This paper investigates a previously-ignored atmospheric circulation anomaly-di- pole structure anomaly in the arctic atmosphere, and its relationship with the winter sea ice mo- tion, based on analyses of the Interna...
This paper investigates a previously-ignored atmospheric circulation anomaly-di- pole structure anomaly in the arctic atmosphere, and its relationship with the winter sea ice mo- tion, based on analyses of the international arctic Buoy Programme Data (1979―1998) and datasets from the National center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the National center for Atmospheric research (NCAR) for the period of 1960―2.02. The dipole structure anomaly is the second-leading mode of EOF of monthly mean SLP north of 70°N during the winter season (Oct.―Mar.), which accounts for 13% of the variance. One of its two anomaly centers is over the Canadian Archipelago; the other is situated over northern Eurasia and the Siberian marginal seas. Due to the dipole structure anomaly’s strong meridionality, it becomes an important mechanism to drive both anomalous sea ice export out of the arctic Basin and cold air outbreaks into the Barents Sea, the Nordic Seas and northern Europe.
A three-dimensional numerical model of the coastal plume in an ideal basin for the western Gulf of Maine of usa, based on the observations, was configured to examine the dynamical properties under the spring riverine,...
A three-dimensional numerical model of the coastal plume in an ideal basin for the western Gulf of Maine of usa, based on the observations, was configured to examine the dynamical properties under the spring riverine, tidal, and wind forcing. The purpose of this paper is to reveal possible effects of different factors on the coastal plume. The control run with a sloping bottom mimicking the western Gulf of Maine reproduced a southward advection speed of 14 km/d, consistent with the observed speed of 13.3 km/d. The plume evolutions due to the two typical wind forcing, upwelling favourable (wind from north) and downwelling favourable (wind from south). were simulated to explain the observations during the spring of 1993. A systematic sensitivity study was also conducted on the following themes: model parameters. dynamic processes, and topography effect.
In this study we concentrate on the perturbations of pressure and density caused by thermohaline and expect to discuss the instability of the primitive equations of stratified flows for non hydrostatic internal waves...
In this study we concentrate on the perturbations of pressure and density caused by thermohaline and expect to discuss the instability of the primitive equations of stratified flows for non hydrostatic internal waves. Traditionally, under the assumption of hydrostatic pressure, the Lagrangian derivative of the vertical velocity is ignored and the vertical velocity can be computed by integrating the continuity equation. In the process of dense water formation, on the basis of a quasi non hydrostatic perturbation pressure, the time derivative of the vertical velocity and the Coriolis term in the vertical momentum equation are included. With non hydrostatic approach we obtain three typical forms of the instability with Synge′s theorem, Miles′ theorem and Howard′s semicircle theorem. With the non hydrostatic Synge′s theorem, the Coriolis acceleration appears while stratification exists. The non hydrostatic conclusions derived by Miles′ theorem and Howard′s semicircle theorem are the same as their hydrostatic counterparts.
Significant progresses have been made in recent years in precipitation data analyses at regional to global scales. This paper re-views and synthesizes recent advances in precipitation-bias corrections and applications...
Significant progresses have been made in recent years in precipitation data analyses at regional to global scales. This paper re-views and synthesizes recent advances in precipitation-bias corrections and applications in many countries and over the cold re-gions. The main objective of this review is to identify and examine gaps in regional and national precipitation-error analyses. This paper also discusses and recommends future research needs and directions. More effort and coordination are necessary in the determinations of precipitation biases on large regions across national borders. It is important to emphasize that bias cor-rections of precipitation measurements affect both water budget and energy balance calculations, particularly over the cold regions.