Pseudoceramines A-D,new antibacterial bromotyrosine alkaloids from the marine sponge Pseudoceratina sp
作者单位:School of Pharmaceutical SciencesSun Yat-Sen University Eskitis InstituteGriffith UniversityBrisbaneQLD 4111Australia Laboratories for Chemical Biology UmeaUmea Centre for Microbial ResearchLaboratories for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden and Department of ChemistryUmea UniversitySE-90187 UmeaSweden
学科分类:1008[医学-中药学(可授医学、理学学位)] 1006[医学-中西医结合] 100602[医学-中西医结合临床] 10[医学]
关 键 词:sponge Pseudoceratina sp. bromotyrosine alkaloids antibiotics
摘 要:Bioassay guided fractionation of the CHCI/MeOH extract of Australian marine sponge Pseudoceratina *** in the purification of four new bromotyrosine alkaloids, pseudoceramines A-D(1-4),along with a known natural product,spermatinamine(5).The structures of 1-5 were determined by spectroscopic *** A(1) and B(2)