The authors select different grain size samples from granitic body in Weishan, central Hunan, to conduct mylonitization experiments under high temperature (HT) and high pressure (HP), by which the temperature and pres...
The authors select different grain size samples from granitic body in Weishan, central Hunan, to conduct mylonitization experiments under high temperature (HT) and high pressure (HP), by which the temperature and pressure conditions of mylonitization and microstructures of deformation have been obtained. Through the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of experimental mylonite, we calculate its dislocation density (D), differential rheological stress (Pd) and speed rate of strain (Rs): 3.20x109/cm2, 139.32 MPa and 6.39x10-10/s respectively. The results are in the same magnitude-order with those of natural mylonite from fault zones. By comparison and analysis of chemical compositions and microstructures of different structural environments, the authors establish approximate rheological parameters related to shallow structural level and also suggest the multiple rheological properties and total trend from deep structural level to shallow structural level.
Wugongshan in Jiangxi Province, China was a Mesozoic granitic dome-type extensional tectonics that is composed of metamorphic core complexes, ductile and brittle shear-deformed zones distributed around Mesozoic granit...
Wugongshan in Jiangxi Province, China was a Mesozoic granitic dome-type extensional tectonics that is composed of metamorphic core complexes, ductile and brittle shear-deformed zones distributed around Mesozoic granites. Within it, the foliation defines an E-W elliptical shape and bears S-N stretching lineations. The axial part is located in Hongjiang-Wanlongshan area and occupied by oriented granites with coaxial symmetric shear fabrics. The southem and northern flanks, including rocks in the Anfu Basin to the south and the Pingxiang Basin to the north, display top-to-south and top-to-north motions, respectively. The ductile and brittle structures indicate a geometric and kinematic consistency. The extensional tectonics is developed on a Caledonian metamorphic basement and is unconformably covered by Late Cretaceous red beds. Isotopic ages on muscovite, biotite and whole rock by40Ar-39Ar, K-Ar and Rb-Sr suggest that the Wugongshan extensional doming began from the Triassic and ended in the Late Cretaceous. A geodynamic model is discussed.
The use of liver transplantation(LT) as a treatment for alcoholic liver disease(ALD) has been highly controversial since the beginning. The ever increasing shortage of organs has accentuated the low priority given to ...
The use of liver transplantation(LT) as a treatment for alcoholic liver disease(ALD) has been highly controversial since the beginning. The ever increasing shortage of organs has accentuated the low priority given to patients suffering from ALD, which is considered a "self-inflicted" condition. However, by improving the long-term survival rates, making them similar to those from other indications, and recognizing that alcoholism is a primary disease, ALD has become one of the most common indications for LT in Europe and North America, a situation thought unfathomable thirty years ago. Unfortunately, there are still many issues with the use of this procedure for ALD. There are significant relapse rates, and the consequences of excessive drinking after LT range from asymptomatic biochemical and histological abnormalities to graft failure and death. A minimum three-month period of sobriety is required for an improvement in liver function, thus making LT unnecessary, and to demonstrate the patient's commitment to the project, even though a longer abstinence period does not guarantee lower relapse rates after LT. Recent data have shown that LT is also effective for severe alcoholic hepatitis when the patient is unresponsive to corticosteroids therapy, with low relapse rates in highly selected patients, although these results must be confirmed before LT becomes a standard procedure in this setting. Finally, LT for ALD is accompanied by an increased risk of de novo solid organ cancer, skin cancer, and lymphoproliferative disorders, which has a large impact on the survival rates.
Through a systematic sampling test and mass equilibrium analysis of the three sorts of complex assemblages (intrusive complex, tectonic complex and metamorphic complex) penetrating the metamorphic core complex (MCC) i...
Through a systematic sampling test and mass equilibrium analysis of the three sorts of complex assemblages (intrusive complex, tectonic complex and metamorphic complex) penetrating the metamorphic core complex (MCC) in the Xingzi area of north Jiangxi, the authors find that, like major elements, the trace elements of small ion radius, big specific gravity and high potential form the accumulative series in fault rocks, instead of divergence series. In rare earth elements, 2REE and HREE are relatively centralized, characteristic of rising and Eu loss in the distribution pattern. Only on the upside of the ductile fault, there exist some phenomena contrary to the general rules, most of which are restricted by the rock rheologic differentiation, coupling of mechanics and chemistry, and inversion of tectonic regime.
