Use of biofertilizer in the formation of joined pastures with Brachiaria decumbens and Stylosanthes sp~1
作者单位:Animal Science DepartmentFederal University of Vi osaVi osaMG36570-000.
会议名称:《ⅩⅪ International Grassland Congress and the Ⅷ International Rangeland Congress》
基 金:Partially funded by FUN DECT
关 键 词:joined pastures heifers organic fertilization
摘 要:正Introduction The competitive advantage of beef cattle on pasture is mainly the low cost and low risks of diseases associated with animal *** initializing the growing phase,calves are affected by the weaning *** it was associated with forage production seasonality,the growth will be affected and the production cycle *** system becomes then less efficient and the production cost *** produced in the farm represents an opportunity to improve animal performance,without large increase in the production ***,biofertilizer uses also has environmental advantages,as it reduces chemical fertilizer consumption,as well as the release of residues into the *** objective of this study was to evaluate the productive capacity of the pastures that receive or not receive biofertilizer in their formation.