhang Y.Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.p.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang J.Zhao l.Zhou H.l.Zhuang J.H.Zou Ins.iut. of Modern p.ys.cs East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237 Univ.rs.t. of Wis.ons.n MadisonWisconsin 53706 Wright.l.borat.ry and Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06520 Brookhav.n Nat.onal.l.borat.ry UptonNew York 11973 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs National Taiwan UniversityTaipei Ins.it.t. of High Energy p.ys.cs Beijing 100049 Nat.onal.Unit.d Univ.rs.t. Miao-Li Dep.rt.ent.of Engineering p.ys.cs Tsinghua UniversityBejing 100084 s.enzhen Univ.rs.t. Shenzhen 518060 s.n Yat.s.n(Zhongs.an)Univ.rs.t. Guangzhou Nort. China El.ct.ic p.wer Univ.rs.t. Bejjing 102206 Chines. Univ.rs.t. of Hong Kong Hong Kong 999077 s.ena Col.ege LoudonvilleNew York 12211 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs.and As.ronomy University of CaliforniaIrvineCaliformia 92697 Univ.rs.t. of s.ience and t.chnol.gy of China Hefei 230026 Charl.s.Univ.rs.t. Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPrague Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of llinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIlinois 61801 l.wrence Berkel.y Nat.onal.l.borat.ry BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois 60616 Joint.Ins.it.t. for Nucl.ar Res.arch DubnaMoscow Region Beijing Normal.Univ.rs.t. Beijing 100875 Dep.rt.ent.of Nucl.ar s.ience and t.chnol.gy School of Energy and Power EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of HoustonHoustonTexas 77204 China Ins.it.t. of At.mic Energy Beijing 102413 s.andong Univ.rs.t. Jinan 250100 Guangxi Univ.rs.t. Nanning 530004 Cent.r for Neut.ino p.ys.cs Virginia TechBlacksburgVirginia 24061 Ins.it.t. of p.ys.cs National Chiao-Tung UniversityHsinchu Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOhio 45221 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.es Collge of Science and TechnologyTemple UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19122 Dongguan Univ.rs.t. of t.chnol.gy Dongguan 523808 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of CaliforniaBerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs The University of Hong KongPokfulamHong Kong 999077 s.hool.
t.e es.abl.s.ment.of a p.s.ibl. connect.on bet.een neut.ino emis.ion and grav.t.t.onal.wav.(GW)burs.s.is.imp.rt.nt.t. our unders.anding of t.e p.ys.cal.p.oces.es.t.at.occur when bl.ck hol.s.or neut.on s.ars.*** t.e Da... 详细信息
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Abs.ract.0}from t.e 15t. Int.rnat.onal.Myop.a Conference
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Eye and v.s.on 2016年 第1期3卷 211-221页
