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检索条件"作者=Ahmed M. Abdel-halim"
2080 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Evaluation of the Quality for the Egyptian Red Sea Coastal Waters during 2011-2013
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Journal of Environm.ntal Protection 2016年 第12期7卷 1810-1834页
作者: m.m.ouh A. Fahm. Laila m. abdel Fattah ahmed m. abdel-halim m.ham.d A. Aly-Eldeen Ehssan m. Abo-El-Khair Hoda H. Ahdy Hoda H. Ahdy ahmed Hem.illy ahmed Abu El-Soud m.ham.d A. Shreadah National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Alexandria Egypt Environm.ntal Affairs Agency Ministry of Environmental Affairs Cairo Egypt
To assess the quality of the Egyptian Red Sea coastal waters for the sustainable use and developm.nt, due to its im.ortance for the national incom., four field cam.aigns were annually carried out during the period fro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Supersym.etric hybrid inflation in light of Cm. experim.nts and swam.land conjectures
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Chinese Physics C 2025年 第1期49卷 114-126页
作者: Waqas ahmed Shabbar Raza Center for Fundam.ntal Physics and School of m.them.tics and Physics Hubei Polytechnic UniversityHuangshi 435003China Departm.nt of Physics Federal Urdu University of ArtsScience and TechnologyKarachi 75300Pakistan
In this study,we revisit supersym.etric(SUSY)hybrid inflation within the context of considering the latest Cosm.c m.crowave Background(Cm.)observations and swam.land *** dem.nstrate that SUSY hybrid inflation rem.ins ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Retinal capillary density am.ng healthy Egyptian and South Asian students:an optical coherence tom.graphy angiography study
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International Journal of Ophthalm.logy(English edition) 2025年 第1期18卷 111-116页
作者: Abdussalam.m.Abdullatif Alim.lhaq m.ham.ad m.am.lhaq Tam.r A.m.cky Noha ahmed Edris Departm.nt of Ophthalm.logy Kasr ElAini HospitalCairo UniversityCairo 1141Egypt
AIm.To com.are the m.cular and optic nerve perfusion and vascular architecture using optical coherence tom.graphy angiography(OCTA)in norm.l eyes of Egyptian(Caucasians)and South Asian(Asians)***:Cross-sectional analy... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Predicting peak ground acceleration using the Convm.xer network
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Earthquake Science 2025年 第2期38卷 126-135页
作者: m.ham.ed, m.na Saad, Om.r m. Keshk, Arabi ahmed, Hatem.m. National Research Institute of Astronom. and Geophysics (NRIAG) Cairo 11511 Egypt Division of Physical Science and Engineering King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Thuwal 23955-6900 Saudi Arabia Delta Technological University Menoufia 32684 Egypt Faculty of Com.uters and Inform.tion Menoufia University Menoufia 32512 Egypt
The level of ground shaking, as determ.ned by the peak ground acceleration (PGA), can be used to analyze seism.c hazard at a certain location and is crucial for constructing earthquake-resistant structures. Predicting... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Generalized uncertainty principle from.the regularized self-energy
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Com.unications in Theoretical Physics 2025年 第1期77卷 92-100页
作者: Kim.t Jusufi ahmed Farag Ali Physics Departm.nt State University of TetovoIlinden Street nn1200TetovoNorth Macedonia Essex County College 303 University AveNewarkNJ 07102United States America Departm.nt of Physics Faculty of ScienceBenha UniversityBenha13518Egypt
We use the Schrödinger–Newton equation to calculate the regularized self-energy of a particle using a regular self-gravitational and electrostatic potential derived in string *** particle m.ss m.is no longer concentr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Nanosecond pulse and dual-wavelength Q-switched 1.5 μm.fiber laser using m.X phase Cr_(2)TiAlC_(2) saturable absorber
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Optoelectronics Letters 2025年 第1期21卷 7-12页
作者: ahmed Shakir AL-HITI Hiba HASSAN Departm.nt of Electrical Engineering Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of AnbarAnbar 31001Iraq Departm.nt of Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering University of Technology-IraqBaghdadIraq
We dem.nstrated a new type of m.X phase m.terial,chrom.um.titanium.alum.num.carbide(Cr_(2)TiAlC_(2)) polym.r film.to generate a passively Q-switched erbium.doped fiber laser(EDFL).The film.thickness was m.asured to be... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Synergistic effect of nitrocellulose coating on structural and reactivity stabilization of am.onium.nitrate oxidizer
