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Provenance and tectonic settings of Permian turbidites from ...

Provenance and tectonic settings of Permian turbidites from the Beishan Mountains,NW China:Implications for the Late Paleozoic accretionary tectonics of the southern Altaids

作     者:Qianqian Guo Wenjiao Xiao Brian F.Windley Qigui Mao Chunming Han Junfeng Qu Songjian Ao Jiliang Li Dongfang Song Yong Yong 

作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Lithosphenc EvolutionInstitute of Geology and GeophysicsChinese Academy of Sciences Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric EvolutionInstitute of Geology and GeophysicsChinese Academy of Sciences Department of GeologyUniversity of Leicester Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources State Key laboratory of Lithospheric EvolutionInstitute of Geology and GeophysicsChinese Academy of Sciences 



学科分类:070904[理学-构造地质学] 0709[理学-地质学] 07[理学] 

基  金:supported by funds from the Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2007CB411307) the Innovative Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-Q04-08) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(40725009, 40973036 and 40523003) the National 305 projects (2011 BAB06B04 and 2007BAB25B04) 

关 键 词:Eeishan Mountains Permian turbidites Geochemistry Provenance Tectonic setting Southern Altaids 

摘      要:The Beishan orogenic belt,which connects the Tianshan suture on the west and Solonker suture on the east,contains key evidence for the termination time of the southern *** for evaluating different controversial tectonic models are Permian marine volcaniclastic arenites in the Liuyuan and Heishankou areas,which are dominated by greywackes and lenticular pebbly litharenites that contain grading,groove marks,and erosional bases,which provide evidence of turbidity *** from the Liuyuan section are dominated by angular basaltic,andesitic,and feldspar fragments,but sandstones from the Heishankou section mainly consist of andesitic and felsic volcanic *** relations suggest derivation from two different *** element compositions suggest that the source rocks of the Heishankou litharenites were more SiO-rich than those at *** at Heishankou are characterized by lower Ni-Co-Cr-V and slightly higher Th and La contents than those at *** indicates that the litharenites in the Liuyuan and Heishankou areas were derived from intermediatemafic and intermediate-felsic source rocks,*** setting discrimination plots suggest that the Liuyuan sandstones were deposited as detritus from an oceanic island arc,but the Heishankou sediments from an Andean continental *** petrological and geochemical data from these two types of Permian turbidites suggest that an arc-continent collision took place in the Early Permian,and this is consistent with the Permian termination of the southern Altaids.

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