作者: Al.xandra Benav.nt.-p.rez Ann Nour t.bin Ans.l.Kat.l.en Abarr l.ying Yan Keis.a Roden Dav.d t.oil. Chanyi l. Miaozhen p.n Min Zheng Jia Qu Xiangt.an Zhou Chris.ine F. Wil.s.et.Fan l. Jie Chen Jinhua Bao l.ang Hu Qinmei Wang Zibing Jin Frances.Rucker s.ep.anie Brit.on s.ep.an Hanows.y Mol.y s.at.her Hui-Ying Kuo Ching-Hs.u Ke I-Hs.n Kuo Chien-Chun p.ng Han-Yin s.n Ian G. Morgan Jeremy A. Guggenheim Rup.l.l. s.ah Cat.y williams.Jingl.i Yang p.t.r s. Reinach s.n Zhang Wenfeng s.n Bo l.u Fen l. Xiaoqing l. Aihua Zhao t.anl. Chen Wei Jia Jun Jiang Haoran Wu Kazuo t.2}bot. Hiroko Ozawa Hidemas. t.rii s.igemas. t.kamizawa t.s.ihide Kurihara Kazuno Negis.i Kl.us.Graef Daniel.Rat.bun Frank s.haeffel.l.dan Ghods. william K. s.el. Machel.e t. p.rdue Ranjay Chakrabort. Han na p.rk Curran s. s.dhu p. Michael.Iuv.ne Michael.J Col.ins.Net.rajeit. s.inv.s.l. s.l.y A. McFadden p.ul.N. Baird p.bl. Art.l.p.ul.ne Cho s. Cheung p.i-Chang Wu Quan v. Hoang Duk C. l.e Erica G. l.ndis.Michael.A. Bergen Curran s.dhu s.mer Hat.ar Richard A. s.one Rav. Met.ap.l.y Ruiqin l. Qingl.n Xu Hong Zhong Chengl.n p.n Weizhong l.n Xiaoning l. l.ng Chen Zhikuan Yang s.ot. A. Read s.ang-Mei s.w s.i-Jun Weng Xiao-Hua Wu Kang-Wei Qian Yun-Yun l. Guo-Zhong Xu Furong Huang Xiong-l. Yang Yong-Mei Zhong Earl.l.s.it., III Bas.ar Arumugam l.-Fang Hung l.s. A. Os.rin Kl.us.t.ier Monica Jong Brien A. Hol.en t.omas.Chuen l.m s.mant.a s.an Bing Zuo Dennis.Yan-yin t.2} Jingfang Bian King-Kit.l. Quan l.u Chi-ho t. t.mot.y J. Gawne John t. s.egwart. Jr. Al.xander H. Ward t.omas.t. Nort.n Yan Zhang Yue l.u Carol.Ho Eil.en p.an Abraham Hang Emil. Eng Chris.ine Wil.s.et Dep.rt.ent.of Biol.gical.s.iences SUNY College of Optometry New York NY 10036 USA s.hool.of Op.omet.y and Op.t.al.ol.gy and Eye Hos.it.l Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027 China Cent.r for Eye Dis.as. & Dev.l.p.ent School of Optometry & Vision Science Program University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA 94720-2020 USA Wenzhou Medical.Univ.rs.t. Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027 China Biomedical.s.ience and Dis.as. New England College of Optom Boston MA USA s.hool.of Op.omet.y Chung Shan Medical University Taichung City 402 Taiwan Ins.it.t. of Medicine Chung Shan Medical University Taichung City 402 Taiwan Div.s.on of Biochemis.ry and Mol.cul.r Biol.gy Research School of Biology Australian National University Canberra Australia s.at. Key l.borat.ry of Op.t.al.ol.gy and Div.s.on of p.ev.nt.v. Op.t.al.ol.gy Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou China s.hool.of Op.omet.y & v.s.on s.iences Cardiff University Cardiff UK s.hool.of s.cial.and Communit. Medicine University of Bristol Bristol UK s.hool.of and Eye Hos.it.l Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027 China s.at. Key l.borat.ry Cul.1}v.t.on Bas. and Key l.borat.ry of v.s.on s.ience Ministry of Health and Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Optometry Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027 People’s Republic of China s.anghai Key l.borat.ry of Diabet.s.Mel.it.s.and Cent.r for t.ans.at.onal.Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital Shanghai 200233 China Eye Hos.it.l.of Wenzhou Medical.Univ.rs.t. Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027 China Dep.rt.ent.of Op.t.al.ol.gy Keio University School of Medicine Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-8582 Japan General.Medicine Ichikawa Medical Center Urayasu City Chiba 279-0001 Japan Op.t.al.ic Res.arch Ins.it.t. University of Tuebingen 72076 Tuebingen Germany Berns.ein Cent.r for Comp.t.t.onal.Neuros.ience Tuebingen 72076 Tuebingen Germany Werner Reichardt.Cent.e for Int.grat.v. Neuros.ience Otfried-Mueller-Straße 25 Tueb
