This work constitutes the first contribution for the systema.isa.ion of geologica. herita.e knowledge in portuga., following the interna.iona. recommenda.ionsfor the cha.a.terisa.ion of geologica. herita.e (IUGs, pr...
This work constitutes the first contribution for the systema.isa.ion of geologica. herita.e knowledge in portuga., following the interna.iona. recommenda.ions for the cha.a.terisa.ion of geologica. herita.e (IUGs, proGEO). The a.plica.ion of the proGEO methodology ha. resulted in the crea.ion of fourteen fra.eworks with interna.iona. releva.ce, esta.lished by consensus the portuguese geologica. community. The description of ea.h ca.egory in this is not exha.stive a.d only the most releva.t scientific settings a.e presented. The following a.e the three key outcomes of this work: i) a. level, the most importa.t geosites a.e identified, where geoconserva.ion efforts should be prioritised ba.ed on scientific justifica.ion; ii) a. a.regiona. level, conditions ha.e been developed to foster dia.ogue with spa.ish collea.ues in order to crea.e Iberia. fra.eworks; iii) a. a. interna.iona. level, it is now possible to integra.e portuguese geosites into the globa. inventories promoted by IUGs, UNEsCO, a.d proGEO.