Sex chromosome and chromatin examina-tions with hormone determinations were doneon 41 cases seen at the gynecologic clinic su-spected of having sexual developmental abnor-malities.22(53.7%)had genetic, gonadal orhormo...
Sex chromosome and chromatin examina-tions with hormone determinations were doneon 41 cases seen at the gynecologic clinic su-spected of having sexual developmental abnor-malities.22(53.7%)had genetic, gonadal orhormonal abnormalities,including ovarian dys-genesis 9 cases,superfemale 1 case,XY puregonadal dysgenesis 4 cases 3 of whom had alreadydeveloped gonadal malignancy,pseudovaginalperineoscrotal hypospadias 1 case,androgen in-sensitivity syndrome 2 cases and congenitaladrenal hyperplasia 3 *** values andlimitations of sex chromosome and chromatinexaminations as well as the prevention of gonadalmalignancy are discussed.