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Active Fault Tolerant Control of Electric Power Steering Sys...

Active Fault Tolerant Control of Electric Power Steering System with Sensor Fault

作     者:Zhengang Gao Liuqing Yang Hongbo Wang Xiaoxue Li 

作者单位:Ordos Institute of Technology Anhui Communications Vocational and Technical College School of Mechanical and Automotive EngineeringHefei University of Technology 



主办单位:Dalian University of Technology;Systems Engineering Society of China (SESC);Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA)


学科分类:082304[工学-载运工具运用工程] 08[工学] 080204[工学-车辆工程] 0802[工学-机械工程] 0823[工学-交通运输工程] 

基  金:supported by Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia(2016MS0532) Science Research Project of Higher Education in Inner Mongolia(NJZY16376,NJZZ16369) Academic Subvention of Top-level Talents in Higher Education in Anhui Province(gxbjZD36) the open fund of Key Laboratory for New Technology Application of Road Conveyance of Jiangsu Province(Grant No.BM20082061504) 

关 键 词:EPS Fault Estimation Sensor Reconstruction Fault Tolerant Control 

摘      要:Considering the assist characteristics failure of electric power steering(EPS) system caused by the sensor fault,this paper presents a fault tolerant control strategy based on fault estimation and *** EPS model with torque sensor and the motor current sensor fault is *** the observer technology and the linear matrix inequality,robust sensor fault estimation with H performance index is achieved;the sensor reconstruction is derived from the fault estimation and sensor fault output,the reconstruction value is then used as the input of the EPS system controller to realize fault tolerant *** simulation result in Matlab/Simulink environment shows that:when the common fault of the torque sensor and the current senor occurs,the designed estimation algorithm could estimate sensor faults accurately;While the fault tolerant control can provide approximately equivalent assist performance of fault EPS to the normal one,which promotes the stability and security of EPS to a large extant.

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