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检索条件"作者=Ali N. Mohammed"
2285 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Virtual Experimen.al System to Quan.itative Characterization.of Corroded Samples Usin. Mon.e Carlo Simulation
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Journ.l of Physical Scien.e an. Application 2016年 第1期6卷 182-193页
作者: ali n. mohammed Alaa B. Kadhim Luma Y. Abbas Departmen. of Physics College of Science University of Mustansiriyah Baghdad Iraq Departmen. of Astron.my College of Science University of Baghdad Baghdad Iraq
A computer simulation.program based on.Mon.e Carlo method an. photon.backscatterin. techn.que was design.d an. written.to be as virtual experimen.al system, in.tead of the real experimen.al system, con.ern.n. n.n.estr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Assessmen. of In.oor Radon.Con.en.ration. in.Dwellin.s for Baghdad Govern.rate by Usin. RAD-7 Detector
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Detection 2016年 第2期4卷 40-44页
作者: Mahmood S. Karim Hasan.H. Daroysh ali n. mohammed Departmen. of Physics College of Education Al-Mustansiriyah University Baghdad Iraq
In.the presen. work, radon.gas con.en.ration. in.differen. dwellin.s in.Baghdad govern.rate are measured by usin. RAD-7 detector. The results have shown.that, the radon.gas con.en.ration. ran.ed between.(40.67 ± 3.1 ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effects of rare-earth Pr3+-Dy3+ dopin. on.structural,magn.tic,optical an. dielectric properties of Zn.Y hexaferrite
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Journ.l of Rare Earths 2025年 第2期43卷 329-336页
作者: Ibrahim mohammed Mohamed E.El Sayed ali Shawabkeh Mohammad n.Murshed Ibtehaj F.Alshdoukhi Zein.om M.El-Bahy J.mohammed A.K.Srivastava Departmen. of Physics Lovely Professional University Departmen. of Scien.e Techn.logy Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi Physics Departmen. Faculty of Science and ArtsKing Khalid University College of En.in.erin. an. Techn.logy American University of the Middle East Departmen. of Basic Scien.es College of Science and Health ProfessionsKing Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health ScienceKing Abdullah International Medical Research Center Departmen. of Chemistry Faculty of ScienceAl-Azhar University Departmen. of Physics Faculty of ScienceFederal University Dutse
This study was con.ucted to in.estigate the properties of Pr3+-Dy3+doped Zn.Y-type hexaferrite for poten.ial techn.logical application..X-ray diffraction.XRD),Fourier tran.form in.rared spectroscopy(FTIR) an. fiel... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Vagus n.rve stimulation.in.in.racerebral hemorrhage:the n.ed for further research
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n.ural Regen.ration.Research 2025年 第11期20卷 3213-3214页
作者: Sheharyar S.Baig ali n.ali Arshad Majid Sheffield In.titute for Tran.lation.l n.uroscien.e Division of NeuroscienceThe University of SheffieldSheffieldUK
Vagus n.rve stimulation.Vn.)an. stroke:Stroke is the secon. leadin. cause of death an. the third leadin. cause of disability worldwide(Baig et al.,2023).There have been.sign.fican. paradigm shifts in.the man.gemen. of... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Optimizin. n.n.in.asive vagus n.rve stimulation.for treatmen. in.stroke
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n.ural Regen.ration.Research 2025年 第12期20卷 3388-3399页
作者: Sheharyar S.Baig Saman.ha Dorn.y Mudasar Aziz Simon.M.Bell ali n.ali Li Su Jessica n.Redgrave Arshad Majid Sheffield In.titute for Tran.lation.l n.uroscien.e Department of NeuroscienceUniversity of SheffieldSheffieldUK Don.aster an. Bassetlaw Teachin. Hospitals n.S Foun.ation.Trust DoncasterUK
Stroke remain. a leadin. cause of lon.-term disability *** is an.un.et n.ed for n.uromodulatory therapies that can.mitigate again.t n.urovascular in.ury an. poten.ially promote n.urological *** vagus n.rve stimulation...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Evaluatin. the hydrocarbon.gen.ration.poten.ial of the Paleocen.–Eocen. carbon.ceous rocks in.the Barmer an. Bikan.r-n.gaur Basin., western.Rajasthan. In.ia
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Chin. Geology 2025年 第1期8卷 77-91页
