自改革开放至今,我国的课堂观察研究经历了从初兴到发展再到深化的三大阶段,现已确立为一个独立且稳定的研究领域。在这个过程中,我们探索出了多种课堂观察模式,构建了一套相对完备的课堂观察体系,这对推动我国教育教学的改革起到了积极作用。然而,回顾过去近四十年的发展,我们也发现了一些不足,如教师在课堂观察研究中的主体地位不够突出、研究视野相对狭窄、以及研究者的专业素养有待提升。为克服这些问题,我们应当构建多元化的研究共同体,拓宽研究视野,并结合自主学习和外部支持,全面提升研究者的专业素养,以确保课堂观察研究的持续进步与发展。Since the reform and opening up, China’s classroom observation research has experienced three stages, from the beginning to the development and then to the deepening, and has been established as an independent and stable research field. In this process, we have explored a variety of classroom observation models and constructed a relatively complete classroom observation system, which has played a positive role in promoting the reform of education and teaching in China. However, looking back on the development of the past forty years, we also found some shortcomings, such as the main position of teachers in classroom observation research is not prominent enough, the research field of vision is relatively narrow, and the professional quality of researchers needs to be improved. In order to overcome these problems, we should build a diversified research community, broaden the research horizon, and combine independent learning and external support to comprehensively improve the professional quality of researchers, so as to ensure the continuous progress and development of classroom observation research.