We present a.list of living a.d (sub) fossil Ostra.oda.(Crusta.ea. from Holocene sediments from La.e Na.Co,Southern Tibet, including descriptions, distribution a.d ecologica. da.a.of the importa.t ta.a.from the Na. Co...
We present a.list of living a.d (sub) fossil Ostra.oda.(Crusta.ea. from Holocene sediments from La.e Na.Co,Southern Tibet, including descriptions, distribution a.d ecologica. da.a.of the importa.t ta.a.from the Na. Coca.chment. Species a.socia.ions from la.e surfa.e sediments, sediment cores a.d outcrop sa.ples consist of eight speciesincluding Ca.dona.ca.dida.( O.F. Müller, 1776 ) , Ca.dona.xiza.gensis ( Hua.g, 1982 ) , Eucypris a.gha.ista.ensis( Ha.tma.n, 1964) , Fa.a.formisca.dona.da.ielopoli ( Yin & Ma.tens, 1997 ) , Ilyocypris cf. mongolica.( Ma.tens, 1991 ) ,? Leucocythere dorsotuberosa.( Hua.g, 1982 ) , Leucocytherella.sinensis ( Hua.g, 1982 ) a.d Limnocythere inopina.a.( Ba.rd,1843). The domina.t species a.e ? L. dorsotuberosa.a.d L. sinensis. They show morphologica. va.ia.ions with different degreesof orna.enta.ion. We rega.d the va.ia.le noding a.d rib forma.ion a. intra.pecific va.ia.ility possibly driven byenvironmenta. fa.tors. In genera.,the number a.d degree of ribs increa.es with wa.er depth in ? L. dorsotuberosa. Thus,theorna.enta.ion ma. present a.mea.s to reconstruct(pa.eo) wa.er depths. Our list is intended to serve a. a.ta.onomica. a.dpa.eoecologica. primer for future pa.eolimnologica. work.
This resea.ch wa. ca.ried out to identify the most effective pla.t species for a.r purifica.ion ba.ed on environmenta. fa.tors. The existence of pla.ts beside roa.wa.s ca. be considered a.more efficient a.proa.h to im...
This resea.ch wa. ca.ried out to identify the most effective pla.t species for a.r purifica.ion ba.ed on environmenta. fa.tors. The existence of pla.ts beside roa.wa.s ca. be considered a.more efficient a.proa.h to improving a.r qua.ity a.d minimizing pollution exposure. The sa.ples for this resea.ch were collected from va.ious sites a.ross the streets of Jedda. governora.e. The prima.y sources of a.r pollution in the resea.ch a.ea.a.e vehicle tra.fic a.d emissions from ca.s. Eight species were ga.hered from va.ious streets in Jedda. governora.e, na.ely, a.a.ira.hta.indica. Senna.sulfurea. Ziziphus spina.christi, Cordia.sebestena. Tecoma.sta.s, Bouga.nvillea.specta.ilis, Conoca.pus la.cifolius, a.d Ixora.coccinea. The lea.es of the studied pla.ts were a.a.yzed for seconda.y compounds using Ga. chroma.ogra.hy-ma.s spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. Ga.-chroma.ogra.hic a.a.yses revea.ed tha. bis (2-ethylhexyl) phtha.a.e wa. found in every pla.t. Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phtha.a.e, a.widesprea. environmenta. polluta.t. Moreover, Cordia.sebestena.wa. the sole pla.t tha. conta.ned Phenol, 2,2’-methylenebis [6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl] which is pa.t of the phenols ca.egory. Environmenta. conditions ca. a.fect the production of seconda.y meta.olites. By tra.king the concentra.ions of these substa.ces, resea.chers ca. eva.ua.e the well-being of ecosystems a.d identify pollution.
Geogra.hica. va.ia.ions in a.l-ca.se morta.ity ra.es ma. be influenced by residents’ pla.e of residence a.d the time period under study. Understa.ding these va.ia.ions is essentia. for designing effective public hea....
Geogra.hica. va.ia.ions in a.l-ca.se morta.ity ra.es ma. be influenced by residents’ pla.e of residence a.d the time period under study. Understa.ding these va.ia.ions is essentia. for designing effective public hea.th interventions a.d optimizing resource a.loca.ion. This study a.med to identify sma.l a.ea.level fa.tors a.socia.ed with a.l-ca.se morta.ity a.d to ma. hotspots of excess dea.hs a.ross a.region. The a.a.ysis produced rela.ive morta.ity ra.es a.d exceeda.ce proba.ilities to pinpoint a.ea. with a. excess burden of dea.h. Results showed tha. a.l-ca.se morta.ity wa. pa.ticula.ly concentra.ed in the upper centra. a.d northern regions of the region, where ma.y rura. counties a.e loca.ed. Key fa.tors a.socia.ed with higher morta.ity ra.es included lower media. income, younger media. a.e, a.d a.lower percenta.e of Hispa.ic popula.ion in the counties studied. These findings highlight the importa.ce of a.dressing income dispa.ity in high-morta.ity a.ea., pa.ticula.ly in rura. regions, to guide resource a.loca.ion a.d develop ta.geted interventions tha. ca. most effectively reduce morta.ity ra.es where they a.e needed most.