The Chinese Tianshan belt is a major part of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, extending westward to Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Its Paleozoic tectonic evolution, crucial for understanding the amalgamation of C...
The Chinese Tianshan belt is a major part of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, extending westward to Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Its Paleozoic tectonic evolution, crucial for understanding the amalgamation of Central Asia, comprises two stages of subduction-collision. The first collisional stage built the Eo-Tianshan Mountains, before a Visean unconformity, in which all structures are verging north. It implied a southward subduction of the Central Tianshan Ocean beneath the Tarim active margin, that induced the Ordovician-Early Devonian Central Tianshan arc, to the south of which the South Tianshan back-arc basin opened. During the Late Devonian, the closure of this ocean led to a collision between Central Tianshan arc and the Kazakhstan-Yili-North Tianshan Block, and subsequently closure of the South Tianhan back-arc basin, producing two suture zones, namely the Central Tianshan and South Tianshan suture zones where ophiolitic melanges and HP metamorphic rocks were emplaced northward. The second stage included the Late Devonian-Carboniferous southward subduction of North Tianshan Ocean beneath the Eo-Tianshan active margin, underlined by the Yili-North Tianshan arc, leading to the collision between the Kazakhstan-Yili-NTS plate and an inferred Junggar Block at Late Carboniferous-Early Permian time. The North Tianshan Suture Zone underlines likely the last oceanic closure of Central Asia Orogenic Belt; all the oceanic domains were consumed before the Middle Permian. The amalgamated units were affected by a Permian major wrenching, dextral in the Tianshan. The correlation with the Kazakh and Kyrgyz Tianshan is clarified. The Kyrgyz South Tianshan is equivalent to the whole part of Chinese Tianshan (CTS and STS) located to the south of Narat Fault and Main Tianshan Shear Zone; the so-called Middle Tianshan thins out toward the east. The South Tianshan Suture of Kyrgyzstan correlates with the Central Tianshan Suture of Chinese Tianshan. The evolution of this sou
Many lifestyle factors,such as nutritional imbalance leading to obesity,metabolic disorders,and nutritional deficiency,have been identified as potential risk factors for male *** aim of this study was to evaluate the ...
Many lifestyle factors,such as nutritional imbalance leading to obesity,metabolic disorders,and nutritional deficiency,have been identified as potential risk factors for male *** aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between semen parameters and anthropometric,metabolic and nutritional *** was first assessed individually,then after the application of a previously constructed and validated machine learning score that allows their ***,metabolic,antioxidant,micronutrient,and sperm parameters from 75 men suffering from idiopathic infertility from four infertility centers in France(Jean-Verdier ART Center Hospital,Bondy;North Hospital ART Center,Saint-Étienne;Navarre Polyclinic ART Center,Pau;and Cochin Hospital ART Center,Paris)between September 2009 and December 2013 were *** assessing standard correlation analysis,a previously built machine learning model,providing a score ranging from 0(the poorest)to 1(the most favorable),was calculated for each man in the study *** machine learning model,which separates infertile/fertile men with unexplained infertility on the basis of their bioclinical signature,provides a more holistic evaluation of the influence of the considered markers(anthropometric,metabolic,and oxidative status).We observed a significant correlation of some anthropometric,metabolic,and nutritional disorders with some sperm ***,an unfavorable machine learning score was associated with a high level of sperm DNA *** anthropometric,metabolic,and oxidative patterns,which may reflect an appropriate lifestyle,appear to positively impact overall health,in particular reproductive *** study,consistent with previous publications,suggests that beyond semen quality parameters,in an essential assessment of male fertility,other key factors should be taken into *** this regard,the application of emerging artificial intelligence t
A paleomagnetic study has been carried out in the east of the Tan-Lu fault,in Liaoning Province,NE China,to understand the timing of Tan-Lu fault *** aging from Early Paleozoic to Late Mesozoic from 51 sites have been...