作者: Alok Kumar Khairul Azlan.Mustapha Alok K.Sin.h mohammed Hail Hakimi ali Y.Kahal Waqas n.seem Hijaz Kamal Hasn.n Departmen. of Geology Faculty of ScienceUniversiti MalayaKuala Lumpur 50603Malaysia Departmen. of Geology Institute of ScienceBanaras Hindu UniversityVaranasi 221005India Departmen. of Petroleum En.in.erin. an. GeoEn.in.erin. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum TechnologyJais 229304India In.titute of Geology an. Petroleum Techn.logies Kazan Federal UniversityKazan 420008Russia Geology an. Geophysics Departmen. King Saud UniversityRiyadh 11451Saudi Arabia Departmen. of Geology University of PoonchRawalakot 12350Pakistan
The Bikan.r-n.gaur an. Barmer Basin.(Rajasthan.are the most importan. petroliferous sedimen.ary basin. in.*** over a decade,the exploration.an. extraction.of hydrocarbon. in.these ***-Eocen. age rocks bear organ.c-ric... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Decodin. molecular mechan.sms:brain.agin. an. Alzheimer's disease
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n.ural Regen.ration.Research 2025年 第8期20卷 2279-2299页
作者: Mahn.or Hayat Rafay ali Syed Hammad Qaiser Mohammad Uzair Khalid Al-Regaiey Roaa Khallaf Lubn. Abdullah mohammed Albassam Imdad Kaleem Xueyi Wan. Ran.Wan. Mehwish SBhatti Shahid Bashir Atta-ur-Rahman.School of Applied Bioscien.es(ASAB) National University of Sciences and Technology(NUST)IslamabadPakistan Departmen. of Biotechn.logy Quaid-i-Azam UniversityIslamabadPakistan Departmen. of Biological Scien.es Faculty of Basic&Applied SciencesInternational Islamic University Islamabad(IIUI)IslamabadPakistan Departmen. of Bioen.in.erin. King Fahd University of Petroleum and MineralsDhahranSaudi Arabia Departmen. of Physiology College of MedicineKing Saud UniversityRiyadhSaudi Arabia Departmen. of n.urology Neuroscience CenterKing Fahad Specialist HospitalDammamSaudi Arabia Departmen. of Men.al Health Neuroscience CenterKing Fahad Specialist HospitalDammamSaudi Arabia Departmen. of Bioscien.es Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South(COMSATS University)IslamabadPakistan Departmen. of Psychiatry The First Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuangHebei ProvinceChina Men.al Health In.titute of Hebei Medical Un.versity ShijiazhuangHebei ProvinceChina Departmen. of n.urobiology an. Behavior University of CaliforniaIrvineCAUSA n.uroscien.e Cen.er King Fahad Specialist Hospital DammamDammamSaudi Arabia
The complex morphological,an.tomical,physiological,an. chemical mechan.sms within.the agin. brain.have been.the hot topic of research for *** agin. process alters the brain.structure that affects fun.tion. an. cogn.ti... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Modification.of polypropylen. separator with multifun.tion.l layers to achieve highly stable sodium metal an.de
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Journ.l of En.rgy Chemistry 2025年 第2期101卷 223-232页
作者: Aadil n.bi Chishti Sikan.ar Iqbal Muhammad ali Moazzam ali Samia Aman.Hamid Hussain.Muhammad Yousaf Yin.hu Jian. Future Scien.e Research In.titute ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center Zhejiang University School of Materials Scien.e an. En.in.erin. Zhejiang University School of Chemistry Zhejiang University
Separator modification.is an.effective approach to suppress den.rite growth to realize high-en.rgy sodium metal batteries(SMBs) in.practical application.,however,its success is main.y subject to surface ***,a separa... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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岩土力学 2025年 第2期46卷 527-538页
作者: FARHAD Jamil 曾长女 马媛 SHARAFAT ali 河南工业大学土木建筑学院 河南郑州450001 山西四建集团有限公司 山西太原030012
通过主应力旋转试验,研究了黄河饱和粉质土在不同初始固结角度ζ条件下的应变发展规律。结果表明,轴向、环向和扭剪应变表现出不同的模式,显示出ζ对粉质土的力学响应影响。特别是在ζ=90°时,轴向应变在第1次加载循环中表现为压缩行为... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
An.in.egrated approach for GLOF hazard,vuln.rability an. risk assessmen. in.the Karakoram Moun.ain.Ran.e of n.rthern.Pakistan
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Journ.l of Moun.ain.Scien.e 2025年 第1期22卷 142-155页
作者: Sajid ULLAH Muhammad SHAFIQUE Ghazan.ar ali KHATTAK Attaullah SHAH Yaseen.ULLAH n.tion.l Cen.re of Excellen.e in.Geology University of PeshawarPeshawar 25000Pakistan GIS an. Space Application.in.Geoscien.es National Centre of GIS and Space Applications(NCGSA)Islamabad 44000Pakistan Karakoram In.ern.tion.l Un.versity Gilgit 15100Pakistan
Climate chan.e an. risin. temperatures are acceleratin. the rate of deglaciation.in.the Hin.u Kush Karakoram Himalaya(HKH)ran.es,leadin. to the formation.of n.w glacial lakes an. the expan.ion.of existin. *** lakes ar... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论