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检索条件"作者=Abdullah I. Aedh"
20830 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Deci.ual Natural Ki.ler Cells Are Essenti.l for a Successful Pregnancy (Revi.w)
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Advances i. Reproducti.e Sci.nces 2022年 第3期10卷 73-90页
作者: Ehab A. M. Elagab Majed Alshahrani.Ami. A. A. Elbadawi.abdullah i. aedh Ahmed M. Osman Hanadi.M. Osman Department of Hematology and i.munohematology Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science University of Gezira Wadmedani Sudan Department of Pathology College of Medicine Najran University Najran Saudi Arabia Department of Obstetri.s and Gynecology College of Medicine Najran University Najran Saudi Arabia Department of Bi.chemi.try College of Medicine Najran University Najran Saudi Arabia Department of i.ternal Medi.i.e College of Medicine Najran University Najran Saudi Arabia Department of Emergency Najran University Hospital Najran University Najran Saudi Arabia Department of Fami.y Medi.i.e Najran Armed Forces Hospital Najran Saudi Arabia
Pregnancy i. a complex physi.logi.al process i.volvi.g several i.terconnected systems. Many researchers were concerned that the formati.n of a fetus wi.h di.ferent geneti. components may contradi.t the normal state of... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Nano-Enhanced Dai.y Scum Bi.di.sel Blends:Unleashi.g the Power of Alumi.i.m Oxi.e for Sustai.able and Effi.i.nt Engi.e Performance
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Journal of Thermal Sci.nce 2025年 第1期34卷 283-302页
作者: Veeranna MODi.Prasad B.RAMPURE Suni. Kumar SHETTY Madeva NAGARAL Channa Keshava NAi. N Johar MGM Muhammad i.syad abdullah abdullah i.AL-MANSOUR Shamshad ALAM KLE College of Engi.eeri.g and Technology ChikodiVisvesvaraya Technological UniversityBelagavi 590018KarnatakaIndia Ni.te(Deemed to be Uni.ersi.y) NMAM Institute of Technology(NMAMIT)Department of Mechanical EngineeringNitte 574110India Ai.craft Research and Desi.n Centre HALBangalore 560037KarnatakaIndia Department of Mechani.al Engi.eeri.g BGS College of Engineering and TechnologyBengaluruAffiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological UniversityBelagaviIndia Management and Sci.nce Uni.ersi.y Selangor Darul EhsanMalaysia Department of Ci.i. Engi.eeri.g College of EngineeringKing Saud UniversityRiyadh-11421Saudi Arabia
Thi. study i.vesti.ates the effect of alumi.i.m oxi.e nanoparti.lesaddi.i.n to bi.di.sel blends made from dai.y mi.k scum on performance and combusti.n characteri.ti.s of the di.sel *** di.persi.n of Al_(2)O_(3)nanopa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Properti.s of Ball Li.htni.g as a Basi. for Creati.g i.s Theory
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Journal of Appli.d Mathemati.s and Physi.s 2025年 第1期13卷 209-229页
作者: Anatoly i. Ni.i.i. V.L. Talrose i.sti.ute for Energy Problems of Chemi.al Physi.s at N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemi.al Physi.s Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia
Observati.nal data of ball li.htni.g often contradi.t each other, so i. was someti.es proposed to bui.d a theory of ball li.htni.g based on only a small number of stati.ti.ally reli.ble observati.ns. Work on thi. pri.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Juncti.nal bradycardi. i. a pati.nt wi.h COVi.-19: A case report
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World Journal of Cli.i.al Cases 2022年 第24期10卷 8755-8760页
作者: abdullah i.rahi. aedh Department of i.ternal Medi.i.e College of MedicineNajran UniversityNajran 1988Saudi Arabia
BACKGROUND Cardi.c arrhythmi.s,i.cludi.g bradyarrhythmi.s,have been descri.ed as mani.estati.ns of coronavi.us di.ease 2019(COVi.-19).Herei.,we present a case of juncti.nal bradycardi. secondary to possi.le si.us node... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Atomi.ally preci.e M-N-C electrocatalysts for oxygen reducti.n:Effects of i.ter-si.e di.tance,metal-metal i.teracti.n,coordi.ati.n envi.onment,and spi. states
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Journal of Energy Chemi.try 2025年 第2期101卷 132-155页
作者: Junfeng Huang Sai.a Ajmal Anuj Kumar Ji.nwen Guo Mohammed Mujahi. Alam abdullah G.Al-Sehemi.Ghulam Yasi. School of Mechani.al Engi.eeri.g Dongguan University of Technology Nano-Technology Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry GLA University Department of Chemi.try College of Science King Khalid University School of Envi.onmental Sci.nce and Engi.eeri.g Tianjin University State Key Laboratory of Chemi.al Resource Engi.eeri.g College of Materials Science and Engineering Beijing University of Chemical Technology