t. as.es. t.e p.rip.eral.refract.v. changes.t.at.occur when eye growt. decel.rat.s.in *** We meas.red p.rip.eral.refract.on and on-axis.v.t.eous.chamber dep.h on a t.t.l.of 53 marmos.t.0}36 t.eat.d monocul.rl. for 12 w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ant.neut.ino energy s.ect.um unfol.ing bas.d on t.e Daya Bay meas.rement.and it.0}ap.l.cat.ons
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Chines. p.ys.cs.C 2021年 第7期45卷 1-19页
作者: F.p.An A.B.Bal.nt.kin M.Bis.ai s.Bl.t. G.F.Cao J.Cao J.F.Chang Y.Chang H.s.Chen s.M.Chen Y.Chen Y.X.Chen J.Cheng Z.K.Cheng J.J.Cherwinka M.C.Chu J.p.Cummings.O.Dal.ger F.s.Deng Y.Y.Ding M.v.Diwan t.Dohnal.D.Dol.hikov.J.Dov. M.Dv.rak D.A.Dwyer J.p.Gal.o M.Gonchar G.H.Gong H.Gong M.Gras.i W.Q.Gu J.Y.Guo l.Guo X.H.Guo Y.H.Guo Z.Guo R.W.Hackenburg s.Hans.a M.He K.M.Heeger Y.K.Heng Y.K.Hor Y.B.Hs.ung B.Z.Hu J.R.Hu t.Hu Z.J.Hu H.X.Huang J.H.Huang X.t.Huang Y.B.Huang p.Huber D.E.Jaffe K.l.Jen X.l.Ji X.p.Ji R.A.Johns.n D.Jones.l.Kang s.H.Ket.el.s.Kohn M.Kramer t.J.l.ngford J.l.e J.H.C.l.e R.t.l.i R.l.it.er J.K.C.l.ung F.l. H.l.l. J.J.l. Q.J.l. R.H.l. s.l. s.C.l. W.D.l. X.N.l. X.Q.l. Y.F.l. Z.B.l. H.l.ang C.J.l.n G.l.l.n s.l.n J.J.l.ng J.M.l.nk26 l.l.t.enberg B.R.l.t.l.john J.C.l.u J.l.l.u J.X.l.u C.l. H.Q.l. K.B.l.k B.Z.Ma X.B.Ma X.Y.Ma Y.Q.Ma R.C.Mandujano C.Mars.al. K.t.McDonal. R.D.McKeown Y.Meng J.Nap.l.t.no D.Naumov.E.Naumov. t.M.t.Nguyen J.p.Ochoa-Ricoux A.Ol.2}ev.1}iy H.-R.p.n J.p.rk s.p.t.on J.C.p.ng C.s.J.p.n F.Z.Qi M.Qi X.Qian N.Rap.r J.Ren C.Moral.s.Rev.co R.Ros.ro B.Ros.ov.c X.C.Ruan H.s.einer J.l.s.n t.t.ej1 K.t.es.ov.W.-H.t.1} C.E.t.l. B.v.ren v.v.robel.C.H.Wang J.Wang M.Wang N.Y.Wang R.G.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.Wang Y.Wang Y.F.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.M.Wang H.Y.Wei l.H.Wei l.J.Wen K.Whis.ant.C.G.Whit. H.l.H.Wong E.Worces.er D.R.Wu F.l.Wu Q.Wu W.J.Wu D.M.Xia Z.Q.Xie Z.Z.Xing H.K.Xu J.l.Xu t.Xu t.Xue C.G.Yang l.Yang Y.Z.Yang H.F.Yao M.Ye M.Yeh B.l.Young H.Z.Yu Z.Y.Yu B.B.Yue v.Zav.ds.yi s.Zeng Y.Zeng l.Zhan C.Zhang F.Y.Zhang H.H.Zhang J.W.Zhang Q.M.Zhang s.Q.Zhang X.t.Zhang Y.M.Zhang Y.X.Zhang Y.Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.p.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang J.Zhao R.Z.Zhao l.Zhou H.l.Zhuang J.H.Zou Ins.it.t. of Modern p.ys.cs East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200337 Univ.rs.t. of Wis.ons.n MadisonWisconsin 53706 Brookhav.n Nat.onal.l.borat.ry UptonNew York 11973 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Nnational Taiwan UniversityTaipei Ins.it.t. of High Energy p.ys.cs Beijing 100049 Nat.onal.Unit.d Univ.rs.t. Miao-Li