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Stimulus-secretion-coupling in a central synapse measured by...

Stimulus-secretion-coupling in a central synapse measured by membrane capacitance and postsynaptic EPSCs in mouse brain slices

作     者:Amy YANG Claire Xi ZHANG 

作者单位:Department of PhysiologyUniversity of TorontoTorontoCanada Institute of Molecule MedicinePeking University 



学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 071006[理学-神经生物学] 

基  金:supported by 973 program the National Nature Science Foundation of China 

关 键 词:membrane capacitance brain slice action potential pattern 

摘      要:正A fundamental question is whether AP encodes affect total neurotransmitter release in CNS *** a previous study,we showed that action potential(AP) encodes(time organization of APs) can modulate total presynaptic secretion in isolated adrenal chromaffin *** Calyx of Held is a large glutamatergic synapse in mammalian auditory brainstem and participates in sound *** secretion on its presynaptic terminal can be recorded by membrane capacitance(Cm) in mouse brainstem ***,we study modulation of evoked secretion by AP encodes in calyx synapses in mouse brain *** stimulus pattern is defined by a AP code function F(N,m,f,d) with N as number of total APs,m as number of AP bursts,f as AP frequency,and d as interval time between two AP *** results are:(1) F(100,m,100 Hz,0.2 s)-induced presynaptic capacitance was facilitated by 62%at m = 4 vs 1,termed mfacilitation;(2) The total postsynaptic EPSC-integration,which is proportional to total glutamate release,was facilitated by 33%;(3) The smaller m-facilitation measured by post synaptic EPSCs *** capacitance suggests,that the average quantal size of glutamate release from single synaptic vesicle is accompanied with the m-facilitation in the CNS synapses,implying that the facilitated release from recycled and late-released vesicles has lower glutamate concentration during a intensive synaptic *** conclude that synaptic transmission is modulated by AP encodes in mouse CNS.

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