i.spi.ed by molecular catalysts,researchers developed atomi.ally preci.e ni.rogen-coordi.ated si.gle or dual metal si.es i.bedded i. graphi.i.ed carbon(M-N-C) to fully uti.i.e metalli. si.es for *** catalysts perfor... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Predi.tors of Screen Medi. Use among Chi.dren Aged 3 - 13
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Open Journal of Nursi.g 2025年 第1期15卷 78-91页
作者: Doa’a abdullah Dwai.ej Eqbal Mohammad Alfarajat Lubna abdullah Dwai.ej Faculty of Nursi.g Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Maan Jordan
Determi.i.g the predi.tors of screen medi. use wi.l assi.t nurses and cli.i.i.ns to i.enti.y the chi.dren that are i. most need for i.terventi.n. There i. li.i.ed li.erature regardi.g the predi.tors of screen medi. us... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Professi.nal Vulnerabi.i.y i. Adopti.g a CLi. Pedagogy at a Neoli.eral Restructured Uni.ersi.y i. Kazakhstan
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Chi.ese Journal of Appli.d Li.gui.ti.s 2025年 第1期48卷 70-89页
作者: Curti. Green-Enei. Peter i. De Costa The Educati.n Uni.ersi.y of Hong Kong Hong Kong Chi.a Mi.hi.an State Uni.ersi.y East Lansi.g US
The adopti.n of content and language i.tegrated learni.g (CLi.) practi.es has expanded i. recent years as hi.her educati.n i.sti.uti.ns adopt a top-down Engli.h medi.m of i.structi.n (EMi. language poli.y i. the hope ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Tunable and wi.eband hi.h-performance rare earth-doped Ni.Mg-Cu-Zn nano ferri.e-based meta-absorbers for C-band appli.ati.n
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Journal of Rare Earths 2025年 第1期43卷 124-132,I0005页
作者: Maji. Ni.z Akhtar Magbool Alelyani.Fati.ah Mohammed AAlzahrani.abdullah Almohammedi.Sabi. Qamar MABaqi. Mi.fan Muhammad Azhar Khan Khei. SAlbarkaty ZAAlrowai.i.MSAl-Buri.hi i.sti.ute of Physi.s The Islamia University of Bahawalpur63100BahawalpurPakistan Department of Radi.logi.al Sci.nces College of Applied Medical ScienceKing Khalid University61421bhaSaudi Arabia Department of Chemi.try College of SciencePrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityP.O.Box 84428Riyadh11671Saudi Arabi Department of Physi.s Faculty of ScienceIslamic University of Madinah42352.Saudi Arabia Department of Chemi.al Engi.eeri.g Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering and Technology(MNSUET)60000MultanPakistan Department of Electri.al and Computer Engi.eeri.g COMSATS University IslamabadSahiwal Campus57000Pakistan Department of Physi.s Umm Al-Qura UniversityMakkah24382Saudi Arabia Department of Physi.s College of ScienceJouf UniversityP.O.Box:201474331SakakaSoudi Arabia Department of Physi.s Sakarya University6900SakaryaTurkey
Due to advanced technology,electromagnet i.terference and di.si.ati.n problems i. the electroni. and portable devi.es at GHz range are i.creasi.g *** absorbi.g materi.ls wi.h outstandi.g electromagneti. properti.s,wi.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Enhanci.g Plant Resi.i.nce to Abi.ti. Stress:The Power of Bi.sti.ulants
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Phyton-i.ternati.nal Journal of Experi.ental Botany 2025年 第1期94卷 1-31页
作者: Su-Ee Lau Lucas Wei.Tze Li. Mohd Fadhli.Hamdan Coli. Chan Noor Bai.y Sai.i.Janna Ong-abdullah Boon Chi. Tan Centre for Research i. Bi.technology for Agri.ulture Universiti MalayaKuala Lumpur50603Malaysia Faculty of Sci.nce Universiti MalayaKuala Lumpur50603Malaysia School of Bi.logi.al Sci.nces Universiti Sains MalaysiaGeorge Town11800Malaysia School of Bi.logy Faculty of Applied SciencesUiTM Shah AlamShah Alam40450Malaysia Department of Bi.technology Faculty of Applied SciencesUCSI UniversityCheras56000Malaysia Department of Cell and Molecular Bi.logy Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular SciencesUniversiti Putra MalaysiaSerdang43400Malaysia
Abi.ti. stresses such as drought,heat,sali.i.y,and heavy metal contami.ati.n severely affect global agri.ultural *** 2005 and 2015,droughts caused losses of approxi.ately USD 29 bi.li.n i. developi.g countri.s,and fro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
i.traoperati.e targeted blood pressure management and dexmedetomi.i.e on composi.e compli.ati.ns i. moderate-to-hi.h ri.k pati.nts after major abdomi.al surgery
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中华医学杂志(英文版) 2025年 第2期138卷 240-242页
作者: Wu Qi.ngfang Wang Hai.eng Li.Mei.i. Hu Wenjun He Shuti.g Sun Yanli.g Mu Dongli.ng Sessler Dani.l i. Wang Dongxi. Department of Anesthesi.logy Peking University First Hospital Beijing China Department of Anesthesi.logy theth Hospital of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Beijing China Outcomes Research Consorti.m Huston Texas USA Department of Anesthesi.logy and Center for Outcomes Research University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Texas USA
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论