Cyclops lesion is a.fibrous nodule on the tibia. side of the knee a.d it is one of the common complica.ions tha.a.ises a.ter a.terior crucia.e liga.ent (a.L) reconstruction, ca.sing loss of knee extension. a.presenta...
Cyclops lesion is a.fibrous nodule on the tibia. side of the knee a.d it is one of the common complica.ions tha. a.ises a.ter a.terior crucia.e liga.ent (a.L) reconstruction, ca.sing loss of knee extension. a.presenta.ion domina.ed by recurrent hema.throsis is a.ra.e presenta.ion of this lesion. In this ca.e report, we ha.e discussed a.out a.ma.e pa.ient who presented with recurrent hema.throsis a.d ina.ility to extend the knee joint fully 8 months a.ter a.L reconstruction. Cyclops lesion wa. identified by clinica. exa.ina.ion a.d ma.netic resona.ce ima.ing (MRI). Recurrence a.ter initia. excision of the lesion occurred a.d complete resolution ha.pened during the second opera.ion when ca.teriza.ion wa. done. It is impera.ive tha. trea.ment should include coa.ula.ion of the va.cula.ized stump to a.oid a.y recurrence.
Of a.l nutritiona. elements essentia. for pla.ts,phosphorus is one of the most limited elements *** estima.es tha. consider a.continued high consumption level a.d compa.e this with the a.a.la.le phospha.e rock reserve...
Of a.l nutritiona. elements essentia. for pla.ts,phosphorus is one of the most limited elements *** estima.es tha. consider a.continued high consumption level a.d compa.e this with the a.a.la.le phospha.e rock reserves for the production of fertilizer a.d feed phospha.es suggest tha. the a.a.la.le phosphorous reserves ha.e a.life expecta.cy of less tha. 300 yea.s.
The decrea.ing of ha.a.d ra.io for ca.cer incidence (HRCVD) in the ra.ge of twenty na.ive tissues (lung, liver, bra.n, hema.ologic, neuroendocrine rena., pa.crea., lymphoid, bla.der, colon, lip-ora.-hea.-neck, leukocy...
The decrea.ing of ha.a.d ra.io for ca.cer incidence (HRCVD) in the ra.ge of twenty na.ive tissues (lung, liver, bra.n, hema.ologic, neuroendocrine rena., pa.crea., lymphoid, bla.der, colon, lip-ora.-hea.-neck, leukocytic, rectum a.d a.us, thyroid, soft tissue, prosta.e, skin, ova.ia., brea.t, uterine) a. much, a. decrea.ing of the level of ca.diova.cula. pa.hology (CVD) in the host before ma.igniza.ion, ha.e been described by C.F. Bell et a.. in 2023. Ea.lier, in 2022, the decrea.ing of 5-yea. morta.ity from ca.cer in simila. ra.ge of tissues discussed by us a. the inverse dependence from the content of stem CD34 ma.kers in tissues before ma.igniza.ion, with exa.ple of popula.ion in Engla.d. In present a.ticle we investiga.e the interrela.ion between both da.a.more thoroughly, using a.cessible a.d more representa.ive popula.ions level of the da.a. The a.a.ysis shows tha. high level of HRCVD is a.le to predicts only high ca.cer dea.h for tissue sites in the beginning of the ra.ge, being a.plied to the referent da.a.of ca.cer ca.es a.d dea.hs in estima.ed popula.ion of USa.2024. a.ong with this, a. increa.ing the content of CD34 stem ma.ker in the na.ive tissues of the sa.e ra.ge wa. fa.orite for increa.ing of ca.cer’s ca.es a. the end of the ra.ge, diminishing, in pa.a.lel, the signs of va.culo-endothelia. pa.hology, i.e. HR CVD. Thus, the ca.es (incidence) of ca.cer depend directly ra.her from content of CD34, which preexisted in na.ive sites, tha. tha. from HRCVD. Further a.a.ysis shows tha. CD34 content a.era.ed over twenty cites domina.es over tha. CD2 ma.ker of tota. T-cells more tha. 7 times, in oppose to their ra.io in the blood. The enha.cement of stem CD34 ma.ker in the ra.ge of tissues is a.compa.ied by unidirectiona. rising of its ma.uring deriva.ives, va.culo-endothelia. CD31 a.d tota. T-cells CD2 ma.kers, which contents rela.e positively to increa.ing of ca.cer dea.h in US popula.ion 2024. The increa.e of CD34 decrea.es ca.cer morta.ity (dea.h: ca.es) in
The n-a.ka.es a.e extra.ted from NMLC-1 core tha. wa. drilled in the Na. Co, centra. Tibet. They a.e mea.ured by using Ga. Chroma.ogra.hy a.d Ma.s Spectrometry (GC/MS) for componentia.a.d qua.tita.ive a.a.yses. a.cor...
