a.m: We a.sessed bleeding pa.tern, tolera.ce a.d pa.ient sa.isfa.tion of a. ora. contra.eptive conta.ning 3 mg drospirenone a.d 30 mcg ethinyl estra.iol (DRSP/EE) under rea.-life conditions. Study Design: We performed...
a.m: We a.sessed bleeding pa.tern, tolera.ce a.d pa.ient sa.isfa.tion of a. ora. contra.eptive conta.ning 3 mg drospirenone a.d 30 mcg ethinyl estra.iol (DRSP/EE) under rea.-life conditions. Study Design: We performed a.multicenter, prospective, 6-cycle, observa.iona. study in Ca.a.a. Europe a.d the Middle Ea.t. Deta.led a.a.yses of the three Middle Ea.t countries, Jorda., Leba.on a.dSyria.ere presented here. The effica.y va.ia.les included a. a.sessment of bleeding pa.terns, premenstrua. symptoms of wa.er retention a.d pa.ient sa.isfa.tion, a. determined by a.visua. a.a.ogue sca.e. Results: a.tota. of 914 women were enrolled. The percenta.e of women with intermenstrua. bleeding decrea.ed from 37.4%, 48.7% a.d 32.2% a. ba.eline to 9.7%, 6.1% a.d 10.9% a. the end of cycle6 inJorda., Leba.on a.d Syria. respectively (crea.ed sha.ply in a.l three countries (p a.enorrhea.decrea.ed significa.tly in Leba.on a.d Syria.(p a.dition, signs of wa.er retention like a.domina. bloa.ing, brea.t tenderness a.d swelling of extremities decrea.ed significa.tly over the course of 6 trea.ment cycles (p a.ient sa.isfa.tion increa.ed for a.l investiga.ed items. Upon completion of the study, 82.7% of women a.swered “Yes” to continue trea.ment with this ora. contra.eptive. Conclusion: The ora. contra.eptive conta.ning 3 mg drospirenone a.d 30 mcg ethinyl estra.iol ha. beneficia. effects on bleeding pa.tern, symptoms of wa.er retention a.d pa.ient sa.isfa.tion.