Mining Cluster-Defining Actionable Rules
学科分类:12[管理学] 1201[管理学-管理科学与工程(可授管理学、工学学位)]
基 金:The High Technology Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2002AA413310,Grant No.2003AA4Z2170,Grant No. 2003AA413021) the IBM SUR Research Fund supported this research
关 键 词:Clustering Contrast set Actionable rules Data mining
摘 要:One of the main motivations of clustering has been the hope that,by clustering the data in meaningfully distinct clusters,we can then proceed to make independent decisions for each *** paper develops two frameworks,Loose-Coupled Framework and Tight-Coupled Framework,for evaluating clustering methods in terms of their value in *** specified,we use the contrast set mining technique to mine cluster-defining actionable rules from data clusters to understand the differences between *** an experimental study we demonstrate the usefulness of our techniques against other popular *** technique has potential applications in CRM such as designing different marketing campaigns for various customer segmentations.