Gas-phase chemistry of metal carbonyl compl exes formed in hot-atom reactions with short-lived isotopes of a 252Cf fission source
作者单位:Institute of Modem PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Radiochemistry and Nuclear EnvironmentSchool of Nuclear Science and TechnologyLanzhou University Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Paul Scherrer InstitutCH-5232 VilligenSwitzerland
学科分类:07[理学] 070203[理学-原子与分子物理] 0702[理学-物理学]
摘 要:Metal carbonyl complexes were used for studying the gas-phase chemical behavior of Mo and Ru isotopes with an on-line low temperature isothermal gas chromatography *** complexes were synthesized using hot atom gas chemical reactions with carbon monoxide and a Cf fission ***-line isothermal chromatography(IC)experiments,on Teflon and quartz surfaces showed