In this paper, we have applied the Lie algebraic model to nano-bio molecules to determine the vibrational spectra of different stretching and bending vibrational modes. The determined vibrational energy levels by the ...
In this paper, we have applied the Lie algebraic model to nano-bio molecules to determine the vibrational spectra of different stretching and bending vibrational modes. The determined vibrational energy levels by the Lie algebraic model are compared with the experimental data. The results from the theoretical mode[ are consistent with the experimental data. The vibrational energy levels are clustering in the excited states.
Using the Lie algebraic method the vibrational frequencies of 97 resonances Raman lines (A1g + B1g + A2g + B2g) and 38 infrared bands (Eu) of octaethylporphyrinato-Ni (II) and its mesodeuterated and 15N-substituted de...
Using the Lie algebraic method the vibrational frequencies of 97 resonances Raman lines (A1g + B1g + A2g + B2g) and 38 infrared bands (Eu) of octaethylporphyrinato-Ni (II) and its mesodeuterated and 15N-substituted derivates and Fullerenes C60 and Cv70 of 7 vibrational bands are calculated using U(2) algebraic Hamiltonian with four fitting algebraic parameters. The results obtained by the algebraic technique have been compared with experimental data;and they show great accuracy.
With the new theoretical approach i.e. lie algebraic approach, we have calculated the infrared spectra of Phosphine in the range from 3000 cm-1 to 9500 cm-1 and Nitrogen Trifluoride in the range from 900 cm-1 to 4500 ...
With the new theoretical approach i.e. lie algebraic approach, we have calculated the infrared spectra of Phosphine in the range from 3000 cm-1 to 9500 cm-1 and Nitrogen Trifluoride in the range from 900 cm-1 to 4500 cm-1. The model Hamiltonian, so constructed, seems to describe the P-H and N-F stretching modes accurately with only four numbers of parameters.