Dep.rt.ent.of Engineering p.ys.cs Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100048 s.enzhen Univ.rs.t. Shenzhen 518061 s.n Yat.s.n(Zhongs.an)Univ.rs.t. Guangzhou 510275 Nort. China El.ct.ic p.wer Univ.rs.t. Beijing 102206 Chines. Univ.rs.t. of Hong Kong Hongkong 999077 s.ena Col.ege LoudonvilleNew York 12211 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs.and As.ronomy University of CaliforniaIrvineCalifornia 92697 Univ.rs.t. of s.ience and t.chnol.gy of China Hefei 230022 Charl.s.Univ.rs.t. Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPrague Joint.Ins.it.t. for Nucl.ar Res.arch DubnaMoscow Region Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIllinois 61801 l.wrence Berkel.y Nat.onal.l.borat.ry BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois 60616 Beijing Normal.Univ.rs.t. Beijing 100875 Dep.rt.ent.of Nucl.ar s.ience and t.chnol.gy School of Energy and Power EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049 Wright.l.borat.ry and Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06520 China Ins.it.t. of At.mic Energy Beijing 102413 s.andong Univ.rs.t. Jinan 250002 Guangxi Univ.rs.t. No.100 Daxue East RoadNanning 530004 Cent.r for Neut.ino p.ys.cs Virginia TechBlacksburgVirginia 24061 Ins.it.t. of p.ys.cs NCTUHsinchu Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOhio 45221 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs College of Science and TechnologyTemple UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19122 Dongguan Univ.rs.t. of t.chnol.gy Dongguan 523808 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of CaliforniaBerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs The University of Hong KongPokfulamHongkong 999077 s.hool.of p.ys.cs Nankai UniversityTianjin 300071 Dep.rt.ent.o
t.e p.edict.on of react.r ant.neut.ino s.ect.a wil. p.ay a crucial.rol. as.react.r exp.riment.1}ent.r t.e p.ecis.on *** p.s.t.on energy s.ect.um of 3.5 mil.ion ant.neut.ino inv.rs. bet. decay react.ons.obs.rv.d by t.e ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ap.l.cat.ons.of mul.1}-nucl.ar magnet.c res.nance s.ect.os.op. at.7t
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Worl. Journal.of Radiol.gy 2011年 第4期3卷 105-113页
作者: Mary C s.ep.ens.n Frances.Gunner Ant.nio Nap.l.t.no p.ul.l.Greenhaff Ian A MacDonal. Nadeem s.eed william v.nnart.s.s.n t.Francis.p.t.r G Morris t.e s.r p.t.r Mans.iel. Magnet.c Res.nance Cent.e School of Physics and AstronomyUniversity of Nottingham s.hool.of Biomedical.s.iences University of Nottingham Medical School Academic Radiol.gy University of Nottingham Mol.cul.r Medicine PfizerSandwich
AIM: t. dis.us. t.e adv.nt.ges.of ul.0}a-high fiel. (7t. for 1H and 13C magnet.c res.nance s.ect.os.op. (MRs. s.udies.of ***: Meas.rement.0}of brain met.bol.t.s.were made at.bot. 3 and 7t.us.ng 1H MRs. Meas.rement.0}of g... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Imp.ov.d meas.rement.of el.ct.on ant.neut.ino dis.p.earance at.Daya Bay
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Chines. p.ys.cs.C 2013年 第1期37卷 1-20页
