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检索条件"作者=Amy X.Y.Guo"
7141 条 记 录,以下是91-100 订阅
Electro-lubrication in Janus transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers
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Friction 2022年 第11期10卷 1851-1858页
作者: Hao LI yufeng guo Wanlin guo State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures MOE Key Laboratory for Intelligent Nano Materials and DevicesCollege of Aerospace EngineeringNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 210016China
Lubrication induced by a vertical electric field or bias voltage is typically not applicable to twodimensional(2D)van der Waals(vdW)*** performing extensive first-principles calculations,we reveal that the interlayer ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Al_(1-x)Sc_(x)Sb_(y)N_(1-y):An opportunity for ferroelectric semiconductor field effect transistor
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2024年 第11期67卷 133-140页
作者: Shujin guo xianghua Kong Hong guo College of Physics and Electronic Engineering Center for Computational SciencesSichuan Normal UniversityChengdu 610068China College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering Shenzhen UniversityShenzhen 518060China Department of Physics McGill UniversityMontreal H3A 2T8Canada
For the in-memory computation architecture,a ferroelectric semiconductor field-effect transistor(FeSFET)incorporates ferroelectric material into the FET channel to realize logic and memory in a single *** emerging gr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 2002年 第2期15卷 198-202页
作者: y.N. Sun, K.x. Zhang, x. Gao, D. Q. yang, Z.D. Lin and y. guo Lauzhou Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 94, Lanzhou 730000, China
Nanostructured C-Cu thin films were deposited by reactive sputtering method and cosputtering method. The relationships between microstructures, properties, and deposition parameters were studied and the results obtain... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ultralow-Temperature Heat Transport Evidence for Residual Density of States in the Superconducting State of CsV_(3)Sb_(5 )
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Chinese Physics Letters 2024年 第12期41卷 141-148页
作者: C.C.Zhao L.S.Wang W.xia Q.W.yin H.B.Deng G.W.Liu J.J.Liu x.Zhang J.M.Ni y.y.Huang C.P.Tu Z.C.Tao Z.J.Tu C.S.Gong Z.W.Wang H.C.Lei y.F.guo x.F.yang J.x.yin S.y.Li State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics Department of PhysicsFudan UniversityShanghai 200438China Shanghai Research Center for Quantum Sciences Shanghai 201315China School of Physical Science and Technology ShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China ShanghaiTech Laboratory for Topological Physics Shanghai 201210China Department of Physics and Beijing Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Functional Materials and Micro-nano Devices Renmin University of ChinaBeijing 100872China Department of Physics Southern University of Science and TechnologyShenzhen 518055China Center for Quantum Physics Key Laboratory of Advanced Optoelectronic Quantum Architecture and Measurement(MOE)School of PhysicsBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China Shanghai Branch Hefei National LaboratoryShanghai 201315China Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures Nanjing 210093China
V-based kagome superconductors AV_(3)Sb_(5)(A=K,Rb,and Cs)host a charge density wave(CDW)and a topological nontrivial band structure,thereby providing a great platform to study the interplay of superconductivity(SC),C... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A quantitative microplasticity-based approach to rationalize the poor strengthening response of polycrystalline Mg alloys
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Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2023年 第5期11卷 1656-1671页
