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Visualizing patterns of genetic divergence and diversity of ...

Visualizing patterns of genetic divergence and diversity of Taxuswallichiana (Taxaceae), an endangered species in Himalayas and South China: implications for its evolution and conservation

作     者:Haibin Yu Yili Zhang Linshan Liu Wei Qi Zhongjun Hu 

作者单位:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural ResourceResearch (IGSNRR) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 



学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 09[农学] 071007[理学-遗传学] 0901[农学-作物学] 090102[农学-作物遗传育种] 

关 键 词:Landscapegenetics Phylogeography GIS Conservation genetics Refugia Himalayas 

摘      要:The Chinese yew (Taxuswallichiana) that distributes widely in Himalayas and South China is now approaching to be extinct, understanding its genetic structure and the establishment of conservation strategies are extremely urgent. Based on its phylogeographic study, we further explored genetic structure of 50 populations for this endangered species in a form of visualizing explicit patterns of genetic divergence and diversity using an innovative Landscape Genetics GIS Toolbox. Some evolutionary potential hotpots were identified specifically within the genetic landscape maps. Through the maps of genetic divergence and diversity, five high inter-population genetic divergence and six high intra-population genetic diversity areas were highlighted in some separate mountain regions and most of them focus on the Sino-Himalayan forest floristic subkingdom. Meanwhile, the two largest genetic discontinuities were found in East Himalayas, Yunnan Plateau and Hengduan Mountains based on Monmonier’s maximum algorithm analysis in this region. Within the Sino-Himalayan floristic subkingdom, long-term geographic isolation, along with cycles of Quaternary glaciation resulted in high genetic landscape patterns and usually as an important role of refugia, making a priority for in situ conservation through establishing nature reserve and forbidding exploitation strictly. In addition, the expansion of planted Chinese yew area and construction of seed bank from all the populations regarding as ex situ conservation are a significant supplement for conservation of the endangered species.

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