A paleomagnetic study has been carried out in the east of the Tan-Lu fault,in Liaoning Province,NE China,to understand the timing of Tan-Lu fault *** aging from Early Paleozoic to Late Mesozoic from 51 sites have been *** and Late Permian-Early Triassic rocks are remagnetized by the recent geomagnetic field;however, Late Cretaceous(between 118 and 83 Ma) red tuffaceous sandstone passes a positive fold test,shows no Present Earth Field characteristic remanent magnetization carried by both magnetite and hematite,presents a solo normal polarity,and thus provides the only reliable paleomagnetic data in this *** paleomagnetic pole calculated from these rocks(λ = 59.4°N,φ = 205.5°E,and A = 7.3°) is statistically undistinguishable from all available Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from Eastern Liaoning-Korean Peninsula,indicating that these areas may belong to a single tectonic unit,here named the East Liaoning-Korea(ELK) Block,at least since the Late ***,a significant discrepancy between the ELK Block and Chinese Block(i.e.,North and South China Blocks) characterized by a differential rotation(22.5°±10.2°) with a negligible latitudinal displacement(0.8°±6.1°) is *** result indicates,first,that the left-lateral displacement along the Tan-Lu fault,if any,must have occurred before the Late Cretaceous and,second,that the Korean Block can not be considered as a rigid part of North China *** and structural evidence show that the Meso-Cenozoic triangle shaped plain,consisting of Songliao,Xialiaohe,Sanjiang,Zeya,and other smaller basins developing in northeast China and southeast Russia,south of the Mongol-Okhotsk Belt,experienced a heterogeneous rifting from the Late Jurassic to *** variable amount of extension,larger in the northeast(~300 km) than in the southwest(~80 km),is probably related to the clockwise rotation of the ELK Block centered at the south of the Bohai Bay *** resu
Lifestyle factors, such as weight and nutritional status may affect male fertility, including sperm fertilization ability. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the association between body mass in...
Lifestyle factors, such as weight and nutritional status may affect male fertility, including sperm fertilization ability. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the association between body mass index (BMI) and sperm-zona pellucida binding ability assessed according to the zona binding (ZB) test, which has been described to be a relevant diagnostic tool for the prediction of in vitro fertilization (IVF) ability. Three hundred and six male patients from couples diagnosed with primary idiopathic or mild male factor infertility were included. Correlations between BMI and semen parameters according to ZB test indices were assessed, together with frequencies of positive and negative tests across the BMI categories. In this selected population, BMI was not related to conventional semen parameters or sperm quality assessed according to the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida. The previously described poor outcomes of IVF procedures in cases of male obesity could be due to other sperm defects, such as alterations of sperm capacitation or acrosome reaction. The link between male BMI and biological outcomes during IVF procedures, such as fertilization rates, should be further evaluated.
Paediatric Chance fracture are rare lesions but often associated with abdominal injuries. We herein present the case of a seven years old patient who sustained an entrapment of small bowel and an ureteropelvic disrupt...
Paediatric Chance fracture are rare lesions but often associated with abdominal injuries. We herein present the case of a seven years old patient who sustained an entrapment of small bowel and an ureteropelvic disruption associated with a Chance fracture and spine dislocation following a traffic accident. Initial X-rays and computed tomographic(CT) scan showed a Chance fracture with dislocation of L3 vertebra, with an incarceration of a small bowel loop in the spinal canal and a complete section of the left lumbar ureter. Paraplegia was noticed on the initial neurological examination. A posterior L2-L4 osteosynthesis was performed firstly. In a second time she underwent a sus umbilical laparotomy to release the incarcerated jejunum loop in the spinal canal. An end-toend anastomosis was performed on a JJ probe to suture the left injured ureter. One month after the traumatism, she started to complain of severe headaches related to a leakage of cerebrospinalis fluid. Three months after the traumatism there was a clear regression of the leakage. One year after the trauma, an anterior intervertebral fusion was done. At final follow-up, no neurologic recovery was noticed. In case of Chance fracture, all physicians should think about abdominal injuries even if the patient is asymptomatic. Initial abdominal CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging provide in such case crucial info for management of the spine and the associated lesions.