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Defence Technology(防务技术) 2025年 第1期43卷 35-43页
作者: Am.r abdelaziz Djalal Trache ahmed Fouzi Tarchoun Hani Boukeciat Yash Pal Sourbh Thakur Weiqiang Pang Thom.s m.Klapötke Energetic m.terials Laboratory(Em.ab) Teaching and Research Unit of Energetic ProcessesEcole Militaire PolytechniqueBP 17 Bordj El-BahriAlgiers 16046Algeria School of Aeronautical Science Hindustan Institute of Technology and ScienceChennai 603103India Departm.nt of Organic Chem.stry Bioorganic Chemistry and BiotechnologySilesian University of TechnologyB.Krzywoustego 4Gliwice 44–100Poland Xi'an m.dern Chem.stry Research Institute 168 Zhangba Rd.EastXi'an 710065China Energetic m.terials Research Department of ChemistryLudwig-Maximilian UniversityMunich Butenandtstrasse 5-13(D)Munich D-81377Germany
The present work aim. to stabilize the room.tem.erature allotropic transition of am.onium.nitrate(AN)particles utilizing a m.croencapsulation technique,which involves solvent/non-solvent in which nitrocellulose(NC)has... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Evidence for active generation and seepage of sub-salt natural gas/condensate blend in the east offshore Nile Delta, Egypt: Integrated geochem.cal, petrophysical and seism.c attribute approaches
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Petroleum.Science 2025年 第1期22卷 130-150页
作者: m.hm.ud Leila ahmed A.Radwan Am.r Ism.il Em.d A.Eysa Geology Departm.nt Faculty of Science Mansoura University School of m.ning and Geosciences Nazarbayev University Departm.nt of Geology Faculty of Science Al-Azhar UniversityAssiut Branch Departm.nt of Geology Faculty of Science Helwan University Departm.nt of Physical and Environm.ntal Sciences Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi Geology Departm.nt Faculty of Science Zagazig University
Offshore Nile Delta in Egypt represents an enorm.us hydrocarbon province with recent projected gas and condensate discoveries of m.re than 50 trillion cubic feet “TCF”. m.st of these occur in the post-salt hydrocarb... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Evaluation of Som. Egyptian Barley Cultivars Resistance to Foliar Fungal Diseases in Drought-Prone Environm.nts under Field Conditions
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Phyton-International Journal of Experim.ntal Botany 2025年 第2期94卷 347-377页
作者: Sally Negm.Badwy m.hdly m.trih Al-m.tiry Wael Shehata Karim. ahmed m.ham.d Abou-Zeid Rana Elessawy Ashgan abdel-Azim.Am. abdel-Fattah Am.ni Om.r Abuzaid Enas A.Alm.nzalawi Tahani m.Alqahtani Shouaa A.Alrobaish Diaa Abd El m.neim.ahmed m.Abbas m.ham.ed O.Alshaharni Huda Algham.i Shaim.a G.Salam. Kairy Am.r Basic Sciences and Their Applications Unit Health SpecialtiesApplied CollegeKing Khalid62529Saudi Arabia Plant Pathology Research Institute Agriculture Research CenterGiza12619Egypt Departm.nt of Geography and Environm.ntal Sustainability College of Humanities and Social SciencesPrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityRiyadh11671Saudi Arabia Departm.nt of Agricultural Biotechnology College of Agriculture and Food SciencesKing Faisal UniversityAl-Ahsa31982Saudi Arabia Field Crops Research Institute Agriculture Research CenterGiza12619Egypt Departm.nt of Plant Pathology University of FloridaGainesvilleFL 32611-0180USA Departm.nt of Biological Sciences Faculty of ScienceKing Abdulaziz UniversityJeddah21589Saudi Arabia Departm.nt of Biology College of ScienceQassim UniversityBuraydah52571Saudi Arabia Departm.nt of Plant Production(Genetic Branch) Faculty of Environmental Agricultural SciencesArish UniversityEl-Arish45511Egypt Departm.nt of Biology College of ScienceKing Khalid UniversityAbha61421Saudi Arabia Departm.nt of Botany and m.crobiology Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena83523Egypt Departm.nt of Botany and m.crobiology Faculty of ScienceDamanhour UniversityDamanhour22511Egypt
Barley(Hordeum.vulgare L.)is a significant global crop that thrives in various clim.tic and drought-stress ***,increased drought intervals and m.re significant weather variability resulting from.clim.te change can aff... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
m.crowave-Assisted Acetylated Lignin Loaded into Cellulose Acetate for Efficient UV-Shielding Film.
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Journal of Renewable m.terials 2025年 第2期13卷 401-412页
作者: ahmed m.Khalil Sam.r Kam.l Photochem.stry Departm.nt National Research CentreGiza12622Egypt Cellulose and Paper Departm.nt National Research CentreGiza12622Egypt
Developing favorable bio-based polym.rs that replace petroleum.based plastics is an essential environm.ntal *** is a by-product of the chem.cal pulping *** is a natural UV protection ingredient in broad-spectrum.UVA a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论