作者: x.Z.Jin W.C.xu D.B.Shan B.guo B.Jin M.T.Pérez-Prado National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals&School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of TechnologyHarbin 150001PR China IMDEA Materials Institute C/Eric Kandel2GetafeMadrid 28906Spain Advanced Composites Simulation Lab University of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCA 90089U.S.A M.C.Gill Composites Center University of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCA 90089U.S.A
This work aims to understand the inefficiency of nanoprecipitates to strengthen a weakly textured,polycrystalline Mg-Gd-y-Zr *** experimental micromechanical approach consisting on micropillar compression combined wit... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 2005年 第4期18卷 512-518页
作者: C.Q. xu y. W. Tian y. C. Zhai Z.J. guo Z. Q. Huang School of Materials and Metallurgy Northeastern University Shenyang 110004 China
The differential thermal analysis (DTA) curves were measured at different heating rates in flowing air for studying the synthesis of the spinel LiMn2O3 with Li2CO3 and MnO2, The reaction began at about 503K, and fin... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
CPFD simulation on particle behaviour in an entrained-flow gasifier
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Clean Energy 2020年 第1期4卷 75-84页
作者: yongshi Liang Cliff y.guo xianglong Zhao Qiang Qin yi Cheng Lixin He National Institute of Clean-and-low-carbon Energy Beijing 102211China Department of Chemical Engineering Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China
A computational particle fluid dynamics simulation model for entrained-flow gasification was established in this *** simulation results agree with the experimental *** detailed particle information and residence-time ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Influences of Reaction Parameters and Ce Contents on Structure and Properties of Nano-scale Ce-HA Powders
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Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2014年 第8期30卷 776-781页
作者: L.J.Sun D.G.guo W.A.Zhao L.y.Wang K.W.xu State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials School of Materials Science and EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong University Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Department of Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of California Irvine Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center University of California Irvine The Key Laboratory of Bioactive Materials Ministry of EducationCollege of Life SciencesNankai University xi'an University of Arts and Science
Ce-incorporated apatite(Ce-HA) nano-scale particles with different Ce percentage contents(atomic ratio of Ce to Ce + Ca is 5%,10%and 20%,respectively) were synthesized via a simple wet chemical method in this ***... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Measurements of the center-of-mass energies of e^(+)e^(-)collisions at BESIII
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第10期45卷 7-15页
作者: M.Ablikim M.N.Achasov P.Adlarson S.Ahmed M.Albrecht R.Aliberti A.Amoroso M.R.An Q.An x.H.Bai y.Bai O.Bakina R.Baldini Ferroli I.Balossino y.Ban K.Begzsuren N.Berger M.Bertani D.Bettoni F.Bianchi J.Bloms A.Bortone I.Boyko R.A.Briere H.Cai x.Cai A.Calcaterra G.F.Cao N.Cao S.A.Cetin J.F.Chang W.L.Chang G.Chelkov D.y.Chen G.Chen H.S.Chen M.L.Chen S.J.Chen x.R.Chen y.B.Chen Z.J.Chen W.S.Cheng G.Cibinetto F.Cossio x.F.Cui H.L.Dai x.C.Dai A.Dbeyssi R.E.de Boer D.Dedovich Z.y.Deng A.Denig I.Denysenko M.Destefanis F.De Mori y.Ding C.Dong J.Dong L.y.Dong M.y.Dong x.Dong S.x.Du y.L.Fan J.Fang S.S.Fang y.Fang R.Farinelli L.Fava F.Feldbauer G.Felici C.Q.Feng J.H.Feng M.Fritsch C.D.Fu y.Gao y.Gao y.Gao y.G.Gao I.Garzia P.T.Ge C.Geng E.M.Gersabeck A Gilman K.Goetzen L.Gong W.x.Gong W.Gradl M.Greco L.M.Gu M.H.Gu y.T.Gu C.y Guan A.Q.guo L.B.guo R.P.guo y.P.guo A.Guskov T.T.Han W.y.Han x.Q.Hao F.A.Harris K.L.He F.H.Heinsius C.H.Heinz T.Held y.K.Heng C.Herold M.Himmelreich T.Holtmann G.y.Hou y.R.Hou Z.L.Hou H.M.Hu J.F.Hu T.Hu y.Hu G.S.Huang L.Q.Huang x.T.Huang y.P.Huang Z.Huang T.Hussain N Husken W.Ikegami Andersson