Characterization of Scmvl and Scmv2 Resistance Regions against Sugarcane Mosaic Virus by regional Association Analysis in Maize
作者单位:National Maize Improvement Center of ChinaChina Agricultural University
学科分类:09[农学] 0904[农学-植物保护] 090401[农学-植物病理学] 090402[农学-农业昆虫与害虫防治]
摘 要:Sugarcane mosaic virus(SCMV)causes one of the most severe viral diseases in maize ***,the SCMV could also infect other crops,such as sugarcane,sorghum,and among *** diagnostic symptoms of infection with SCMV include chlorosis,stunting,and ultimately reduced grain and forage *** the current study,two association panels from China and the U.S.,consisting of 94 inbred