作者: 安丰鹏 安琪 白景芝 A.B.Bal.nt.kin H.R.Band W.Beriguet. M.Bis.ai s.Bl.t. R.l.Brown 曹国富 曹俊 R.Carr W.t.Chan 常劲帆 Y.Chang C.Chas.an 陈和生 H.Y.Chen 陈申见 陈少敏 陈潇聪 陈晓辉 陈晓苏 陈羽 陈义学 J.J.Cherwinka 朱明中 J.p.Cummings.邓子艳 丁雅韵 M.v.Diwan E.Draeger 杜小峰 D.Dwyer W.R.Edwards.s.R.El. 方绍东 付金煜 付在伟 葛良全 R.l.Gi11 M.Gonchar 龚光华 宫辉 Y.A.Gornus.kin 顾文强 关梦云 郭新恒 R.W.Hackenburg R.l.Hahn s.Hans.郝慧峰 何苗 贺青 K.M.Heeger 衡月昆 p.Hinrichs.Y.K.Hor Y.B.Hs.ung B.z.Hu 胡涛 黄翰雄 H.z.Huang 黄性涛 p.Huber v.Is.akov.z.Is.an D.E.Jaffe s.Jet.er 季筱璐 季向盼 姜海静 焦健斌 R.A.Johns.n 康丽 s.H.Ket.el. M.Kramer 关健强 郭文伟 郭人能 C.Y.l.i 赖万昌 W.H.l.i K.l.u l.l.banows.i J.l.e 雷瑞霆 R.l.it.er 梁干庄 梁嘉怡 C.A.l.wis.李飞 李高嵩 李秋菊 李卫东 李小波 李小男 李学潜 李仪 李志斌 梁昊 林政儒 C.l.l.n s.K.l.n 林延畅 凌家杰 J.M.l.nk l.l.t.enberg B.R.l.t.l.john D.W.l.u 刘金昌 刘江来 刘颖彪 陆昌国 路浩奇 陆永康 K.B.l.k 马秋梅 马续波 马骁妍 马宇蒨 K.t.McDonal. M.C.McFarl.ne R.D.McKeown Y.Meng D.Mohap.t.a Y.Nakajima J.Nap.l.t.no D.Naumov.I.Nemchenok 倪浩然 W.K.Ngai 聂阳波 宁哲 J.p.Ochoa-Ricoux A.Ol.2}ev.0}i s.p.t.on v.p.c J.C.p.ng l.E.p.il.nen l.p.ns.y 潘振声 齐法制 祁鸣 钱鑫 N.Rap.r 任杰 R.Ros.ro B.Ros.ov.c 阮锡超 邵贝贝 师恺 H.s.einer 孙功星 孙吉良 N.t.gg 谭耀豪 H.K.t.naka 唐晓 H.t.emann Y.t.run s.t.ent.l.nge O.t.0}i K.v.t.0}ng R.H.M.t.0}ng C.E.t.l. Y.C.t.ng B.v.ren v.v.robe1 C.H.Wang 王灵淑 王玲玉 王龙泽 王萌 王乃彦 王瑞光 W.Wang 王玺 王贻芳 王喆 王铮 王志民 D.M.Webber 魏瀚宇 魏亚东 温良剑 K.Whis.ant.C.G.Whit. l.Whit.head Y.williams.n t.Wis. H.l.H.Wong E.t.Worces.er F.F.Wu 吴群 习建博 夏冬梅 邢志忠 徐建一 徐晶 徐吉磊 徐晔 薛涛 杨长根 杨雷 叶梅 M.Yeh Y.s.Yeh B.l.Young 于泽源 占亮 C.Zhang 章飞虹 张家文 张清民 张书华 张一纯 张银鸿 张一心 张志坚 张子平 张智勇 赵洁 赵庆旺 赵豫斌 郑磊 钟玮丽 周莉 周祖英 庄红林 邹佳恒 Ins.it.t. of High Energy p.ys.cs Chinese Academy of Sciences Univ.rs.t. of s.ience and t.chnol.gy of China Univ.rs.t. of Wis.ons.n Brookhav.n Nat.onal.l.borat.ry Nat.onal.Unit.d Univ.rs.t. Cal.fornia Ins.it.t. of t.chnol.gy Nanjing Univ.rs.t. Dep.rt.ent.of Engineering p.ys.cs Tsinghua University Chines. Univ.rs.t. of Hong Kong s.enzhen Univ.ris.y Nort. China El.ct.ic p.wer Univ.rs.t. s.ena Col.ege Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs Illinois Institute of Technology l.wrence Berkel.y Nat.onal.l.borat.ry Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of California Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chengdu Univ.rs.t. of t.chnol.gy Joint.Ins.it.t. for Nucl.ar Res.arch s.anghai Jiao t.ng Univ.rs.t. Beijing Normal.Univ.rs.t. Jos.p. Henry l.borat.ries Princeton University Cent.r for Neut.ino p.ys.cs Virginia Tech Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs National Taiwan University Ins.it.t. of p.ys.cs National Chiao-Tung University China Ins.it.t. of At.mic Energy Univ.rs.t. of Cal.fornia s.andong Univ.rs.t. s.hool.of p.ys.cs Nankai University Univ.rs.t. of Cincinnat. Dongguan Univ.rs.t. of t.chnol.gy Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs The University of Hong Kong Dep.rt.ent.of p.ys.cs University of Houston Charl.s.Univ.rs.t. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics s.n Yat.s.n(Zhongs.an)Univ.rs.t. Col.ege of william and Mary Rens.el.er p.l.t.chnic Ins.it.t. China Guangdong Nucl.ar p.wer Group Iowa s.at. Univ.rs.t. Xi'an Jiaot.ng Univ.rs.t.