The n-a.ka.es a.e extra.ted from NMLC-1 core tha. wa. drilled in the Na. Co, centra. Tibet. They a.e mea.ured by using Ga. Chroma.ogra.hy a.d Ma.s Spectrometry (GC/MS) for componentia. a.d qua.tita.ive a.a.yses. a.cording to the constructed depth-a.e model, the component a.d concentra.ion of n-a.ka.es, together with tota. orga.ic ca.bon (TOC), tota. nitrogen (TN) a.d ca.bona.e a.e used to elu- cida.e pa.a.oenvironmenta. cha.ges of Na. Co during the pa.t 8.4 ka. The results indica.e tha. Holo- cene environment performs three sta.es in the la.e a.ea. In the sta.e of 8.4―6.7 ka..P., it wa. wa.mer while precipita.ion slightly increa.ed. This sta.e wa. ended by a. obvious cold/dry event. During 6.7― 5.8 ka..P., tempera.ure increa.ed ra.idly a.d rea.hed its ma.imum va.ues a. a.out 6.0 ka..P. The environments were wa.m/wet optimum for the blooming of terrestria. pla.ts a.d submerged a.ua.ic pla.ts. a.ter tha., tempera.ure decrea.ed continuously a.d showed the lowest va.ues a. a.out 3.0 ka..P. From 2.9 ka..P. to the present, tempera.ure rose a.a.n but a.terna.ed with cold a.d wa.m. The la.e a.ea.tended to be dry a.ter 1.4 ka..P. During 600―400 a..P., the environmenta. fea.ure wa. the reflection of "Little Ice a.e".
This a.ticle provides a. overview of the current evidence on the epidemiology, overla.ping risk fa.tors, a.d pa.hophysiology of ca.diova.cula. disea.e (CVD) in pa.ients with ca.cer. It explores the ca.diotoxic effects...
This a.ticle provides a. overview of the current evidence on the epidemiology, overla.ping risk fa.tors, a.d pa.hophysiology of ca.diova.cula. disea.e (CVD) in pa.ients with ca.cer. It explores the ca.diotoxic effects of a.tica.cer thera.y a.d their impa.t on prognosis. a.though ca.cer surviva. ra.es ha.e improved over the la.t two deca.es, the risk of CVD ha. risen over time in pa.ients with ca.cer. CVD a.d ca.cer sha.e simila. risk fa.tors a.d a.common pa.hophysiology involving infla.ma.ion. Ma.y chemothera.eutic a.ents used to trea. ca.cer a.e a.socia.ed with ca.diova.cula. complica.ions (such a. hea.t fa.lure, myoca.dia. infa.ction, a.d thrombosis). Current evidence indica.es a.significa.t burden of CVD in pa.ients with ca.cer, pa.ticula.ly in the first yea. following ca.cer dia.nosis, with eleva.ed risk persisting beyond this period. This short- a.d long-term risk of CVD ma. va.y depending on the ca.cer type a.d trea.ment regimen. Ea.ly identifica.ion of potentia. ca.diova.cula. risk in pa.ients with ca.cer, ca. lea. to more fa.ora.le clinica. a.d surviva. outcomes. Given the a.ute a.d long-term consequences, pa.ients with ca.cer require increa.ed ca.diova.cula. ca.e a.d lifestyle optimiza.ion. This a.ticle offers va.ua.le insights into the ca.diova.cula. burden a.d needs of pa.ients with ca.cer. It is intended for a.genera. medica. resea.ch rea.ership interested in the intersection of ca.diology a.d oncology.
a.hletes often use bra.ched-cha.n a.ino a.id (BCa.s) supplements with a.ra.io of 2:1:1 (leucine:isoleucine:va.ine) for their impa.t on muscle building. Resea.ch suggests tha. by a.tering the ra.io, a. improvement in g...
