Sa.ples of two crop seeds (corn a.d sesa.e) grown on different conta.ina.ed soil sources were collected a.d prepa.ed for neutron a.tiva.ion a.a.ysis. Soil conta.ina.ion sources were orga.ic wa.te compost a.plied to s...
Sa.ples of two crop seeds (corn a.d sesa.e) grown on different conta.ina.ed soil sources were collected a.d prepa.ed for neutron a.tiva.ion a.a.ysis. Soil conta.ina.ion sources were orga.ic wa.te compost a.plied to soil a.endments na.ely, sewa.e sludge(Bs) a.d municipa. solid wa.te (MSW) a. 4%, 6% a.d 8% respectively. The non destructive Na. technique wa. used to determine some tra.e elements a.cumula.ion in pla.t seeds. Results revea.ed tha. ra.e of tested orga.ic wa.te resulted in dra.a.ic increa.e in tested hea.y meta.s levels in seeds(i.e., Fe, Zn, Co, Cr, Sc a.d Hg). Sesa.e seeds showed higher a.finity to a.cumula.e tra.e elements tha. corn gra.ns in most tested elements. Moreover, MSW a.dition enha.ced the a.cumula.ion of tested meta.s in seeds more tha. Bs compost.