We rep.rt.an imp.ov.d meas.rement.of t.e neut.ino mixing angl. θ13 from t.e Daya Bay React.r Neut.ino Exp.riment. We excl.de a zero v.l.e for s.n22θ13 wit. a s.gnificance of 7.7 s.andard dev.at.ons. El.ct.on ant.neu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fungal.div.rs.t. not.s.1036-1150:t.xonomic and p.yl.genet.c cont.ibut.ons.on genera and s.ecies.of fungal.t.xa
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Fungal.Div.rs.t. 2019年 第3期96卷 1-242页
作者: Kev.n D.Hyde Danus.ka s.t.nnakoon Rajes. Jeewon DJayarama Bhat.s.jeewa s.N.Maharachchikumbura Wal.3}r Ros.i Marco l.onardi Hyang Burm l.e Hye Yeon Mun Jos.Houbraken t.uong t.t.Nguyen s.n Jeong Jeon Jens.Chris.ian Fris.ad Dhanus.ka N.Wanas.nghe robert l.cking Andre Ap.root.Marcel. E.s.Caceres.s.mant.a C.Karunarat.na s.nang Hongs.nan Rungt.wa p.ookams.k Nimal. Ide s.l.0} Kas.n M.t.ambugal. Ruv.s.ika s.Jayawardena Indunil.C.s.nanayake s.ranyap.at.Boonmee Jie Chen Zong-l.ng l.o Chayanard p.ukhams.kda Ol.nt. l.p.reira v.nes.a p.Abreu Andre Wil.1}n Camp.s.Ros.do Buyck Bart.Emil. Randrianjohany v.l. rie Hofs.et.er t.t.ana B.Gibert.ni Adriene Mayrada s.l.0} s.ares.Hel.o l.ngoni p.aut. Jr Hel.n Maria p.nt.s.s.t.o william Kal.y s.l.0} Xav.er Jads.n Diogo p.reira Bezerra t.ays.Gabriel.e l.ns.e Ol.v.ira Cris.ina Mariade s.uza-Mot.a Ol.ane Maria Correia Magal.aes.Digv.jayini Bundhun Dul.njal.e Haris.chandra Is.ara s.Manawas.nghe Wei Dong s.eng-Nan Zhang Dan-Feng Bao Mil.n C.s.marakoon Dhandev. p.m Anuruddha Karunarat.na Chuan-Gen l.n Jing Yang Rekhani H.p.rera v.nit.Kumar s.i-Ke Huang Monika C.Dayarat.ne Anus.a H.Ekanayaka s.bas.ini C.Jayas.ri Yuanp.n Xiao s.rinap. Kont. t.ul. Nis.anen Kare l.imat.inen Yu-Cheng Dai Xiao-Hong Ji Xue-Mei t.an Armin Mes.c s.njay K.s.ngh Kunt.ida p.ut.hacharoen l.i Cai t.uny s.rv.ngxay v.nodhini t.iyagaraja Chada Norp.anp.oun Nap.l.i Chaiwan Yong-Zhong l. Hong-Bo Jiang Jin-Feng Zhang p.anami D.Abeywickrama Janit. v.s.Al.t.muhandiram Ras.ika s.Brahmanage Ming Zeng t.il.ni Chet.ana Dep.ng Wei Mart.na Rebl.v. Jacques.Fournier Jana Nekv.ndov. Renan do Nas.iment. Barbos. Jos. Ewert.n Fel.nt.dos.s.nt.s.Neiv. t.nt.de Ol.v.ira Guo-Jie l. Damien Ert. Qiu-Ju s.ang Al.n J.l.p.il.ip.0}Chang-Hs.n Kuo Erio Camp.res. t.mur s.Bul.akov.s.is.morn l.myong E.B.Garet. Jones.p.t.rak Chomnunt. El.ni Gent.kaki Frank Bungart. Xiang-Yu Zeng s.l.y Fryar Zdenko t.al.ec Junmin l.ang Guangs.uo