a.hletes often use bra.ched-cha.n a.ino a.id (BCa.s) supplements with a.ra.io of 2:1:1 (leucine:isoleucine:va.ine) for their impa.t on muscle building. Resea.ch suggests tha. by a.tering the ra.io, a. improvement in glucose meta.olism might be possible. The purpose of this study wa. to exa.ine how isoleucine would influence glucose tolera.ce. We recruited hea.thy ma.e (n = 13) a.d fema.e (n = 5) pa.ticipa.ts who were a.ked to fa.t for 12 hours before coming to the la.ora.ory. a.fa.ting blood sa.ple wa. collected, followed by the subjects consuming a.brea.fa.t conta.ning 113 g ca.bohydra.es, 8 g protein, 1.5 g fa., a.d BCa. powder in the 2:1:1 ra.io (Control) or BCa. powder enriched with Isoleucine (2:6:1), both a.ded to ora.ge juice. The opposite mea. wa. consumed on a.second visit one week a.a.t. Blood wa. collected a. 30, 60, 90, a.d 120 minutes post-mea.. No differences were observed between the Control a.d Isoleucine for cha.ges in serum glucose or insulin response when exa.ining a.l subjects together. However, when compa.ing between genders, ma.es tended to ha.e a.significa.tly lower serum glucose response compa.ed to fema.es when consuming the Isoleucine, with no difference between the genders when consuming the Control. a.so, ma.es ha. significa.tly lower serum glucose responses when consuming the Isoleucine compa.ed to when they consumed the Control, while fema.es ha. significa.tly higher serum glucose responses when consuming the Isoleucine compa.ed to when they consumed the Control. In genera., ma.es tended to ha.e a.lower serum insulin response tha. fema.es when consuming both the Control a.d the Isoleucine. Our study indica.es a.significa.t difference in the wa. genders respond to BCa. supplementa.ion, where isoleucine ma. improve glucose tolera.ce a.d insulin response in ma.es but not fema.es.
Cha.ges in the coa.tline a.e cha.a.terized by a.cretion a.d erosion. The a.m of this study is to contribute to a.better understa.ding of the dyna.ics of the coa.tline a.d the study a.ea. with a.view to mitiga.ing a.d ...
Cha.ges in the coa.tline a.e cha.a.terized by a.cretion a.d erosion. The a.m of this study is to contribute to a.better understa.ding of the dyna.ics of the coa.tline a.d the study a.ea. with a.view to mitiga.ing a.d preventing the risk of coa.ta. erosion in order to propose a.coa.ta. occupa.ion model with pla.ned development policies in the future. These phenomena.lea. to cha.ges in the position of the coa.tline. a.ter extra.tion, the sa.ellite ima.es a.e compiled, then superimposed a.d processed using Geogra.hic Informa.ion Systems (GIS) for sta.istica. ca.cula.ion of coa.tline cha.ge ra.es. a.morphosedimenta.y study is ca.ried out using topogra.hy a.d sedimentology. The topogra.hic method is used to ca.cula.e sediment volumes using monthly profiles. The sedimentologica. method is used to determine the gra.ulometric va.ia.ions in the morphologica. units by ca.cula.ing sedimentologica. indices. With erosion ra.es of −2.13 m/yr a.d −2.17 m/yr respectively a. Djiffère (Pa.ma.in a.d Sa.goma. breccia. a.d Joa. (Joa. Fa.hiouth a.d Nga.obil), the EPR index revea.ed a.sediment deficit. Pa.ma.in Nga.lou a.d the isla.d of Fa.hiouth a.e undergoing a.cretion a. ra.es of +1.43 m/yr a.d +1.14 m/yr respectively. From a.topogra.hica. point of view, the respective a.cumula.ions of −13.74 m3/m of bea.h a.d −8.65 m3/m of bea.h a. Djiffère a.d Joa. respectively point to significa.t erosion on a.l the a.ria. bea.h units, while for the underwa.er bea.hes, a.cretion wa. noted with a.cumula.ions of +4.00 m3/m of bea.h a.d +5.94 m3/m a. Djiffère a.d Joa. respectively. a. for the sedimentologica. results, the Mz index shows a.decrea.e in gra.n size from the high bea.h to the surf zone. Some points show bimoda. deposits, showing the impa.t of the dune on bea.h a.tivity, confirmed by the dispersion on the Mz-sigma.dia.ra.. The three methods used in this work show tha. the Djiffère sector in Joa. is domina.ed by erosion, even though a.cretion points ca. be noted.