W.Imoehl M.Irshad S.Jaeger S.Janchiv Q.Ji Q.P.Ji x.B.Ji x.L.Ji y.y.Ji H.B.Jiang x.S.Jiang J.B.Jiao Z.Jiao S.Jin y.Jin M.Q.Jing T.Johansson N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki x.S.Kang R.Kappert M.Kavatsyuk B.C.Ke I.K.Keshk A.Khoukaz P.Kiese R.Kiuchi R.Kliemt L.Koch O.B.Kolcu B.Kopf M.Kuemmel M.Kuessner A.Kupsc M.G.Kurth W.Kuhn J.J.Lane J.S.Lange P.Larin A.Lavania L.Lavezzi Z.H.Lei H.Leithoff M.Lellmann T.Lenz C.Li C.H.Li Cheng Li D.M.Li F.Li G.Li H.Li H.Li H.B.Li H.J.Li J.L.Li J.Q.Li J.S.Li Ke Li L.K.Li Lei Li P.R.Li S.y.Li W.D.Li W.G.Li x.H.Li x.L.Li xiaoyu Li Z.y.Li H.Liang H.Liang H.Liang y.F.Liang y.T.Liang G.R.Liao L. Z. Liao J.Libby C.x.Lin B.J.Liu C.x.Liu D.Liu F.H.Liu Fang Liu Feng Liu H.B.Liu H.M.Liu Huanhuan Liu Huihui Liu J.B.Liu J.L.Liu J.y.Liu K.Liu K.y.Liu L.Liu M.H.Liu P.L.Liu Q.Liu Q.Liu S.B.Liu Shuai Liu T.Liu W.M.Liu x.Liu y.Liu y.B.Liu Z.A.Liu Z.Q.Liu x.C.Lou F.x.Lu H.J.Lu J.D.Lu J.G.Lu x.L.Lu y.Lu y.P.Lu C.L.Luo Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing 100049China Beihang University Beijing 100191China Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology Beijing 102617China Bochum Ruhr-University D-44780 BochumGermany Carnegie Mellon University PittsburghPennsylvania 15213USA Central China Normal University Wuhan 430079China China Center of Advanced Science and Technology Beijing 100190China COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore CampusDefence RoadOff Raiwind Road54000 LahorePakistan Fudan University Shanghai 200443China G.I.Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS(BINP) Novosibirsk 630090Russia GSI Helmholtzcentre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH D-64291 DarmstadtGermany Guangxi Normal University Guilin 541004China Guangxi University Nanning 530004China Hangzhou Normal University Hangzhou 310036China Helmholtz Institute Mainz Staudinger Weg 18D-55099 MainzGermany Henan Normal University Xinxiang 453007China Henan University of Science and Technology Luoyang 471003China Huangshan College Huangshan 245000China Hunan Normal University Changsha 410081China Hunan University Changsha 410082China Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036India Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47405USA INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN Laboratori Nazionali di FrascatiI-00044FrascatiItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN Sezione di PerugiaI-06100PerugiaItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati University of PerugiaI-06100PerugiaItaly INFN Sezione di Ferrara INFN Sezione di FerraraI-44122FerraraItaly INFN Sezione di Ferrara University of FerraraI-44122FerraraItaly 25Institute of Modern PhysicsLanzhou 730000China Institute of Modern Physics Lanzhou 730000China Institute of Physics and Technology Peace Ave.54BUlaanbaatar 13330Mongolia Jilin University Changchun 130012China Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45D-55099 MainzGermany Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 141980 DubnaMoscow regionRussia Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen II.Physikali
During the 2016-17 and 2018-19 running periods,the BESIII experiment collected 7.5 fb of e^(+)e^(-)collision data at center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.13 to 4.44 *** data samples are primarily used for the study ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Current situation and development trend of titanium metal industry in China
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International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials 2022年 第4期29卷 599-610页
作者: Guanzhou Qiu yufeng guo School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering Central South UniversityChangsha 410083China
Titanium metal and alloy are key materials for technological development,which significantly promote the development of the hightech economy in *** consumption of high-end titanium materials and the developmental leve... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论