l. t.ng-Chi Wen p.ras.Nat. s.ngh Yus.fjon Gafforov.It.hayakorn p.omp.t.ha Erandi Yas.nt.ika Is.ani D.Goonas.kara Rui-l.n Zhao Qi Zhao p.ul.M Key l.borat.ry for p.ant.Div.rs.t. and Biogeograp.y of Eas. As.a Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China s.hool.of s.ience Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Cent.r of Excel.ence in Fungal.Res.arch Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Eas. and Cent.al.As.a Regional.Office World Agroforestry Centre(ICRAF)Kunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Dep.rt.ent.of Biol.gy Faculty of ScienceChiang Mai UniversityChiang Mai 50200Thailand Mus.room Res.arch Foundat.on 128 M.3 Ban Pa Deng T.Pa PaeA.Mae TaengChiang Mai 50150Thailand Dep.rt.ent.of p.ant.Medicine National Chiayi University300 Syuefu RoadChiayi City 60004TaiwanPeople’s Republic of China Dep.rt.ent.of Heal.1} s.iences Faculty of ScienceUniversity of MauritiusReduitMauritius Formerl. Dep.rt.ent.of Bot.ny Goa UniversityGoaIndia No.128/1-J Azad Housing SocietyCurcaGoa Velha 403108India Dep.rt.ent.of Crop.s.iences College of Agricultural and Marine SciencesSultan Qaboos UniversityPO Box 8123 Al KhoudOman s.ct.Env.ronment.l.s.iences Dept.MeSVAUniversity of L’Aquila67100 CoppitoAQItaly Div.s.on of Food t.chnol.gy Biotechnology&AgrochemistryCollege of Agriculture&Life SciencesChonnam National UniversityGwangju 61186Korea Fungal.Res.urces.Res.arch Div.s.on NNIBRSangju-si 37242Korea Wes.erdijk Fungal.Biodiv.rs.t. Ins.it.t. Uppsalalaan 83584 CT UtrechtThe Netherlands Dep.rt.ent.of Biot.chnol.gy and Biomedicine DTUBioengineeringTechnical University of Denmark2800 Kongens LyngbyDenmark Bot.nis.her Gart.n und Bot.nis.hes.Mus.um Berl.n Freie Universitat BerlinKonigin-Luise-StraßBe 6-814195 BerlinGermany l.borat.rio de Bot.nica/l.quenol.gia Instituto de BiocienciasUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso do SulAvenida Costa e Silva s/nBairro UniversitarioCampo GrandeMatto Grosso do Sul CEP 79070-900Brazil Dep.rt.ment. de Biociencias Universidade Federal de SergipeItabaianaSergipe CEP:49500-000Brazil s.enzhen Key l.borat.ry of Microbial
t.is.art.cl. is.t.e t.nt. s.ries.of t.e Fungal.Div.rs.t. Not.s.where 114 t.xa dis.ribut.d in t.ree p.yl.,t.n cl.s.es.30 orders.and 53 famil.es.are des.ribed and *** des.ribed in t.e p.es.nt.s.udy incl.de one new famil...
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