尽管学界中已经有不少有关抗击年龄歧视的研究应用和干预措施,但是善意年龄歧视(benevolent ageism)仍然是较为隐蔽且不易被理解和认识。本研究旨在检验消除养老相关专业本科生中善意年龄歧视的创新教学法的有效性。两个班级(分实验组和对照组)一共79名本科生参与并完成了本研究。其中实验组的学生会接受包括课前小测、系统的概念介绍、形式丰富的课堂举例、小组项目式课堂活动、作业分级从简到难、以及为学生提供细致且个性化的作业反馈的教学框架进行为期11周的教学,而对照组则采用常规教学方法。通过混合设计方差分析(Mixed-design ANOVA)的方法来检验本研究使用的创新教学方法是否对两组学生在课程开始前和结束后的善意年龄歧视的得分情况有所影响。结果表明,实验组学生在经过11周的学习后,善意年龄歧视量表得分显著下降。本研究结果表明这一创新教学方法可以一定程度上帮助减少养老相关专业学生中的善意年龄歧视,这对于树立学生正确的尊老敬老观念具有积极意义。Although there has been considerable research, applications, and interventions in combating ageism, benevolent ageism remains a more covert concept that is difficult to understand and recognize. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of an innovative pedagogy in reducing benevolent ageism among undergraduate students majoring in aging-related fields. A total of 79 undergraduate students from two classes (divided into an experimental group and a control group) participated and completed the study. Students in the experimental group underwent an 11-week teaching framework that included pre-lecture quizzes, systematic concept introductions, diverse in-class examples, group project-based activities, graded assignments with increasing difficulty, and detailed, personalized feedback on their assignments. In contrast, the control group followed a traditional teaching method. Mixed-design ANOVA was used to examine whether the innovative teaching approach had an impact on the scores of benevolent ageism for both groups before and after the course. The results showed that the students in the experimental group experienced a significant decrease in their scores on the benevolent ageism scale after 11 weeks of learning. The findings suggest that this innovative teaching approach can help reduce benevolent ageism among students majoring in aging-related fields, contributing positively to fostering correct and respectful attitudes toward older adults.