In order to investigate the indication of major pollen types to source plants, 39 surface pollen samples are collected from 39 plant communities. The results show that diversity of pollen assemblages presents in diffe...
In order to investigate the indication of major pollen types to source plants, 39 surface pollen samples are collected from 39 plant communities. The results show that diversity of pollen assemblages presents in different commu-nities. Chenopodiaceae pollen percentages are highest in Kalidium communities and Ceratoides communities (higher than 45%, average is 63.4%), but high Ephedra pollen per-centages (higher than 3.3%, average is 16.5%)in Ceratoides communities make it distinguished from Kalidium communi-ties. Artemisia pollen percentages (more than 50%) are much higher than Chenopodiaceae (less than 35%) in Artemisia Communities. Nitraria pollen percentages (higher than 2%, average is 13.6%) are highest in Nitraria communities com-pared with those in other community patterns. Tamariceae pollen percentages (higher than 2%, average is 8.6%) are highest both in Tetraena and Reaumuria communities com-pared with those in other community patterns. But in Reau-muria communities, Artemisia pollen percentages are higher than Chenopodiaceae with some other pollen types such as Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae; on the contrary, in Tetraena communities, Artemisia pollen percentages are less than Chenopodiaceae with few other pollen types. Calli-gonum pollen only appears in Calligonum communities (higher than 2%,average is 5%). The results of cluster analysis (CLA) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) show that the pollen indication to source plants can be reflected by association indices (A), over-representation in-dices (O), under-representation indices (U), R-value, the av-erage pollen percentages where parent plants are absent (Xa) and the average pollen percentages where parent plants are present (Xp). Zygophyllum, Calligonum, Tetraena, Tribulus and Tamariceae can indicate source plants very well, owing to high A scores. Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Gramineae have high R-values, and Nitraria, Cruciferae and sedum have high O scores, so they are over-represente
Aim: To investigate the relationship between 2D:4D and testosterone in men attending an infertility clinic and men drawn from the general population. Methods: Data on 2D:4D and testosterone from two samples were colle...
Aim: To investigate the relationship between 2D:4D and testosterone in men attending an infertility clinic and men drawn from the general population. Methods: Data on 2D:4D and testosterone from two samples were collected: (1) 43 men attending an infertility clinic, and (2) 51 men drawn from the general population without regard to fertility. Results: In sample (1) there were negative associations between 2D:4D and testicular function, and men with lower 2D:4D in their right compared to left hand had higher testosterone levels than men with higher 2D:4D in their right compared to left hand. Sample (2) showed no significant associations between 2D:4D or side differences in 2E>:4D and testosterone. Conclusion: Adult levels of testosterone may be related to aspects of 2D:4D in samples which contain men with compromised testicular function, but not in men from normative samples. Associations between 2D:4D and fertility-associated traits probably arise from early organisational effects of testosterone rather than from activational effects of current testosterone.